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This update method is called on LateUpdate. It handles the management of statusicons, statuscooldown and statusid for cycling the status icons display. This method is only applicable when statusicons is present and not empty.

This method may do one of 3 possible things (checked in order):

  • If we are currently in a battle and we are selecting Chompy's action or it's currently the enemy's phase or we are in a battle event, then all the statusicons are disabled if any weren't with the statuscooldown reset to 0.0
  • If statuscooldown hasn't expired yet, it is decreased by framestep and nothing happens after
  • On the other hand, if it has expired, then statusid is incremented (with wrap around to 0 if needed). From there, all statusicons are disabled except for the one with the index statusid which basically cycles the icon shown each time the statuscooldown expires. After, statuscooldown is set to 60.0

Basically, this method will cycle every statusicon each second unless specific battle conditions mandates to not show any of them.