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AnimSpecific is a system that allows the game to go beyond its standard conventions of the animstate and to perform more complex animation setup. The system is made of multiple methods that are called at specific points:

  • UpdateAnimSpecific
  • AnimSpecificQuirks


This is a void returning parameterless method on EntityControl that is ran at specific points involving the animstate updating. It can contain logic specific to the entity's AnimIDs which allows to use non standard animations and setup. This method doesn't apply to item entities.

It's a more frequently called method because not only it gets called everytime the animid, the animstate changes or during a Freeze handling event, it can be called externally if needed.

First, all objects in animspecific are destroyed if any were present. Then, the AnimIDs specific part occurs (only high level details are provided as most of these involve detailed rendering):

  • EverlastingKing: The shadowsize is set to 5.0 if the animstate is 115
  • MimicSpider: The OutOfBattle animation parameter is set depending on battle. The shadowsize is set to 3.0 unless the animstate is Idle and Walk in which case, the value is set to 1.75 instead
  • Bee: if the animstate is BattleIdle, animspecific is initialised with one element being a Prefabs/AnimSpecific/BeeBIdle from the root of the asset tree. This is her Beemerang animation when idling during battle.
  • Watcher: The same than Moth, but before, the second extras is destroyed if present (unless he was underground during the battle) with the bobspeed and bobrange set to their start field counterpart.
  • Moth: if the animstate is BattleIdle or PickAction, animspecific is initialised with one element being a Prefabs/AnimSpecific/mothbattlesphere. Either of the 2 animstate determines how it will be positioned (fixed if BattleIdle or with a SpinAround for PickAction)
  • Eremi: If the animstate is Happy, the walkstate becomes Chase and the basestate becomes Happy
  • Tanjerin: The walkstate is overriden to 101 if the animstate was Angry or Surprised and to Walk if it was Idle or Sad
  • JumpingSpider: Same than Spuder, but before, the bubble's sprite is enabled or disabled depending on the battle's enemydata in battleid's holditem is higher than -1. This just manage if the item sprite of the bubble should be enabled or not.
  • Ruffian: This only applies if the extras have not been initialised. This initialises 4 of them which is his chains (the first 3) and ball (the 4th one). It will then setup them in a specific way such that the first 3 are linked together to the ball. The ball gets a FollowerLite and a ShadowLite. It also considers hologram for the materials.
  • Strider: Initialises the extraanims if they weren't already to 4 new elements and the extras to being the second child of the model and have all the children of that be the extraanims. This simply setups the legs and their animator. Finally the only extras gets its scale adjusted on the Z axis to 1.0 unless the animstate is Walk or Chase in which case, the value is 0.5. This creates a constricting effects on his legs when needed
  • DeadLanderC: extraanims is initialised to 4 new elements being the second, third, fourth and fifth child of the model. Then, specific animations are played on them depending of the animstate. This essentially manages the legs.
  • Scorpion: Same then Spuder, but before, the basestate and walkstate are overridden to 150 and 151 respectively if the current Area is Giant's Lair. This is what makes them look different in that area.
  • Spuder, DivingSpider and PeacockSpider: This is a very complex management of the legs. Notably, overridejump is set to false all the time and extraanims is initialised with the legs's animators. This also manages special animation clips to play on the legs.
  • Venus: Setup 6 extraanims being all the children of the second child of the model with their speed being set to 1 unless the animstate is 100 or 101 in which case, the value is 0. This simply manages her legs animations
  • BeeBot: Ensure its wings's StaticModelAnim are enabled when the icecube isn't present or disabled if it is with fixed angles.
  • MotherChomper: extras is initialised if it wasn't already to 1 element containing the second child of the second child of the model which is the ground sprite
  • VenusGuardian: This is where the arms information are initialised if extraanims wasn't initialised yet. The extraanims are both arm's animator. It also initializes 4 extras with the first 2 being her leaf wings, the third being the ground and the 4th being the flower canon on her left arm. The ground and flower canon will be enabled or disabled depending on her height and animstate. Finally, this also plays the proper animations on the extraanims depending on her height, animstate and other conditions.
  • AngryPlant: The only spinextra is initialised to zero or (0.0, -20.0, 0.0) if the height is higher than 0.1. This also sets the only extras scale depending on the height.
  • Seedling: If the animstate is Hurt when it had a copter with the height above 0.1, it will be deparented while the object will fly offscreen at the top using a LerpObject coroutine


This is a void returning parameterless method on EntityControl that is ran on LateUpdate before UpdateSprite and on UpdateSprite itself if the animstate or the inice changed. This is more a way to adjust the animation for a specific AnimIDs so it can have custom logic to it. It can be seen as an update method because it handles the adjustements of the extra fields such as extras, spinextra, extralines and extrasprites, but it also allows specific AnimIDs to have their own update logic. Unlike the other anim specific update method, this is only called internally during the normal update cycle.

Here are all the specific update logic defined (only described at a high level since most of it is rendering specific):

  • ChompyChan: extrasprites is ensured to have one SpriteRender and it is enabled depending on the value of flags 404 (Chompy has a ribbon on her). Then, ChompyRibbon is called which only sets the proper color of the sprite depending on which ribbon is in flagvar 56 (The Items id of the ribbon equipped on her).
  • JumpingSpider: If the animstate is Chase, the walktype is set to Jump and to Normal otherwise
  • SeedlingKing: Unless the subentity weren't inialised yet, override each's animstate to Hurt if the entity's animstate is Hurt or to Chase otherwise.
  • Watcher: overrideshadow is set to digging and the shadow's enabled to the inverse of digging. Then, nothing happens if the extras (containing his book) weren't initialized yet, but if they are, the local position of the only one is updated on the y with a Lerp between the current y and a vector determined by the spritetransform local position, the animstate and if digging was true or not. This lerp is done with a factor of 0.1. The whole thing essentially just renders the book with a floating effect unless he is digging.
  • BeeBot: This only applies if the entity is dead or in the process of dying (iskill or deatcoroutine not being null). When it does, the animation Idle2 or Hurt2 is played depending on the current form of the entity which is determined either by the current battle data if it's a battle entity or the animstate if it's not.
  • Krawler and CursedSkull: Only applies when inice has changed (tracked by lastice) and the npcdata if present doesn't have an enabled disguiseobj. This will play the IceShatter particle and also control whether the first extras's ParticleSystem should play when inice is true or stop otherwise.
  • MotherChomper: the first extras if it exist has its angle set to zero which is the ground object
  • VenusGuardian: Only applies when extras has been initialised. If it was, the third extras's angles (which is the ground object) is set to zero and the first 2 (her leaf wings) have their angles adjusted to a sin curve on the x axis if the height is higher than 0.1 and there's no icecube.
  • Scarlet: The shadowsize is set to 2.5 unless the animstate is among specific values which will cause the value to be set to 1.25 instead.
  • Zasp: The shadowsize is set to 1.0 unless the animstate is among specific values which will cause the value to be set to 1.5 or 1.75 instead depending on the animstate
  • ShielderAnt: The shadowsize is set to 1.0 unless the animstate is KO which causes the value to be set to 2.0 instead.
  • Seedling: This manages the copter sprite if applicable which is where the height is above 0.1 among other conditions. It initialises the extras if it wasn't already with one element being that sprite and it also initialises spinextra to 20.0 units on the z axis. This finally adjusts the bobspeed and bobrange to 2.0 and 4.0 respectively if they were lower than 0.1 (this also assign the start field counterpart to the new value)
  • Flowering: Same then Seedling, but before, the only extras is activated if flyinganim and the animstate is a animstate > Extra animations, it is disabled otherwise
  • UltimaxTank: The extras initialised first if they weren't already. The first 3 extras are the wheels, the 4th is the body object (the one above the wheels) and the 5th is the missile launchers. Then, their position and angles are adjusted depending on the animstate
  • MidgeBroodmother: This only applies when model is not null. The extras (the wings) are initialised if they weren't already to the children of the first child of the model. From there, their angles are adjusted.
  • DeadLanderB: If the extrasprites weren't initialised, this method will initialise them, extralines and spinextra. This essentially manages the balloons and the lines connecting them by setting various properties about them (also considers hologram and cotunknown).
  • KeyR and KeyL: The angles are adjusted on the Z axis depending on the animstate and inice.
  • Tablet: In battle, the sprite is set depending on if the HP. If the HP is below 3, the startscale is set to * 0.75
  • Pitcher and PitcherSummon: This only applies if the extras were intialised. It adjusts the second extras's position (the end of the next) to the first's position (the head) + the first spinextra.
  • Midge: Only applies if the extras were initialised. It manages the position and angles of the wings in extras depending on the specific animstate.

For all entity except DeadLanderB, Pitcher or PitcherSummon, every extras's angles gets incremented by the spinextra of the corresponding index if it exist.