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StartBattle - Pre haltbattleload

This is the first of 3 phases of StartBattle.

This phase is the first that ever happens. It ends by yielding as long as haltbattleload is true which can be set by the caller.

instance.battle init

This part does basic initialisation and creates the instance.battle if needed:

  • The current MainManager.screenshake is zeroed out
  • MainManager.battleenemyfled is set to false
  • instance.lastdefeated is reset to a new list
  • All OverWorldProjectile are destroyed
  • ItemList's inlist is set to false
  • The camanglespeed is set to 0.1 and camanglechange to false
  • MainManager.battleresult is set to true
  • MainManager.battlenoexp is reset to false
  • The discovery HUD element is hidden by setting instance.discoveryhud to 0.0
  • CancelAction is called on the player
  • If it's not an existing battle, MainManager.battle is set to a new BattleControl component added to the instance's gameObject. From now on, all BattleControl fields mentioned comes from that instance

Start data init

This part only occurs when saveddata is false which can only happen when the battle was started for the first time because this field is only set to true at the very end of StartBattle.

This part initialises the sdata which is a StartUpData that persists informations about the battle and restored when it's retried. A retry involves calling StartBattle when the current one still exists which doesn't need this part's logic to occur.


If calledfrom is null or its eventid is 0 or below EnemyCheck is called which can modify the enemyids using 2 special overrides.

The first one involves a potential override to GoldenSeedling if instance.inevent is false and flags 41 is true (chapter 1 ended). This is only applicable for the following enemies:

  • Seedling
  • FlyingSeedling
  • Acornling
  • Underling
  • Plumpling
  • Flowering

Any of these have a 1% chance to changed to a GoldenSeedling. However, there are 2 cases where these odds increases applied in order (Not mutually exclusive):

  • If the current map is SeedlingHaven, the odds are 7.5%
  • If the Seedling medal is equipped, it multiplies the base odds by 2.5 (meaning 2.5% or 18.75% at SeedlingHaven)

This results in the following odds:

map is SeedlingHaven? Seedling medal is equipped Chances of GoldenSeedling (per applicable enemy party member)
No No 1%
No Yes 2.5%
Yes No 7.5%
Yes Yes 18.75%

The second override applies if any enemy is a SandWyrm or a SandWyrmTail. If this is the case, the entire enemyids array is overriden to be 2 elements with the first being SandWyrm and the second being SandWyrmTail


After, StartData is called:

  • If the player is dashing, StopDash is called without hitting a wall
  • sdata is first reset to default values
  • All sdata fields except psc, esc and enemyweakness are initialised to their respective values (see the StartUpDate documentation to learn more)
  • From there, GetStartConditions is invoked in 2.5 seconds which completes this saving process by setting sdata.psc, sdata.esc and sdata.enemyweakness to their respective values (the whole thing is enclosed in a try catch block whose catch will invoke it again in 0.5 seconds).

Battle fought counter increment

Finally, flagvar 40 (number of battles fought) is incremented

Essential setups

This part will do further initialisation:

Field Initial value Notes
reservedata New empty list
hideenemyhp false
overworldmusic[0].clip Only set if is not negative and isn't empty1
overmusic[0].time Only set if overworldmusic was and MainManager.keepmusicafterbattle is true
canflee canescape Sent as parameter
currentaction BaseAction (the main vine action menu)
currentchoice Attack
option 0
action false
alreadyending false
expreward 0
moneyreward 0
partypointer New array with {0, 1, 2} See battle party addressing
longcancel The return value of InputIO.LongButton with input 5 (Cancel) Determines if the input rendering should be a wide one or not

1: Additionally, FadeMusic is called with a speed of 0.025 if all of the following are true:

  • overworldmusic isn't null
  • doesn't match the sent music
  • is false

After, the following procedure is done:

  • We enter a pause
  • MainManager.ApplyBadges is called
  • MainManager.ApplyStatBonus is called
  • StopMovingEntities is called on the map

Battle map

This section determins the battle map and the extraenemies if needed:

  • If the sent stage is -1, it is overriden to the instance.battlestage (the value got set on the last MapControl.Start which sets it to the
  • If the stageid is SandCastle or SandCastleDark while calledfrom's entity was inice, the stageid is incremented which sets it to SandCastleIce or SandCastleDarkIce respectively

extraenemies setup

If the sent enemyids has more than 4 elements, all the elements after the 4th one are placed in order in extraenemies (after clearing it) and enemyids is overriden to only have the first 4 elements

Battle in transition

This section setup the battle in transition:

  • A BattleStart0 sound is played (BattleStart3 if the is Bee) at 0.65 volume
  • If the sent adv is 3 (enemy advantage) while we aren't inevent:
    • A Hurt sound is played followed by a AtkFail one
    • HurtParticle is called on the player position + Vector3.up with the Hurt sound (meaning the same sound will play twice on that frame)
    • All player party members's battleentity have their animstate set to 11 (Hurt) with a SetAnimForce call which will force a SetAnim call with force which renders the animation immediately
  • If the player.entity.sound exists, it is stopped
  • PlayTransition is called with id 2 (the battle in transition), the data being the map.battleleaftype at 0.075 speed and the color being the map.battleleafcolor unless adv was 3 (enemy advantage) when we aren't inevent where the color is overriden to pure red
  • 1.5 seconds are yieled which lets the transition renders
  • If MainManager.haltbattleload is true, all frames are yielded until it goes to false