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This is a method that takes in an ActionBehaviors (as ref which allows to override it) and the corresponding frequency which despite its name serve as a general float argument. It is only called as part of the Update event and it is responsible for setting up and executing the applicable behavior.

Before behavior execution

Some disguise behavior specific logic occurs here. See Disguise section for more information.

Behavior execution

From there, the appropriate ActionBehavior occurs, check the logic of them to learn more.

After behavior execution

After the behavior logic, entity.ccol center is set to (0.0, entity.ccol height / 2.0, 0.0).

If the entity has a defined animid, it isn't an item entity and it's not a fixedentity, the entity.rigid rotation gets frozen and on top of this, if it had zero velocity, all movement except the y ones are frozen too.