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StartBattle - Post haltbattleload

This is the second of 3 phases of StartBattle.

This phase occurs after the haltbattleload yield, but before battle.halfload is set to true. Since the value is only visible after the first yield, the phase ends after yielding when halfload becomes true.

Further initialisations

This part only contains miscellaneous initialisations logic:

  • If the stageid is FarGrasslands, the existing RenderSettings.fogEndDistance is saved into fogdist while it gets overriden to 75.0 (this adds a foggy effect more suitable visuablly for this BattleMap)
  • The money HUD is hidden by setting instance.showmoney to -1
  • MainManager.RefreshHUDValues is called which forces the displayed hp, tp and berry count to their real ones
  • If tskybox exists (meaning this is a retry as it was saved before the StartBattle call), RenderSettings.skybox is set to it
  • All NPCControl have StopForceBehavior called on them
  • A frame is yielded
  • The LevelUp music and Gameover sound are loaded, but not stored. This is purely to preload them to not get a stutter when they eventually play
  • damcounters is reset to a new list
  • charmdance is set to 2 elements being sprite 98 and 99 of Sprites/Entities/moth0. These are the 2 Charmy's sprites used when they performs a charm
  • scopeequipped is set to whether or not the HPScope medal is equipped
  • dimmer is set to a new Sprite of 1 pure black pixel named MainDimmer scaled to 100.0 on layer 5 (UI) uniformely with position and with a pivot at (0.5, 0.5, 0.5). This covers the whole screen during the load
  • If this isn't a retry (meaning it wasn't an existing battle):
    • The camera limits are removed, but saved to their temporary fields before
    • oldcamoffset is set to instance.camoffset
    • oldcamrotation is set to instance.camangleoffset
    • oldcamtarget is set to instance.camtarget
    • oldcamspeed is set to instance.camspeed
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • chompylock is set to false
  • lockmmatter is set to false
  • gameover is set to null
  • attackedally is set to -1
  • instance.camspeed is set to 99.0
  • MainManager.parent (the MainCam object) angles are set to instance. camangleoffset
  • caller is set to calledfrom

Battle map creation

This part disables the overworld map and creates/enables the battle one:

  • If the map is enabled:
    • MainManager.RefreshEntities is called
    • A frame is yielded
    • All playerdata entities have the following happen to each of them:
      • flyinganim is set to false
      • SetAnimForce is called
      • A frame is yielded
      • The entity.gameObject is disabled
    • The map is disabled
  • battlemap is set to a new GameObject named Battle
  • The corresponding Prefabs/BattleMaps/X battle map prefab is instantiated where X is the BattleMaps enum name of the stageid and it is childed to battlemap
  • All colliders in the battle map are disabled
  • A BoxCollider is added to battlemap with center (0.0, -0.5, 0.0) and size (100.0, 1.0, 50.0). This is essentially the physical ground for both parties
  • battlemap.layer is set to 8 (Ground)
  • A frame is yielded

Music setup

This part selects the music to play if any and plays it:

  •[0] pitch is set to normal
  • If is false or we are instance.inevent, the music is changed via MainManager.ChangeMusic with a 1.0 fadespeed where the clip varies depending on some conditions:
    • If the sent music isn't null, that will be the clip used
    • Otherwise, If the current area is UpperSnakemouth, Battle6 will be used
    • Otherwise, if flag 348 (Start of chapter 5) is true and the current area is among BarrenLands, FarGrasslands, WildGrasslands, RubberPrison, MetalLake or StreamMountain, Battle6 will be used
    • Otherwise, Battle0 will be used

Enemy party setup

This part goes through all the enemyids and initialises the corresponding enemydata element. The array is initialised to a new one with a length of enemyids.length for this purpose. The main portion of the data comes from GetEnemyData with entity creation.

From there, the following happens on each enemydata after setting it to the return of GetEnemyData:

  • battleentity.battleid is set to the corresponding index of the enemydata
  • turnsnodamage is set to -1
  • battleentity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • battle.estimatedexp is incremented by the enemydata's exp
  • If the enemy's animid (the enemy id) is less than the amount of instance.enemyencounter elements (which is normally 256) and battleentity.cotunknown is false (it's not a Cave of Trials battle entity), the corresponding enemyencounter element's seen counter is incremented
  • The battleentity position is determined:
    • x: This depends on the amount of enemy party member and the enemydata index of the element:
      • 2 enemies: 1.5 * enemydata's index + 3.5
      • 3 enemies: 1.5 * enemydata's index + 2.5
      • 4 enemies: 0.75 * enemydata's index + 2.0
    • y: always 0.1
    • z: 0.0 for the 1st enemy, 0.15 for the 2nd, 0.30 for the 3rd and 0.45 for the 4th
  • The battleentity gets childed to the battlemap
  • battleentity.hologram gets set to the value of flag 162 (we are in a B.O.S.S or Cave of Trials session)
  • battlepos is set to the battleentity's position
  • Some enemies have additional logic here:
    • VenusBoss: extraentities is initialised to a new array with one element being a new entity created via CreateNewEntity with a name of Venus, an animid of 80 (Venus) and a position of (0.0, 0.0, 4.0) childed to the battlemap. This entity gets further adjustements:
      • hologram gets set to the value of flag 162 (we are in a B.O.S.S or Cave of Trials battle), but if they have the Holographic property in their weakness, the value always gets set to true regardless
      • alwaysactive gets set to true
      • activeonpause gets set to true
      • A VenusBattle component gets added to the gameObject and its SetUp gets called on it with itself as the parent and the battleentity as the target
    • Scarlet: battleentity.basesate is set to 5 (Angry)
    • BeeBoss: battlepos and the battleentity position are set to (4.5, 0.0, 0.0)
    • SandWyrmTail: entity.height and entity.initialheight are set to 0.0
    • Cenn and Pisci: If flags 497 is true (beat them for the first time) , eventondeath is set to -1. If it's false, AlwaysSurvive is added to the weakness. In either cases, battlepos and the battleentity position are set to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    • Spuder and SpuderReal: If flags 41 is false (before the end of chapter 1) and either flags 613 (RUIGEE) or 614 (HARDEST) is true, the hp and maxhp are decreased by 15
    • Zasp and Mothiva: If flags 606 is true (after the second round of the colosseum in chapter 6), hp / maxhp are increased by 15, hardatk is incremented and lockrelayreceive is set to true
    • Pitcher: battleentity position is incremented by Vector3.right
    • Maki, Kina and Yin: If flags 614 is true (HARDEST is active), hp / maxhp are increased by 10 and def is incremented
  • If the calledfrom.entity or the battleentity is inice while it's a Krawler or CursedSkull enemy:
    • freezeres is incremented by 70 (affects freeze inflictions)
    • battleentity.inice is set to true
    • weakness is set to a new list with one element being HornExtraDamage
  • If battleentity.forcefire or we are in the GiantLair area except for the GiantLairFridgeInside map while the enemy is a Krawler, CursedSkull or Cape:
    • If instance.partylevel is less than 27 (meaning it's not maxed) and flags 613 is false (RUIGEE is inactive), the exp is incremented by the floored result of a lerp from 10.0 to 3.0 with a factor of instance.partylevel / 27.0
    • freezeres is set to 110 (immune to freeze inflictions)
    • hp and maxhp are increased by 3
    • weakness is set to a new list with one element being Magic
  • A frame is yielded
  • battleentity.animstate is set to its basesate

After, there are more setup logic, but this time, it's based on the entire enemydata array instead of each element:

  • If it contains a MotherChomper enemy with a length of 3, the battlepos are changed as follows depending on their enemydata indexes:
    • 0: (1.2, 0.0, 1.0)
    • 1: (2.7, 0.0, -0.5)
    • 2: (4.6, 0.0, -0.1)
  • If it contains a UltimaxTank enemy, the battlepos of the first element is incremented by (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
  • If it contains a SandWyrm enemy, the first 2 elements gets a VenusBattle component added to their battleentity.gameObject with its SetUp called on them where the target is the battleentity itself and the parent being the other of the 2 battleentity. It also changes their battlepos depending on their enemydata indexes:
    • 0: (3.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    • 1: (5.9, 0.0, 0.0)
  • All battleentity in enemydata gets their position set to their corresponding battlepos
  • A frame is yielded

Player party setup

This part initialises the playerdata elements for the battle. It first involves initialising partyentities, tiredpart and receivedrelay to new arrays with a length of the instance.playerdata length.

From there, the following fields gets initialised to each playerdata:

Field Initial value
battleentity A new entity created via CreateNewEntity with the name PlayerX where X is the index of the element
tired 0
cantmove 0, but if the LastWind medal is equipped on them, the value is -1 (2 actor turns on the first main turn)
charge 0
atkdownonloseatkup false
battleentity's position Depends on the playerdata index:
  • 0: (-3.0, 0.1, 0.0)
  • 1: (-5.0, 0.1, 1.0)
  • 2: (-6.0, 0.1, 0.0)
battleentity's tag Player
battleentity.animid The corresponding trueid (see battle party addressing for why this happens)
battleentity.flip true
battleentity.battle true
moreturnnextturn 0
turnssincedeath 0
turnsalive 0
battleentity.overridejump true
battleentity.alwaysactive true
eatenby null
didnothing false
battleentity.nocondition false
isnumb false
pointer The playerdata index
plating Whether or not the player party member has the Plating medal equipped
isasleep false
isdefending false
battleentity.battleid The playerdata index
battleentity.parent battlemap (gets childed to it)
battleentity.gameObject.layer 9 (Follower)
battleentity.emoticonoffset (0.0, 1.8 + 0.25 * the playerdata index, 0.0)
battleentity.destroytype PlayerDeath
battleentity.animstate 13 (BattleIdle)
eventondeath -1
cursoroffset (0.0, 2.5, 0.0)
haspassed false
weakness New empty list
condition New empty list
battleentity.dead If hp is 0, it's set to true
battleentity.hologram If the HoloCloak medal is equipped on them, this is set to true alongside an UpdateSpriteMat call which updates their material to MainManager.holosprite

Additionally, the following also happens for each playerdata:

  • The corresponding partyentities element gets set to the battlentity
  • The corresponding battle.tiredpart gets initialised to the transform of a new Prefabs/Particles/Tired with the following:
    • Childed to the battleentity
    • Local position being the cursoroffset + (0.0, -5.0, 0.0)
    • Angles of (-45.0, 270.0, 0.0)
    • Disabled for now

After initialising all player party members, MainManager.ApplyBadges is called.

Chompy setup

This part involves the initialisation of the chompy field. It happens if flags 402 is true (Chompy is with Team Snakemouth).

chompy is initialised to a new entity created via CreateNewEntity with name chompy with the ChompyChan animid with a position of (-0.5, 0.0, 1) with the following:

  • Childed to the battlemap
  • gameObject.layer set to 9 (Follower)
  • flip set to true
  • battle set to true

AI setup

This part initialises battle aiparty which is a battle AI. A battle AI is an entity that sits closely to the player party, but has scripted actions after the player party's actions (and chompy if applicable) is over. They are only added under specific conditions, usually involving having a follower.

The method used for this is called AddAI and it initalises aiparty to a new entity created via CreateNewEntity with name ai party using the matching animid and am animstate with position (-3.0, 0.0, 2.0) childed to the battlemap and with a flip and battle field set to true.

The method takes an animid and am animstate to set to the entity (the animstate parameter is called basestate, but it actually sets the animstate field).

While technically, the method can be called multiple time, this isn't supported and will likely result in entities not being tracked by the game should this happen.

Here are the different AIs added and their conditions by their animid (aiparty starts with a value of null):

  • Maki is added with animstate 13 (BattleIdle) if any of the following is true:
    • The is the FGClearing map
    • flags 594 is true (Chapter 7 when maki should be present in battle)
    • Maki is a tempfollower while the current area is FarGrasslands or WildGrasslands or the map is the TestRoom
  • KungFuMantis is added with animstate 5 (Angry) if they are a tempfollower
  • Madeleine is added with animstate 0 (Idle) if they are a tempfollower
  • AntCapitain is added with animstate 13 (BattleIdle) if map.mapid is the AbandonedCity map and flags 400 is true (reserved temporary flag). If they are added, it also causes every element of enemydata to have MainManager.SetCondition called twice on them as the entity with AttackUp and DefenseUp for 999999 actor turns
  • LadybugKnight is added if MainManager.lastevent is 47 meaning this battle was caused by event 47 (Chapter 2 approaching the tunnel entrance to the Golden Path)
  • Gen is added if MainManager.lastevent is 93 meaning this battle was caused by event 93 (Chapter 3 approaching the area where the merchants gets ambushed by bandits and wasps)

Helper medal logic

If the helper medal is equipped and aiparty is still null at this point (meaning none of the above conditions were fufilled to get an aiparty), it's still possible for an aiparty to be assigned, but it will be selected randomly amongst all the possible ones. aiparty will stay at null (none) if the medal isn't equipped or it is, but no aiparty exists in the possible pool.

For an aiparty to be in the pool, each requires to have some flags set to true. Here are all the possible ones with their flags slot required:

animid animstate Required flags slot(s)
KungFuMantis 5 (Angry) 514 (Completed the Help Me Get it Back! quest)
Gen 0 (Idle) 498 (Completed the Explorer Check! quest)
Maki 13 (BattleIdle) 610 (Beaten Maki’s team for the first time)
LadybugKnight 0 (Idle) 135 (Completed the Requesting Assistance quest)
ShielderAnt 13 (BattleIdle) 135 (Completed the Requesting Assistance quest)
AntCapitain 13 (BattleIdle) 709 (Completed the Loose Ends quest)
Madeleine 0 (Idle) 391 (Completed the Butler Missing Again! quest)
Zasp 5 (BattleIdle) 298 (Chapter 4, beat the Dune Scorpion) and 189 (Completed the Lost Item quest)

If at least one exists in the possible pool, then a random one is selected and AddAI will be called with the selected party. This is also followed by their battleentity.hologram set to true with an UpdateSpriteMat call which will set their sprite material to MainManager.holosprite.

Gen special handling as aiparty

This particular aiparty is special because it requires 2 entities, but as said earlier, the AI party system doesn't allow to have multiple entities. As a workaround, if the animid of the aiparty that was added is 47 (Gen), the following will happen:

  • A new entity named eri is created with animid 48 (Eri) using CreateNewEntity childed to the aiparty positioned at the aiparty + (-1.15, 0.0, 0.5) with a z scale multiplied by -1.0
  • The entity's hologram is set to true followed by an UpdateSpriteMat call which will set their sprite material to MainManager.holosprite
  • The entity's flip and overrideflip are set to true so they will look to the right

Last pre halfload initialisations

This part only contains miscellaneous initialisations logic before halfload is set to true:

  • Yield for a frame
  • MainManager.RefreshEntities is called
  • instance.camspeed is set to 0.1
  • If actiontext doesn't exist, it is created as a SpriteRenderer component added to a new GameObject named ActionText and the following:
    • Childed to the GUICamera
    • Local position of (-5.0, 4.0, 10.0)
    • Scale of (1.15, 1.75, 1.1)
    • No angles
    • sprite of guisprites[0] (white rectangle)
    • gameObject.layer of 5 (UI)
    • sortingOrder of -1
    • color of pure white with 75% opacity
  • CreateCursor is called which initialises cursor to a new GameObject named cursor with the following:
    • A SpriteRenderer with the sprite being cursorsprite[0] (the leaf cursor sprite) with a sortingOrder of -20
    • A SpriteBounce with MessageBounce called on it
    • Childed to the battlemap
    • gameObject.layer set to 15 (3DUI)
    • Angles of (0.0, 0.0, 270.0)
  • avaliableplayers is set to the return of MainManager.GetFreePlayerAmmount
  • A frame is yielded
  • The cursor position is set to (0.0, 999.0, 0.0)
  • The SpriteRenderer material of the cursor has its renderQueue set to 10000
  • UpdateText is called
  • MainManager.RefreshSkills is called
  • RefreshAllData is called which sets alldata to a new list which consists of all the playerdata followed by all the enemydata appended together and it also resets all enemy party member's blockTimes to 0
  • If the fronticon doesn't exist, it is initialised to the SpriteRenderer of a new UI object with the name attackicon childed to the GUICamera with position of, size of / 3.0, sortingOrder of 20 and with a sprite of guisprites[63] (the red arrow of the front icon in battle)
  • A frame is yielded
  • We exit the pause entered earlier
  • If there's more than one playerdata element, then as long as the first partypointer doesn't match the first instance.partyorder (meaning the battle doesn't point to the leading party member), a SwitchParty action coroutine is started with fast (which ends up calling MainManager.SwitchParty immediately) followed by a frame yield until they both match. NOTE: It does mean the coroutine calls can be spammed, but in theory, the while condition gets updated information everytime since the StartCoroutine call immediately causes the party to be updated. For more information on why this is done, check battle party addressing
  • If the StrongStart medal is equipped on a party member, the corresponding playerdata gets its cantmove decremented which gives it an additional turn
  • UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on all battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)
  • All frames are yielded while action is true until it goes to false (this is done to ensure all remainings SwitchParty calls done earlier are fully finished)
  • RefreshEXP is called
  • SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns to a new aray with the length being the amount of free players - 1 and all elements being -1 (this resets the player selection cycle)
  • halfload is set to true
  • All playerdata battleentity have their rigid gravity enabled, onground set to true and animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • 0.1 seconds are yielded