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Special animid startup

This is the part of CheckSpecialID that deals with specific AnimIDs:

  • GoldenSeedling: setups the Prefabs/Particles/GoldStars
  • RizGrandpa: creates a line to render as a fishing rod's line
  • SeedlingKing: Adjusts the height and initialheight in battle and setups 4 subentity which will be seedling rendered under him
  • Midge: Setups 2 wings in the extra array with their sprite set to Sprites/Entities/Midge
  • Cape: setups the Prefabs/Particles/Snowflakes if it's an ice variant or Prefabs/Particles/Flame if it's a fire one to the only extra. The fire variant is in effect only if forefire is true OR that the current map is in Giant's Lair except for GiantLairFridgeInside. Finally, the fire variant has its animid overriden to FireCape
  • Watcher: setup the extra to be 2 elements and setup the first one to be Prefabs/Objects/WatcherBook. The materials of the pages of the models is adjusted to the holosprite one if hologram is true. Finally, nodigpart is overridden to true
  • Krawler: Very similar to Cape, except the animid to override on the fire variant is FireKrawler and if it's the ice variant AND it is not inice, then the particle are stopped with playOnAwake turned off
  • CursedSkull: Same than Krawler except the animid overridden on the fire variant is FireWarden
  • Ahoneynation: The rotater gets a SpriteBounce setup with 0.03 as the frequency and 9.0 as the speed
  • WaspTwinA: basestate is set to Sad if they are following an entity
  • None: the rigid's gravity is disabled on top of its constraint being set to freeze all. Additionally, the ccol is disabled
  • CoilyVine: the same thing than None on top of overriding the check to load a prefab model for later
  • BeeBoss: the Prefabs/Particles/BeeBossBottomSmoke from the root of the asset tree is setup as a child to shadowtransform. shadowtransform's local position is then set to 0
  • BeeBot: ensures that the enemydata[battleid].data has one element which contains a random number being either 0 or 1. From there UpdateAnimSpecific is called
  • CrystalBerry: Prefabs/Objects/CrystalBerry from the root of the asset tree is added as model via AddModel with the offset coming from endata's modeloffset. The animid is overriden to 3 with a spin set on the y axis and item set to true
  • Seedling: the speed is set to 2.5 if it was 0.0 or below on top of the npcdata's speedmultiplier being set to 1.0 if it is present
  • AngryPlant: Prefabs/Objects/LeafSkirt from the root of the asset tree is setup as the only extras. This includes setting all child's shadowCastingMode to off and to set the correct materials if hologram and cotunknown (the later being changing the color to pure black with 50% transparency)
  • Turret: Prefabs/Objects/turretbase from the root of the asset tree is setup as the only extras. cotunknown changes its material color to pure black with 50% transparency
  • WaspDriller: if npcdata.vectordata[0].y is -2.0, setup an item sprite as the only extra where the Items id is npcdata.vectordata[0].x and its flipX is true
  • Zombeetle: Same as WaspDriller, but also setup the extras's angles and localscale on top