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LateStart is a method that is only called on the first LateUpdate cycle of the entity. This is tracked using the setup field which is only set to true at the end of this method.

  • Check the tag of the entity
    • For Follower, PFollower, Player, NPC and Enemy, movesmoke is initialised unless it is an item. Either way, the anim's cullingMode is set to CullCompletely which disabled animations when not visible
    • For Follower and PFollower, CreateDetector is called with a size of (0.0, 0.7, 0.3) and a center of (0.0, 0.5, 0.65). Collisions between detect and the following entity are ignored before setting isfollower to true.
    • For Player, isplayer is set to true and CreateShield called if it is the battle entity version of the player which initializes bubbleshield if it hasn't been already
  • If it's an item entity, set overrideanim and overrridejump as well as oldstate to -1 (None) and call CreateFeet which will initialise feet and set this entity as its parent
  • Set originalmap to the current map
  • If there is an npcdata
    • Set npcdata's currentdialogueindex to NPCControl.GetDialogueIndex which is a very cut down version of GetDialogue that only supports npcdata.overridediag and will only return the first applicable dialogue line id or -1 if none applied
    • If the map entity is a PushRock with internalcollider present, ensure feet is initialised and call CreateFeet if not while also ignoring all collisions between feet and each internalcollider
  • If by this point, feet hasn't been initialised and the entity is a Follower, PFollower, isplayer, NPC, Enemy or an npcdata of type PushRock or Item, CreateFeet is called
  • Set the transform's position to startpos if it was assigned before or set startpos to the transform's position if it wasn't
  • Set startbf, startbs and truescale to bobrange, bobspeed and startscale respectively
  • Call UpdateMoveSmoke
  • Set oldstate to -1 (None)
  • Set setup to true which will prevent the game from calling this method again for this entity