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Death is a coroutine in EntityControl that handles the process of essentially rendering an entity effectively dead. For most cases, it leads to its destruction. It comes with a parameterless overload that has activatekill sent to true, that parameter tells if iskill should be set to true alongside dead (however, the game never calls it with false under normal gameplay). The coroutine is meant to be stored by the caller using deathcoroutine which is set to null when this coroutine ends.

Essentially, dead means the Death process started while iskill means it is about to end (it's done just before the spitexp logic). It will also in most cases leads to the destruction of the entity, but these 2 fields can be set externally without calling Death which will reduce their updating logic throughout the game, but not cause destructions.

Destroy prepations

First, nocondition and dead are set to true. BreakIce is called and StopForceMove is too without smoothing and default state. This not only unfreezes the entity if it was, but also stops any coroutine force move that was running. After, the rigid's velocity is zeroed out and the digpart destroyed if there were any left.

From there, if the entity had an npcdata, it is handled in its own section:

  • STOP is called on the npcdata, but this doesn't do anything because dead was just set to true
  • If npcdata.regionalflag isn't negative, the corresponding regionaflag slot is set to true
  • If npcdata.disguiseobj exists, it is destroyed
  • If npcdata.behaviorroutine is running, it is stopped
  • npcdata.inrange is set to false
  • npcdata.hit is set to true
  • If originalid is the ToeBiter animid and the first internaltransform (his rock) exists, it is destroyed

After, overrideflip is set to false, the sprite gets enabled, the rigid gets locked with a LockRigid(true) and the icooldown, bobrange and bobspeed all get set to 0.0.

The destroy

This part depends on the destroytype.


LockRigid(true) is called which fixes the rigid in place with velocity being zeroed out.


  • If the npcdata.pusher exists, it is disabled.
  • overrideanim is set to true
  • overridefollow is set to true
  • overridejump is set to true
  • rigid gets its gravity disabled and velocity zeroed out
  • ccol gets its height set to 0.0 and center placed offscreen at (0.0, 9999.0. 0.0)
  • A frame is yielded
  • If the animstate is Fallen, it is set to HurtFallen. It is set to Hurt otherwise.
  • froceanim is set to the animstate
  • If the Death0 sound wasn't playing or it was, but the playback is past 0.25 seconds, it is played at 0.8 volume
  • spin is set to (0.0, 15.0, 0.0)
  • 0.75 seconds are yielded
  • The spritetransform angles are set to the return of FlipAngle
  • spin is set to (-5.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • 0.3 seconds are yielded
  • The sprite is disabled
  • DeathSmoke particles are played at the spritetransform position + (0.0, 0.0, -0.5)


The same than SpinSmoke, but without the DeathSmoke particles at the end.


The same than SpinSmoke, but the horzontal spin logic (with its yield, sprite disablement and DeathSmoke particles) does not occur, only the vertical spin does. Also, the animstate at the very end is set to KO.


The same than SpinKO, but the vertical spin logic (with its yield and Death0 sound) does not occur too.


The same than KO, but at the start, animid is set to -1 (None) and the sprite is disabled. The animstate is also not changed to KO at the end.


This type is only used in BattleControl.StartBattle as it is set to all playerentity so it's specific to the death of the player.

  • overrideanim is set to true
  • animstate is set to Hurt
  • The Hurt animation is played on the anim
  • If the Death0 sound wasn't playing or it was, but the playback is past 0.2 seconds, it is played
  • spin is set to (0.0, 15.0, 0.0)
  • While spin magnitude is above 2.5, it is lerped from the existing one to 0 with a factor of framestep * 0.1 (or 0.01 if isplayer). This is followed by a frame yield which repeats until the spin magnitude goes to 2.5 or below
  • overridenanim is set to false
  • The Drop sound is played
  • animstate is set to KO
  • spin is set to (0.0, 0.0001, 0.0)
  • While the angular distance between spritetransform angles and the return of FlipAngle is above 0.5, spriteransform angles is lerped from the existing one to the FlipAngle one with a factor of framestep * 0.2 (or 0.1 if isplayer). This is followed by a frame yield which repeats until the angular distance goes to 0.5 or below
  • spin is zeroed out


  • overrideanim is set to true
  • The anim is disabled
  • A frame is yielded
  • For each Transform descendant to the sprite (or the model if it exists) except the first one:
    • A RigidBody is added to the transform
    • The transform gets rooted to the scene
    • The RigidBody gets its gravity disabled with a velocity of RandomItemBounce(2.5, 12.0)
    • The object gets destroyed in a second
  • A second is yielded


  • LockRigid(true) is called which fixes the rigid in place with velocity being zeroed out
  • If originalid is the icepillar animid, the IceMelt sound is played
  • If originalid is the Pitcher or PitcherSummon animid, the animstate is set to Hurt followed by the IceMelt sound being played
  • For 81.0 frames (counted by incrementing framestep from 0.0), the startscale is set to a lerp from the existing one to with a factor of the ratio of the 81.0 frames that have passed (so the startscale goes to zero over the course of 81.0 frames smoothly)
  • DeathSmoke particles are played at the entity position
  • If originalid is the Pitcher or PitcherSummon animid, the ChargeDown2 is played


The same than Shrink, but no DeathSmoke particles are played.


  • LockRigid(true) is called which fixes the rigid in place with velocity being zeroed out
  • DeathSmoke particles are played at the entity position with a size of (2.0, 3.0, 2.0)
  • The LeafDeathPoof sound is played


  • overridefly is set to true
  • overrideflip is set to true
  • overrideheight is set to true
  • As long as the sprite exists, spritetransform position is lerped smoothly over the course of 91.0 frames (counted using framestep from 0.0) from the existing one to the same - 10.0 in y using the ratio of the time as the factor (this basically lowers the entity by 10.0 smoothly over the ourse of 91.0 frames)
  • If the sprite still exists, the gameObject is disabled


  • explosionsmall particles are played at the entity position
  • Explosion sound is played at 1.1 pitch and 0.75 volume
  • The sprite is disabled
  • ShakeScreen is called with ammount of 0.1 for 0.5 seconds without reset

After the destroytype specific logic (doesn't occur for PlayeDeath)

  • All frames are yielded while in a pause or it's not a battle entity while we are in a battle
  • For anything except an npcdata of type Enemy with an eventid of 0 or below (meaning no respawntimer feature):
    • If spitmoney is above 0, the berries drop logic is performed (see the section below for details)
    • If npcdata has a non empty vectordata without a SetPath or SetPathJump behaviors:
      • If any Pip medal is equipped and either the BumpAttack medal is unequipped or spitmoney is above 0, the pip drop logic is performed (see the section below for details)
      • The item drop logic is performed (see the section below for details)
  • A frame is yielded
  • If this GameObject is null (which shouldn't happen), the coroutine is exited early with a yield break
  • If the destroytype isn't KO, SpinKO or None, the entity position is set offscreen at (0.0, 9999.0, 0.0) followed by the destruction of the object (only if we aren't in a battle)
  • The ccol is disabled

Berries drop logic

The following is performed until spitmoney amount of berries worth total have been dropped:

  • CreateItem is called which creates an Item NPCControl object at spritetansform position + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0) with the item type being 0 (standard item), the direction being RandomItemBounce(4.0, 10.0) for 600 frames. The item id is MoneyBig if there's strictly more than 20 berries left to drop, MoneyMedum if there's 5 or less left and MoneySmall otherwise (this means the last 20 berries if exactly 20 are left will be dropped by 4 MoneyMedum instead of one MoneyBig)
  • The collisions between the item's entity.ccol and the item's entity.detect or itself are ignored for 5.0 seconds
  • The same RandomBounce vector obtined earlier is set to the item's entity.rigid vecity on the next frame
  • The amount of money dropped is increased by 20 if there was more than 20 left to drop. Otherwise, if there's more than 5 left, it's increased by 5 (this means the last 5 berries if exactly 5 are left drops 5 MoneySmall instead of one MoneyMedum)

Pip drop logic

There are 2 types of pips: HP and TP. Each of the 2 types's drop are determined one after the other separately where the amount dropped for each type is random between 0 and 2 + the amount of Pip medal equipped (since it's always 1 under normal gameplay, it's random between 0 and 3 in practice).

Each time a pip is dropped, it involves instantiating a Prefabs/Objects/Pip0 for HP pips or Prefabs/Objects/Pip1 for TP pips (childed to the map in either case). These prefabs contains a special Pips component that will let the object stay for up to 600.0 frames until they get destroyed, but on their OnTriggerEnter, if they collide with the player, all party members's hp gets incremented clamped from 0 to their maxhp if it's an HP pip or gets incremented clamped from 0 to maxtp if it's a TP pip.

Item drop logic

The specialenemy cases are handled. These are hardcoded enemy ids with hardcoded odds to drop an item from an hardcoded list of ids with uniform probability each. The way it works is the first occurence of a special enemy in lastdefeated (if one exists) will test for a potential drop. If multiple exists, only the first is tested once so if it fails, others will not be attempted to drop. Here are the the hardcoded ids in question as well as their odds:

Enemy % to drop Possible item drops
GoldenSeedling 100 TangyBerry
ChomperBrute 50 Abomihoney, ShockCandy, DrowsyCake, FrostPie, PoisonCake, MushroomCandy, NutCake
ToeBiter 40 HoneydLeaf, GlazedHoney, HeartyBreakfast, YamBread, BakedYam, Pudding, RoastBerry, ClearBomb, SleepBomb, LeafSalad, FrozenSalad, MushroomStick, ShavedIce, BurlyChips

If a drop occurs:

  • CreateItem is called which creates an Item NPCControl object at spritetansform position + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0) with the item type being 0 (standard item), the item id being a randomly chosen (uniform odds) element from the applicable possible drop list, the direction being RandomItemBounce(4.0, 10.0) for 600 frames.
  • The collisions between the item's entity.ccol and the item's entity.detect or itself are ignored for 5.0 seconds
  • The same RandomBounce vector obtined earlier is set to the item's entity.rigid vecity on the next frame

Whether or not the drop failed or succeeded, the enemy is removed from the lastdefeated array. From there, lastdefeated is reset to a new list (making the last deletion useless).

An random number is generated where the upper (exclusive) bound is the length of npcdata.vectordata, but the lower (inclusive) bound is determined based on some factors:

  • Having the Bug Me Not! medal equipped makes it -7 (this takes priority over the ones below)
  • Having the Hard Mode medal unequipped while flag 614 (HARDEST) is false makes it -3
  • If neither of the cases above applies (meaning Hard Mode is equipped or HARDEST is active while Bug Me Not! is unequipped), it's -1

However, that index gets overriden if vectordata contains at least one element whose y component after truncating the decimal part is -2. In such case, it will be become the index of the last occurence where this condition is true.

This index is used for a potential item drop. If the index is negative, no drops happen. If it's positive, but the y component of the corresponding npcdata.vectordata isn't negative, then the drop only happens if that y component floored corresponds to a flag slot whose value is true. If it's false, the drop doesn't happen.

If the drop happens:

  • CreateItem is called which creates an Item NPCControl object at spritetansform position + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0) with the item type being 0 (standard item), the item id being the chosen npcdata.vectordata x component using the index generated earlier, the direction being RandomItemBounce(4.0, 10.0) for 600 frames.
  • The collisions between the item's entity.ccol and the item's entity.detect or itself are ignored for 5.0 seconds
  • The same RandomBounce vector obtined earlier is set to the item's entity.rigid vecity on the next frame

However, if the corresponding npcdata.vectordata y component is -2 (meaning its index was overriden earlier), then it means this is a special key item drop that will always be dropped. The procedure to drop it is the same, but with a few changes:

  • The item type is 1 (key item) instead of 0 (standard item)
  • -1 is the timer value which means the Item never expires even after 600 frames
  • After the CreateItem call, the item's activationflag is set to npcdata.limit[0]

Common end logic

The following happens no matter the destroytype.

A frame is yielded.

After, there is a specific case for the Ruffian AnimIDs where if it is one, it will destroy all extras and destroy the MidPos of the sprite that was attached prior before setting extras to null.

After, this is where iskill is set to true if the activatekill parameter was true. This field is more an extended dead and while it only affects UpdateCollider in EntityControl Creation, it can be used externally to distinguish the 2.

Then, if spitexp is above 0, this is where the orbs gets dropped. The way it works is the game calculates the amount of big orbs this implies where a big orb is 10 EXP. Then, spitexp is essentially decreased by this amount * 10 which is equivalent to do a modulo 10 on it. From there, the game will set to drop spitexp amount of orbs where any big orbs will take priority if any are remaining to be dropped. (NOTE: this is a bug, it means not all orbs will be dropped, see below for why). An orb drop consists of instantiating Prefabs/Objects/ExpOrb from the root of the ressources tree, set its scale to (0.25, 0.25, 0.25) or (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) if it's a big orb, adding a rigid body to it with velocity being 15.0 in y and the x/z being random between -4.0 and 4.0. The orb is then destroyed in 0.75 seconds, but the coroutine yields only 0.05 seconds after so it gives some time to see the orb drop.

The reason the orb drop is wrong is because it will only drop spitexp % 10 amount of orbs no matter how many big orbs are meant to be dropped. This means that a value of 10 will actually drop nothing while 11 will drop one big orb.

Finally, deathcoroutine is set to null informing the caller that it has completed.