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All these values are saved into sdata when StartBattle is called while saveddata was false.

Name Type Description
flagvar int[] All the flagvar
enemies int[] The sent enemyids value to StartBattle (after EnemyCheck ran when calledfrom doesn't exists or its eventid is 0 or beloe)
items int[] instance.items[0] which are all the standard items inventory
hp int[] All the playerdata's hp
atk int[] All the playerdata's atk
def int[] All the playerdata's def
keyitem int[] instance.items[1] which are all the key items inventory
flags bool[] All the flags
partyitemuse bool[] All the playerdata's lockitems
stage int The sent stageid from StartBattle
tp int
adv int The sent adv from StartBattle
maxtp int instance.maxtp
music string This is either the sent music from StartBattle or[0] It will set it to the former if the sent music isn't null / empty or[0] is null or not playing. It will be set to the latter otherwise
called NPCControl The calledfrom sent from StartBattle
encounter int[,] instance.enemyencounter
psc List All the playerdata's conditions
esc List All the enemydata's conditions
enemyweakness List<AttackProperty[]> All the enemydata's weakness (if the weakness field is null, null is the only element set)