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Entities can get frozen which involves the entity being put in the icecube and unfrozen which involves breaking the cube and restoring the entity's functions. This is done by 2 methods called Freeze and BreakIce respectively.


First, freezeoffset is set to initialoffset, but the x component is multiplied by -1 if flip is true. Unless it is a battle entity, the Freeze sound will play unless it was already playing.

From there, this is where the icecube is prepared to be frozen. The icecube is instantiated from icecubeprefab childed to the root transform with a local scale of zero. The scale is left handled by LateUpdate which will grow it to freezesize.

For the entity, its onground is forced to true, StopForceMove is called with spin, extraoffset and the anim's speed all zeroed out with the animstate set to Hurt. Since the ice cube has a collider, collisions with the ccol are ignored to avoid problems. If it's not a battle entity and there is an npcdata, STOP is called on it. Finally, the SpriteBounce is disabled from the rotater if one was present.

Before returning, UpdateAnimSpecific is called since some AnimIDs have special handling when the entity is frozen.


This undo everything that happened on Freeze with some more logic related to it.

First, the destruction of icecube if it was still present. This occurs by first playing the Prefabs/Particles/IceShatter particles from the root of the resources tree at the icecube's position along with the IceBreak sound with 0.65 of pitch. The cube is now destroyed with the entity's animstate set to basestate, the anim's speed to 1.0 and onground being set back to false with a Jump.

Them, the height logic follows. tempheightoverride is set to false which is needed in the case a Drop occured. From there, unless overrideminheight is true, the minheight is enforced if the height is less than it which also comes with the bobrange and bobspeed being set to their start counterparts.

If it's a battle entity that isn't the player, its size in the battle data is set to the initialsize of the battle data.

Finally, shakeice is set to false and the SpriteBounce is enabled back if one existed on the rotater. Before return, UpdateSpriteMat is called (sets the sprite material accoriding to hologram) and UpdateAnimSpecific is invoked in 0.1 seconds.