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This method not only returns the SetText line the NPC has at the current moment, it also configures some fields that this line needs.

Normal process

The way it works is NPCControl has a general purpose Vector3 field called dialogues which contains for each element data about a SetText line assigned to the entity. The order of the elements is important: the method will search for the first suitable one to set as current in reverse order (from last to first).

Here is how the components of an element are defined (NOTE: despite all components being float, each gets cast to int for this which truncates the fractional part):

  • x: A required flag slot to be true in order for the line to be set as the current one. If it's <= -1, it means no flag is required and the line will be set as the current one when encountered. If the condition is violated, the method will ignore this element and check the next one.
  • y: The dialogue line id related to this element. Because it uses the same scheme SetText commands uses, it supports both map specific line id or common dialogue line id.
  • z: The basestate and animstate to set the entity when this line is set as the current one. The basestate is the default animstate the entity has instead of the default which is Idle or 0. This allows to force the entity into a different animation when the line is selected as current.

When the method finds the first element whose x's condition is satisfied in reverse order, it sets currentdialogueindex to the element's index, the entity's basestate to the z component and it returns the actual SetText line corresponding to the y component.

Override dialogue feature

There is however an exception to this: it's possible to override this logic by setting overridediag to a non negative value which will be used as the dialogue line id instead. This feature is never used under normal gameplay and this field's default value remains -1. It should be noted that this feature specifically supports the incomplete global commands system and it supports SavePoint interactions unlike the normal process.

Error handling and exceptional cases

If the interacttype is Shop or SavePoint or none of the elements in dialogues field is suitable to set as current, no fields are touched and the return value is hardcoded to |color,1|Invalid message.. This should never happen under normal gameplay because this is supposed to be a debug message that isn't supposed to be seen if every entities are correctly configured. This is only for diagnosis purposes.