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StartBattle - Post halfload

This is the last of 3 phases of StartBattle.

This section occurs after halfload is set to true and the coroutine yielded making the new value visible to the rest of the game.

Last player and enemy setup

This part only contains miscellaneous initialisations logic mainly about the playerdata and enemydata:

  • All enemydata battleentity have their rigid gravity enabled
  • The dimmer gets childed to the battlemap with a clear color and then disabled (this reveals the scene as it was hidden earlier)
  • If instance.firstbattleaction is false (this is the first StartBattle call since the save was loaded)
    • A DoAction call starts with the first playerdata battleentity with action -555. -555 is a special value that will bypass most meaningful logic of the coroutine. In other words, it can be viewed as doing a blank call: nothing of note will happen and no actual action will be processed. The reason this is done has to do with a performance issue with DoAction where its IL code is large enough to stutter the game when compiling it with the JIT and this provokes this stutters early. Because this is done right before the battle out transition, it's less perceivable than if it was on the first action, hence this odd logic.
    • All frames are yielded while action is true until it goes to false
    • 0.5 seconds are yielded
    • instance.firstbattleaction gets set to true
  • A frame is yielded

Battle out transition

This part only plays the battle out transition by calling PlayTransition with id 3 (the battle out transition), the data being the map.battleleaftype at 0.025 speed and the color being the same one used for the previous transition played earlier.

0.2 seconds are yielded after.

dizzytime logic

This party only happens if calledfrom exists with a dizzytime above 0.0 (the player should get the advantage):

  • The playerdata with a trueid (which is the animid) that matches the first partypointer is found and its cantmove is set to -1 and receivedrelay of the corresponding playerdata index is set to true. This essentially gives an additional turn to the lead party member and also allows their tiredpart to be enabled by UpdateAnim
  • calledfrom.dizzytime is set to 0.0
  • If at least one Ambush medal is equipped:
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • Each enemy party member has DoDamage called with them as the target, null attacker and NoExceptions property for a damageammount that is the amount of Ambush medals equipped. NOTE: This can't be lethal because if the hp of the enemy party members becomes 0, it is set to 1
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • Yield return DropEenemies with all enemy party members so that if they need to be dropped, it will be done immediately before resuming

switchicon initialisation

This part initialises the switchicon if it didn't exist as a new GameObject with name switchicon childed to the GUICamera with a local position of (0.0, 99.0, 0.0).

It also causes 3 children to get added to it:

  • A new UI object named arrow0 with size * 0.4 using the sprite guisprites[92] (right turn black arrow) with a sortingOrder of 3 with angles (0.0, 0.0, 180.0). The local y/z positions is 0 and the x is -1.0 except if longcancel is true where it becomes -1.25
  • Another instance of the above, but the name is arrow1, there is no angles and the x position is the positive version instead of the negative one
  • A new GameObject named button with a ButtonSprite component with SetUp called on it using input 5 (Cancel), -1 as onlytype, no description, local position of, iconsize of Vector3.on * 0.4, sortingOrder of 0 and the switchicon as the parent making it also the actual parent when its Start occurs

State reset

This resets some important state fields:

  • currentturns is set to -1 (no player selected)
  • turns is set to 0
  • cancelupdate is set to false
  • enemy is set to false
  • instance.inbattle is set to true
  • if sadv is not negative, adv is set to it
  • sadv is set to adv (which only does anything if it was 3)

Enemy first strike

This part only happens if adv is 3:

  • enemy is set to true (we temporarilly go into the enemy phase)
  • firststrike is set to true
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • instance.hudcooldown is set to 10.0 which shows the main HP / TP HUD
  • instance.showmoney is set to -1.0 which hides the berry count HUD
  • action is set to true (enter an uncontrolled flow)
  • RefreshEnemyHP is called
  • 0.15 seconds are yielded
  • A DoAction call is started on enemydata[0]
  • All frames are yielded while action is true until it goes to false. This yield doesn't just yield until DoAction is done because Update has priority over StartBattle as StartBattle is a coroutine. It will yield until
  • enemydata[0].tired is set to 0
  • enemydata[0].cantmove is set to 0
  • action is set to true (goes back into an uncontrolled flow)
  • A CheckDead is started with the coroutine being stored in checkingdead
  • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
  • All enemydata have their tired and cantmove set to 0. NOTE: This is incorrect and it should been set to -moves + 1. The overall effect of this error is enemies with a moves of 2 or above looses all, but one actor turn on the battle's first main turn
  • currentturns is set to -1
  • action is set to false (resets to a uncontrolled flow)
  • firststrike is set to false
  • enemy is set to false (reset to be in the player phase)
  • SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns to a new array with the length being the amount of free players - 1 and all elements being -1

Conditions special logic

This part manages the player and enemies conditions as they have special logic to them that must occur at the very end.

If saveddata is true (this is a retry), SetStartConditions is called which will do the following:

  • Add all the corresponding sdata.psc to each playerdata's condition from the existing ones
  • Add all the corresponding sdata.esc to each enemydata's condition from the existing ones
  • Add all the corresponding sdata.enemyweakness to each enemydata's weakness from the existing ones
  • SetLastTurns is called which resets lastturns to a new aray with the length being the amount of free players - 1 and all elements being -1

After, all playerdata's condition's element that have a turn count of 0 or below are removed

From there, the RandomStart medal takes effect if it's equipped for each playerdata that has it. The effec involves a GetChance test that is performed with 16 weights with outcomes from 0 to 6 and what happens here depends on the result:

  • 0 (3/16): StatusEffect is called on the playerdata with AttackUp for 2 actor turns with effect
  • 1 (3/16): StatusEffect is called on the playerdata with DefenseUp for 2 actor turns with effect
  • 2 (2/16):
    • The StatUp sound is played if it wasn't already
    • StatEffect is called with the battleentity using type 4 (green up arrow)
    • The player party member's charge is incremented
  • 3 (2/16): If the playerdata's poisonres is 100 or above (it's immune to poison), this is treated as an outcome of 2 described above. If it's not:
    • The Poison sound is played if it wasn't already
    • The PoisonEffect particles are played on the battleentity position
    • SetCondition is called with Poison on the player party member for 2 actor turns unless the Eternal Venom medal is equipped on it where it's 99999 actor turns instead
  • 4 (2/16): The StatUp sound is played if it wasn't already followed by a StatEffect coroutine being started with the battleentity using type 5 (yellow up arrow) followed by the playerdata's cantmove being decremented (gives an additional actor turn)
  • 5 (2/16):
    • The Heal3 sound is played if it wasn't already
    • The MagicUp particles being played on the battleentity position without sound
    • SetCondition is called with GradualHP on the player party member for 2 actor turns
  • 6 (2/16):
    • The Heal3 sound is played if it wasn't already
    • The MagicUp particles are played on the battleentity position without sound
    • SetCondition is called with GradualTP on the player party member for 2 actor turns

Finally, UpdateConditionIcons is called which calls UpdateConditionBubbles on the battleentity (all playerdata with right to false and all enemydata with hp above 0 with right to true)

Final setup

These are the final steps of StartBattle:

  • turns is set to 0
  • MainManager.SortLights is called
  • If[0] is played and its clip exists, is set to the clip's name
  • saveddata is set to true