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The same than ChasePlayer, but also attacks the player (with attacking set to true during the attack) where the actions depends on the AnimID when getting closer than a configurable threshold. Only a few animIds have an attack logic defined for this behavior.

Frequency meaning

The minimum distance to the player at which no attacks will occur. If the distance falls below this number, a ChargeAndAttack coroutine will be started. NOTE: if it is above 10.0 or negative, the value is overriden to 2.0.


The logic starts with the same than ChasePlayer.

After, if the distance between the NPCControl and the player is less than the frequency (after overriding it as described above), behaviorroutine is set to a ChargeAndAttack coroutine that is started.


This is a private coroutine specific to this behavior. The call is assigned to behaviorroutine which allows the NPCControl to stop it if needed.

  • StopForceMove is called on the entity
  • entity.overrideanim is set to true
  • From there, the charge and attack is done depending on entity.animid. See the section below for more details (it is possible we exit the coroutine early due to a battle being started).
  • If we are in a pause, minipause, inevent or we are in a battle and the battle is inevent, all frames are yielded until that is no longer the case
  • If we aren't inrange, Emoticon is called on the entity with id 1 (? mark) for 60 frames
  • entity.overrideanim is set to false
  • attacking is set to false
  • StopForceBehavior is called

Charge and attack logic

These are the different attacks an NPCControl can do with this behavior, but only 4 animid are supported.


  • The entity.animstate is set to 100 (preparing to attack with his club)
  • The Toss3 sound is played on the entity with normal volume and 1.1 pitch
  • 0.2 seconds are yielded
  • All frames are yielded as long as we are in a pause, minipause, inevent or we are in a battle that is inevent
  • entity.animstate is set to 102 (lowering his club suddenly)
  • attacking is set to true
  • The Toss7 sound is played on the entity
  • 0.1 seconds are yielded
  • All frames are yielded as long as we are in a pause, minipause, inevent or we are in a battle that is inevent
  • If the distance between the NPCControl and the player is less than 2.0:
    • NPCControl.StartBattle is called
    • entity.overrideanim is set to false
    • StopForceBehavior is called
    • The coroutine ends early with a yield break
  • Otherwise, 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • entity.animstate is set to 0 (Idle)


The same than LeafbugClubber, but with the difference that instead of the Toss3 and Toss7 sounds being used, they are Chew and Bite respectively at normal volume and pitch. The 100 animstate for this animid is opening his mouth and the 102 one is closing it.


  • entity.digging is set to false
  • entity.digtime is set to 0.0
  • entity.overridejump is set to false
  • entity.animstate is set to 100 (opening his jaw)
  • A frame is yielded
  • entity.sprite scale is set to entity.startscale
  • If entity.digpart[1] exists (the digging particles), they are moved offscreen at (0.0, -9999.0, 0.0)
  • entity.overrideflip is set to true
  • If dirtcd expired, DirtExplodeLight are played at the NPCControl position for 1 seconds with 0.75 uniform scaling
  • dirtcd is set to 30.0
  • FlipSpriteAngleAt is called on the entity with the player at the position and (0.0, 90.0, 0.0) as the offset
  • From there, there is a loop that goes on for up to 40.0 frames, but counted by a local variable which only gets incremented towards the end of the loop by the game's frametime (meaning there may be more frames yielded during the loop, but it will stop after 40.0 frames are counted using the local variable):
    • The position is set to be on a quadratic Bezier curve with the following:
      • The start is the NPCControl position before this attack started
      • The end is where the player is, but undershot by 1.5 from the direction of the NPCControl. This point is limited to be in a radius where the center is entity.startpos and the radius being radiuslimit
      • The y of the midpoint is 4.0
      • The t factor is the ratio of the current amount of frames ellpsed since the start of the loop over 40.0. This essentially means the curve will last for a total of 40.0 counted frames and each position is interpolated over the course of those 40.0 frames
    • attacking is set to true
    • If the distance between the player and this NPCControl is less than 1.5 and we aren't in a minipause:
      • NPCControl.StartBattle is called
      • entity.overrideanim is set to false
      • StopForceBehavior is called
      • entity.overrideflip is set to false
      • This coroutines ends early with a yield break
    • DetectDirection is called with the NPCControl position - the normalised direction from the player to this NPCControl
    • If entity.hitwall the loop is exited early (but the coroutine still continues). Essentially, it prevents movement when the entity.detect goes off
    • Otherwise, a frame is yielded
    • This is where the local variable controling this loop is incremented by the game's frametime. Only this increment counts (no other yields counts)
    • All frames are yielded as long as we are in a pause, minipause, inevent or we are in a battle that is inevent
  • When the loop is done, if dirtcd expired, DirtExplodeLight are played at the NPCControl position for 1 seconds with 0.75 uniform scaling
  • dirtcd is set to 30.0
  • entity.overrideflip is set to false
  • If we are inrange, entity.digging is set to true and entity.digtime is set to 100.0


The same than Sandworm, but just before attacking is set to true in the movement loop, entity.sprite z angle is set to a lerp between 0.0 and 180.0 where the factor is the ratio of the amount of frames the loop counter over 40.0. This makes it rotate with a roll along the movement. Animstate 100 is instead its head pointing upward.