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AddModel is a method in EntityControl that is called whenever a need to have a custom object structure occurs for AnimIDs that needs it:

public void AddModel(string path, Vector3 offset)

The path is the path of a prefab in the asset tree and the offset is the desired local position. The actual object gets assigned to model with the parent being the spritetransform. The modelscale is set to the model's actual scale.

The way the animator is setup is different than normal. Normally, the animator is present on the Entity's root object, but when a model is added, the prefab's root can have an animator already defined. In which case, this is the one that will be assigned to anim instead of the root's one. This allows the controller attached to target the AnimIDs specifically even if the structure isn't standard.

Finally, this method also makes sure to setup all the child when hologram is true. Specifically:

  • All child's SpriteRenderer have their material assigned to the holosprite one and if cotunknown, with a color of opaque pure black on the sprite and material
  • All child's SkinnedMeshRender and MeshRenderer have their material assigned to the holosprite one and if cotunknown, with a color of opaque pure black on material or the same color with 50% transparent otherwise