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The logic depends on the NPCType, ObjectTypes, ActionBehaviors and Interaction. Consult each's documentation to learn more.

There are mainly 3 sections to this LateUpdate:

  • A handler to a NaN position
  • Cleaning the destroyOnBattle list
  • The main logic when it's not a dummy

NaN position handling

This section applies if any of the component of the position is a NaN and the entity.startpos is not null.

If we got here, it means that the entity somehow got so far out of bounds that the components no longer reports valid floating point numbers. This is handled by setting the position to the entity.startpos and setting the entity.onground to false.

Some specific logic happens if we are trapped related to the CoiledObject object type.

Cleaning the destroyOnBattle list

The only thing that happens in this section is if destroyOnBattle has more than 10 elements, all the null ones are removed. This can happen when a ToeBiter's ShootProjectile causes a lot of projectiles to be added to the list, but got destroyed after landing which made their reference null. Since it's not useful to keep null references as they were already destroyed, this section removes them when the list grows to have more than 10 elements.

Non Dummy logic

This section starts with the NPC NPCType exclusive logic involving the insideid and whether or not the entity.rigid should be locked or unlocked. Consult the corresponding NPCType section to learn more.

After this whole logic, the rest of this section only happens if the entity is incamera. From there, there are several logic that occurs conditionally:

  • The pusher enablement and center are updated when applicable, see the NPCType enum table to learn more.
  • If startlife is less than 300.0, it is incremented by framestep.
  • Some WanderOffscreen exclusive logic occurs here when applicable
  • If dirtcd hasn't expired yet, it is decreased by framestep
  • Unles it's an Object, the far fading logic occurs. Check the NPCType enum table to learn more.
  • If interactcd hasn't expired yet, it is decreased by framestep
  • Some StorageAnt exclusive logic occurs here when applicable
  • Some CoiledObject exclusive logic occurs here when applicable
  • Some Enemy exclusive logic occurs here when applicable
  • Some disguiseobj related ActionBehaviors occurs here when applicable
  • Every 3 frames, some logic is performed, see the section below
  • If the behaviorcooldown hasn't expired yet, it is decreased by the game's frametime
  • The tattleid is set to a value if there's a specific Interaction.
  • Some Shop and CaravanBadge exclusive logic occurs here when applicable
  • Some Geizer exclusive logic occurs here when applicable
  • If the entity iskill is false:
    • If the y position is less than the map.ylimit, then the position is set to the entity.startpos. On top of this, DeathSmoke particles are played at the entity.sprite position if the entity is incamera, it isn't dead and the animid isn't negative (it isn't None). An exception to this logic is if it's a Dropplet object
    • Some WanderOnWater and ChaseOnWater exclusive logic occurs here when applicable

Every 3 frames

RefreshPlayer (see the section below for details) is called if the entity is incamera or the map.limitbehavior is false and all of the following are true:

  • We aren't inevent
  • We aren't in a minipause
  • The insideid matches the current one
  • The entity isn't dead, iskill and deathcoroutine isn't in progress

This also manages the player npc list if this isn't the player beemerang. This NPCControl is added to the list if inrange is true and it wasn't in it and it is removed from the list if inrange is false and it was in it.

If this is an NPC, the emotes system updates occurs here, check the NPCType enum table to learn more.

The entity.ccol height is set to colliderheight and its center is set to (0.0, half of colliderheight, 0.0) if this isn't the player's beemerang and the entity.ccol height isn't exactly the colliderheight.

If the entity iskill and the y position is above -999.0:

  • The entity.rigid has its gravity disabled
  • The entity.ccol is disabled
  • The boxcol is disabled if it is present
  • The position is set to (0.0, -1000.0, 0.0) which is offscreen


This is a private method only used in LateUpdate.

Its job is to update the inrange value and it receives it in parameter. The new value is true if the distance between the player and this is less than the radius and the insideid matches the current one, false otherwise. The new value is computed, but not yet changed because if it's an Enemy, there's some override cases where the change will be denied. Enemies also have specific logic exclusive to them in this method, consult the corresponding NPCType section to learn more.

If the value change is allowed, it is performed followed by some StealthAI exclusive logic when applicable.


No matter which sections applied, the collisionamount is set to 0 and ignoreconstraint to false.