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This coroutine is only called as part of DoDamage when applicable and as part of UseItem when processing a HPto1 item use.

It only performs animstate and other visual update on an actor to indicate that they have sustained damage.

private IEnumerator DoDamageAnim(MainManager.BattleData entity, int damage, bool block, bool nosound, bool fail, bool noanim, bool fakeanim)

There is a coroutine overload available that starts this one where nosound, fail, noanim and fakeanim are all false with the only logic difference being there's a frame yield after the coroutine started.


  • entity: The actor sustaining the damage
  • damage: The amount of damage the actor is sustaining
  • block: If the actor is a player party member, whether the player sucessfully blocked the damage it is sustaining
  • nosound: If true, no sound will be played
  • fail: If nosound is false, this tells if the player failed the attack's action command which changes some logic regarding sounds being played. This is ignored if nosound is true
  • noanim: If true, there won't be any animstate updates on the actor even if entity.battleentity.overridenanim is false
  • fakeanim: If noanim is false, this changes the animstate value to set the actor's battleentity to 30 (FakeHurt) instead of 11 (Hurt) when damage is above 0 and block is false. This is ignored if noanim is true, damage isn't above 0 or block is true.


The following describes the logic divided by sections as it contains a lot of conditional logic.


If noanim and entity.battleentity.overrideanim are false, entity.battleentity.overrideanim is set to true

nosound is false

This part is skipped if nosound is true:

  • If fail is true, the AtkFail sound is played
  • If block is true, the Block sound is played if it wasn't playing already with a time of 0.1 seconds or below
  • If damage is above 0 while block is false, the Damage0 sound is played if it wasn't already with a time of 0.1 seconds or below. As for the pitch and volume:
    • If fail is true, the pitch is 0.7 and volume is 0.6
    • If fail is false, the pitch is 1.0 + combo * 0.125 and the volume is 1.0
  • If damage is above 0 while block is false, the WoodHit sound is played with a volume of 0.8 if it wasn't playing already with a time of 0.1 seconds or below

damage is above 0

This part is skipped if no damage was sustained

  • The hitpart is played at entity.battleentity's position + (0.0, entity.cursoroffset.y / 2.0 + entity.battleentity.height, 0.0)
  • If MainManager.screenshake's magnitude is below 0.05, ShakeScreen is called with an ammount of (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) for 0.15 seconds with dontreset to true

noanim yield break

If entity.battleentity.overrideanim or noanim is true, the coroutine ends here with a yield break

Animation updates

The rest of the logic deals with visual animations.

First animstate logic

entity.battleentity.animstate may be set depending on conditions (mutually exclusive, only the first one applies in order):

  • 21 (Woobly) if entity has the Topple animation
  • 16 (HurtFallen), if entity has the Flipped animation
  • If damage is above 0:
    • 24 (Block) if block is true
    • 11 (Hurt) if block is false. This is 30 (FakeHurt) instead if fakeanim is true
  • If none of the above happened:
    • It's set to 24 (Block) if block is true
    • A ShakeSprite coroutine starts on the entity.battleentity with an intensity of (0.1, 0.0, 0.0) and a frametimer of 20.0
  • 0.35 seconds are yielded

Topple animation

There are some special handling on top of the above if entity has the Topple animation:

  • entity.battleentity.basestate is set to 21 (Woobly)
  • entity.battleentity.overrideanim is set to false
  • entity.battleentity.animstate is set to its basestate

Flipped animation

If the Topple logic above didn't apply, but entity has the Flipped animation:

  • entity.battleentity.basestate is set to 15 (Fallen)
  • entity.battleentity.overrideanim is set to false
  • entity.battleentity.animstate is set to its basestate

Alive animation (entity.hp is above 0)

The following applies on top of all the animations logic above if entity.hp is above 0:

  • entity.battleentity.overrideanim is set to false
  • if entity has the Sleep condition, entity.battleentity.animstate is set to 14 (Sleep)
  • Otherwise, if the entity is a player party member with an hp of 4 or below, its animstate is set to 17 (WeakBattleIdle)
  • Otherwise, entity.battleentity.animstate is set to its value before this coroutine started unless it was 31 (Dig) or 32 (DigMove) where it's the basestate it had at the start instead