A coroutine that can present a sprite icon with a spinning animation with an optional sound.
private IEnumerator ItemSpinAnim(Vector3 pos, Sprite sprite, bool playSound = true)
: The position to show the spinning spritesprite
: The sprite to show with a spinning animationplaySound
: If true, theDing2
sound will play at 0.8 pitch
- If playsound is true, the
sound will plays at 0.8 pitch - A new sprite object is created named
at pos using the sent sprite value on layer 15 (3DUI
) - Over the course of 21.0 frames:
- The sprite's color is lerped from Color.Clear to pure white with 0.85 opacity
- The sprite's scale is lerped from 2.0x to 1.0x
- The sprite's z angle is lerped from 720.0 to 0.0
- Yield for 0.5 seconds
- Over the course of 21.0 frames the sprite's color is lerped from pure white with 0.85 opacity to Color.Clear
- The sprite object gets destroyed