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This is an update method called by LateUpdate, but it is able to be called externally via the Emoticon method. This updates the emoticon object.

Every 10 frames (which means every 5 update cycle as LateUpdate only calls this method every 2 frames), the angles, position and emoticonsprite's enabled are updated. The angles are set at 0.0 except for the y being the camera's y angle, the position is set to emoticonoffset + Vector3.up * height + extraoffset and the sprite's enabled is set to incamera.

Then, the method ensures the emoticon has a runtimeAnimatorController and if it doesn't, it's loaded from AnimationControllers/_Misc/Emoticon/emoticon from the root of the asset tree.

Finally, the emoticoncooldown expiration logic ensures. If the cooldown hasn't expired yet, it is decreased by framestep and the emoticonid is played immediately on the emoticon.

It should be noted that if the cooldown has expired, there is an unused feature where if it was set to higher than -100.0 (which is not possible normally without externally doing so), the -1 (blank) animation will play on the emoticon while setting emoticoncooldown to -101.0 to prevent from reaching this code path again.

Also, as a performance optimisation, whenever Play is called on the emoticon, the strings used are cached in private static readonly fields. This avoids memory allocations because the game can choose the correct string to send depending on emoticonid without creating a new string everytime. The fields are:

  • emoticonIDs: A 7 string array containing the strings 0 through 6
  • disableEmoticon: A string containing -1