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EntityControl defines a Start Unity event which performs several important steps. This will be run at the start of the next frame after the creation occurred, but also after being enabled if the entity started disabled:

  • Ensure transofrm and spritetransform are set correctly
  • Ensure icecubeprefab is set to the Prefabs/Objects/icecube object from the root of the asset tree and set the object's layer to 13 (NoDigGround)
  • Add a RigidBody component assigned to rigid with the constraints set to freeze rotations
  • Add an Animator component assigned to anim
  • Initialise digpart to an array of 2 new game objects
  • Assign the rotater created earlier by getting the first child of the root
  • Apply the Holo, TIME and COT Modifiers logic as well as ShwKEY and ICE if this entity has an npcdata's NPCControl
  • Calls UpdateSpriteMat which sets the sprite's material to the game's sprite material or the hologram one depending on the value of hologram
  • Set the sprite's object's layer to 14 (Sprite)
  • Set the sprite to receive shadows
  • Ensure there's a CapsuleCollider assigned to ccol and set it's material to the game's default physics material
  • Set initialcenter to the ccol's center and initialcolliderdata to (ccol's height, ccol's radius)
  • If the current map is MetalLake, set overridemovesmoke to true. If the map's icemap is true, then inice is set to true
  • Ensure startpos is set to the transform's position
  • Set spawnpoint to the transform's position
  • Unless noemoticon is set to true, setup the emoticon object which is a new object with an Animator named Emoticon childed to the rotater, a local position of emoticonoffset, and a layer of 15 (3DUI). Also set emoticonsprite to a new SpriteRenderer added to emoticon and set its material to Unity's default sprite material
  • Ensure an AudioSource is added and assigned to sound without playOnAwake
  • If startvelocity is set, set the rigid's velocity to it
  • Call CheckSpecialID which loads the EntityValues data
  • Set the entity's bleep. For more information on the bleep system, check bleep. The bleep id and pitch are expected to be set beforehand in dialoguebleepid and bleeppitch respectively.
  • If hasshadow is true, ensure a an object named shadow with a SpriteRenderer is created and assigned to the field of the same name and childed to the entity's transform at (0.0, -999.0, 0.0). The transform of the new object is assigned to shadowtransform. The sprite of the shadow is set to the game's shadow sprite with a color of pure white with 40% transparency. The angles of the object are set to (90.0, 0.0, 0.0) and the material's renderQueue is set to 2900
  • If the entity is an item entity, assign itemstate to the animstate
  • Apply the following Modifiers: Fixed, FxdCol, ALW, ALF, PAU, HIDE, ROT, ShwEm, COG, NGS when applicable
  • If the entity has an npcdata, also apply the Modifiers ITHD and ITAH when applicable
  • If we are in a battle and this is the player's entity, ensure bubbleshield is created. This will instantiate the Prefabs/Objects/BubbleShield prefab from the root of the asset tree and add a DialogueAnim component to it which grants it the ability to hide using grow/shrink animations. The object is childed to the rotater and it starts shrunk with the shrink speed set to 0.075 and the targetscale when revealed to (1.0, 3.15, 1.0). The object is initially set to have a scale of 0 and a local position of (0.0, 1.25, 0.0). The Renderer of the new object has its color set to full white with 55% transparency and a renderQueue of 2505
  • lastpos is set to the startpos assigned earlier
  • initialheight is set to height
  • Unless overrideminheight is true, the height is set to minheight if the height was smaller than the minimum
  • Set the sprite's tranform's angles accordingly to whether or not flip is set. If it is, it's rotated 180 degrees on the y axis and if it's not, 0 degrees
  • Set playerentity to true only if the tag of the entity is Player or PFollower.