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This coroutine allows to visually display a battle message which are words informing the success of a block or action command. The progression of the coroutine is meant to be tracked by wordroutine as it is set to null after this coroutine is over.

private IEnumerator ShowSuccessWord(EntityControl t, bool block, bool super)


  • t: The entity the word should be rendered close to
  • block: Whether or not this word relates to blocking (takes priority over everything else)
  • super: Whether or not this word relates to using an attack targetting a weakness (ignored if block is true or the LuckierDay medal is equipped)


  • commandword is set to a new UI object named word childed to the battlemap with a local position of t's position + (1.0, 3.5, 0.0) + Vector3.up + (0.0, 0.0, 10.0) with a scale of, a material renderQueue of 50000, a SpriteRenderer and a DialogueAnim
  • The sprite of the word is set depending on different conditions (only the first one that applies in order is used):
    • block is true: MainManager.battlemessage[4] (BLOCK) (overriden to MainManager.battlemessage[3] (UNBEELIEVABLE) if the LuckierDay medal is equipped). This also sets commandword's local position to t's position + (2.0, 2.0, 0.0) + (0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
    • The LuckierDay medal is equipped: MainManager.battlemessage[3] (UNBEELIEVABLE)
    • super is true: MainManager.battlemessage[5] (SUPER)
    • None of the above applied: MainManager.battlemessage whose index is combo (clamped from 0 to 3). 0 is OKAY, 1 is GREAT, 2 is AWESOME and 3 is UNBEELIEVABLE
  • A second is yielded
  • The targetscale of the word's DialogueAnim is set to (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
  • The shrink of the word's DialogueAnim is set to true (this means the word will collapse to nothing vertically)
  • commandword is destroyed in 1 second
  • wordroutine is set to null signaling it is no longer in progress


This is a wrapper around ShowSuccessWord (without super) where wordroutine is stopped if it was in progress (followed by the destruction of commandword) and then set to the new coroutine call:

private void ShowComboMessage(EntityControl entity, bool block)

The parameters are relayed as they are to ShowSuccessWord with false as super.

NOTE: Since this destroys the commandword, it can lead to a situation where this can be missleading during DoDamage's block processing. Check the documentation to learn more.