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Periodically performs MoveTowards calls on the entity using a fixed configurable interval between moves and the path being made of position nodes defined in vectordata.

Frequency meaning

The time in frames to wait between movement to the next node.

Additional data

  • vectordata: The list of position nodes forming the path the AI will attempt to follow.


The entity.alwaysactive is set to true.


If returntoheight is true entity.height is set to a lerp from the existing one to entity.initialheight with a factor of 0.1.

What happens next depends if all of the following are true:

  • The entity isn't in a forcemove
  • The entity hitwall is false
  • vectordata exists and isn't empty

If all of them are true, then the entity will decide on the next destination to move to. Otherwise, it means the either is in a forcemove, its detect detects a wall or no nodes are defined in general.

entity.forcemove / entity.hitwall / no nodes

  • If the entity.detect is present, DetectDirection is called using the forcetarget as the direction.
  • If the entity.hitwall is true, StopForceMove is called.

Moving to next destination

If the actioncooldown hasn't expired yet, it is decremented by framestep and this cycle ends.

If it has expired, then MoveTowards is called on the entity. currentmode is used to determine the next node index to use as the position from vectordata. It gets incremented on this cycle when the distance squared between this position and the current node is less than 0.375 (meaning it's essentially at the current one which means it has reached it) and it gets reset to 0 when it reaches the length of vectordata so it loops around. The actual call is done with default speed multiplier, a Walk walkstate and an Idle stopstate.

Finally, actioncooldown is set to the frequency and the cycle continues.

Update (Inactive, every 3 frames)

Normally, when the entity is in a forcemove, StopForceMove is called on it, but this behavior is an exception to this where it will not be called here.


This behavior forbids an Enemy with it to drop an item because the behavior uses vectordata for its own purposes which interferes with the enemy item drop system.


If the behavior is present on the NPCControl, the actioncooldown is set to 0.0 and the currentnode to 0