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This is an enum that dictates the main capabilities of an NPCControl using the entitytype field of that type. Each value offers wildly different behaviors with one being reserved specifically for the shop system. It is the most impactful field on the lifecycle of an NPCControl.

Enum table

The following tables includes different columns to better illustrate the main properties differences between the different enum value:

  • Tag: The gameObject tag assigned on Start
  • Behaviors?: Whether or not ActionBehaviors are enabled
  • Dialogues?: Whether or not GetDialogue gets called which initialises a standard system to have the NPCControl call SetText conditionally with the lines coming from the dialogues field.
  • Interactions?: Whether or not Interactions are supported which allows the player (or the game via a methoid call) to interact with the NPCControl in various ways.
  • Emotes?: Whether or not CheckEmoteFlag gets called during LateUpdate every 3 frames when canpause is true and the first NPCControl in the player.npc list isn't this one (or the list is empty). This method initialises a standard emoticon system (this doesn't include manual changes the game does in specific situations)
  • ccol: The state of entity.ccol which is the EntityControl standard non trigger CapsuleCollider.
  • scol: The state of the scol which is a trigger SphereCollider NPCControl manages.
  • pusher: The state of the pusher which is a trigger CapsuleCollider with a height twice the ccol and a raidus of twice as narrow. This is specifically present to have the player be pushed away if they collide with it. Its enablement is updated in LateUpdate while dummy is false and entity.incamera is true which keeps it enabled as long as we aren't inevent, message is released and we aren't in a minipause, it is disabled otherwise. LateUpdate also ensures its center is set to (0.0, colliderheight + the entity height, 0.0).
  • rigid mass: The mass of the entity.rigid.
  • Far fading?: This is some logic in LateUpdate when dummy is false and entity.incamera is true where it will slightly fade out NPCControl too far away from the camera and fade them back in when getting close enough again. The logic adjusts the alpha of the sprite so that it is a lerp from the existing one to either 1.0 (opaque) or 0.3 (30% visible) with a factor of a 1/10 of the game's frametime. This fades in the entity or fades it out and what determines this is the entity compos.z: if it's 2.5 or above, we are fading in and fading out otherwise ( TODO: unsure if it works because EntityControl also seems to manage this). The specific logic happens if all of the following are true:
    • startlife is above 20.0
    • The entity animid isn't None
    • There is no model
    • The sprite is present
    • It's not a hologram
    • The current insideid matches this entity
Value Name Tag Behaviors? Dialogues? Interaction? Emotes? entity.ccol scol pusher entity.rigid.mass1 Far fading?
0 NPC NPC Yes5 Yes Yes Yes Enabled Disabled Yes5 10000.0 Yes
1 Enemy Enemy Yes No No No Enabled2 Disabled2 No 100.0 Yes
2 Object Object No No No No disabled4 Enabled3 No 10000.0 No
3 SemiNPC NPC Yes5 No Yes No Enabled6 Enabled3 No 10000.0 Yes

1: The mass is 1.0 if it's an item entity regardless of the type.

2: The secondcoll replaces it with the same attributes than the ccol and the player ccol and detect (its wall detector) ignores any enemy ccol meaning the player can only collide with the secondcoll, but other RigidBody can collide with both. Additionally, the player detect ignores the secondcoll.

3: The scol is disabled if it's an item entity (which is always the case in practice for a SemiNPC). Also, it is left to null (not even added as a component) if it's The player Beemerang.

4: Exceptions applies where the ccol remains enabled depending on objecttype:

5: These features are excluded for any of the following cases (Behaviors are always enabled, but SetInitialBehavior is not called under these cases):

  • This is an item entity. This is always the case in practice for a SemiNPC meaning behaviors don't actually do anything useful on them
  • entity.animid is negative
  • interacttype is Shop or CaravanBadge

6: While the general initialisation process don't leave them disabled, the only cases where SemiNPC are used comes with a disabling of the entity.ccol making it disabled in practice.

While a lot of the logic of an NPCControl is shared regardless of its entitytype, the vast majority is dictated to a specific one that the others only partially have or do not have at all.

For more informations on each NPCType, check each of their documentations: