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Approach the player as close as possible within the radiuslimit or until there is no more ground to move in the direction of the player.

Frequency meaning

None, overriden to 2.0 if it's not between 0.0 and 10.0 inclusive.


  • radiuslimit: The max radius in which the entity is allowed to move in.


  • If returntoheight is true, entity.height is set to a lerp from the existing one to entity.initialheight with a factor of 0.1
  • entity.sprite is enabled
  • entity.forcemove is set to false
  • FaceTowards is called on the entity with the player position as the facing point
  • entity.emoticonid is set to 2 (!) and entity.emoticoncooldown is set to 2.0
  • If HasGroundAhead returns true on the entity, Move is called on the entity to move it to the player position with the speedmultiplier speed and the Chase animstate. Otherwise, StopForceMove is called
  • entity.oldstate and entity.oldfly is set to -1 (this forces a sprite update)
  • The animstate is set to Chase
  • The position is limited to a radius of radiuslimit where the center is startpos ignoring the y component

Update (Common end logic)

If this is the current behavior (according to inrange) and we are in minipause or inevent, then StopForceMove is called on the entity.