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Charges at the player with attacking set to true during the movement towards the player (this will allow an Enemy to initiate a battle with the advantage if it collides with the player and all conditions are met to start a battle with the advantage).

Frequency meaning



If returntoheight is true, the entity.height is set to a lerp from the existing one to entity.initialheight with a factor of 0.1.

Finally, a ChargeAtPlayer coroutine is started and set to behaviorroutine.


This is a private coroutine specific to this behavior. It receives the behavior type and a cooldown time (the actioncooldown) in frames that would have been used to smoothly return the entity.height to entity.initialheight, but in practice, it's always 0.0 which disables this feature. The coroutine call is assigned to behaviorroutine which allows the NPCControl to stop it if needed.

  • entity.rigid is unlocked with LockRigid(false)
  • The Find sound is played on the entity
  • StopForceMove is called on the entity
  • entity.animstate is set to Chase unless entity.height is higher than 0.1 where the value is set to AirTackle
  • If the entity is onground, Jump is called on it
  • entity.emoticonid is set to 2 (the red !)
  • entity.emoticoncolldown is set to 300.0
  • 0.25 seconds are yielded
  • entity.overrideonlyflip is set to false
  • attacking is set to true
  • MoveTowards is called on the entity with its speedmultiplier, new animstate set earlier for the walkstate, Idle for the stopstate ignoring the y component. The position is the player's + the direction from the player to this NPCControl normalised * 1.5. That position is however limited to a radius whose center is the entity. startpos and the radius being radiuslimit. Essentially, this moves the NPCControl to slightly undeshoot the player when going towards it
  • entity.detect is ensured to be created
  • DetectDirection is called on the entity using the player position
  • As long as the entity.forcemove is ongoing and the entity.hitwall is false:
    • entity.emoticonid is set to 2 (the red !)
    • entity.emoticoncolldown is set to 5.0
    • If entity.initialheight is above 0.1, entity.height is set to a lerp from entity.initialheight to 0.25 with a factor of (the x/z square distance between this NPCControl and entity.forcetarget) / (the x/z square distance between entity.startpos and entity.forcetarget). NOTE: the math is likely incorrect, but the main point here is the NPCControl lowers faster as the player is further away from it and slows down as it gets closer
    • A frame is yieled
  • A frame is yieled
  • entity.sprite angles are set to the return of a FlipAngle call on the entity
  • attacking is set to false
  • entity.overrideonlyflip is set to false
  • StopForceMove is called on the entity with the Idle targetstate
  • If the entity is onground, Jump is called on it
  • 0.2 seconds are yieled
  • All frames are yieled until entity.onground goes to true
  • A frame is yielded
  • Some dead code is present here where the entity.height would be lerped towards entity.initialheight, but this is never applicable in practice because the passed cooldown is actioncooldown which is always 0.0 here
  • A frame is yielded
  • entity.height is set to entity.initialheight
  • StopForceBehavior is called