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This is an update method called by LateUpdate when applicable. All update cycles are skipped if overridefly or overrideanim is true.

The method first sees if the animstate should be updated to Jump or Fall depending on the vertical velocity. Determining this involve verifying that the entity is in the air with overridejump being false. More specifically:

  • offgroundframes is higher than 3.0
  • If isplayer, it isn't dashing
  • Not onground
  • height is 0.0

After, the method prechecks if we proceed to check if the entity has landed which simply checks if it's onground. If it is, then there are 2 possible ways to update the animstate: from the basestate or the npcdata's dialogues at currentdialogueindex's z.

The dialogues one is done when it applies while not in an event, the current animstate is Idle and changedstate was not enabled externally. The only way to enable it is through SetText's anim command.

The bassestate one applies when either the above applies, but there is no currentdialoguesindex or that the animstate was at Fall.