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DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None 180.0 SequentialKeys {5.0}

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1a DoCommand 1 set combo to 1 or above playerdata[currentturn] The enemy party member playerdata[currentturn].atk + (combo - 2) null Empty array false
1b DoCommand 1 set combo to less than 1 null playerdata[currentturn] 3 (later, the attacker's hp gets clamped from 1 to its maxhp so this cannot be lethal) null null false
2 DoCommand 1 set combo to 3 or above, done up to 2 times for each of the enemy party members directly adjacent to the target of DoDamage 1a whose position isn't Underground or OutOfReach null The enemy party member 2 null null false

Multi targets

This action can target the enemy party member directly to the left or right of the original target if they exists and their position isn't Underground or OutOfReach.

Logic sequence

  • Camera moves slowly to the left of the stage slightly up and back
  • CreateRock is created at half uniform scale offscreen under the map and assigned to a local called boulder
  • attacker MoveTowards the back of the party at 2.0 speed
  • Yield until attacker's forcemove is done
  • Dig sound plays
  • KabbuDig coroutine starts and set to checkingdead which animates the attacker's sprite going underground with Prefabs/Particles/DirtFlying particles and its overrideanim, overrideflip and overrideheight going to true
  • Yield until checkingdead is done
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • ShakeScreen for 0.2 ammount for 0.5 time
  • attacker overrideanim, overrideflip and overrideheight set back to false
  • attacker animstate set to 103
  • DirtExplode2 particles played at the attacker position
  • PebbleAtkDigUp sound plays
  • Over the course of 31.0 frames, the boulder moves via SmoothLerp towards (0.0, 12.0, 0.0). The first iteration after 15.5 frames will have the DoCommand 1 call happen (and set to actionroutine)
  • Over the course of 204.0 frames, the boulder moves via Lerp from (0.0, 42.5, 0.0) to the attacker + Vector3.up. However, whenever commandsuccess goes to true or actionroutine is done, each frame may be counted multiple times which accelerates the movements (2x until 50% then 3x until 80% and then back to 1x)
  • FinishAction is called manually which force ends the action (it normally will end before however because the timer is shorter then the full time it takes for the boulder to move)
  • If combo is 0 or below:
    • RockBreak sound plays
    • RockBreak is called which instantiates a Prefabs/Objects/CrackRockBreak childed to the boulder and gets the boulder destroyed
    • ShakeScreen with 0.2 ammount for 0.5 time
    • DoDamage 1b call happens
    • attacker hp set to clamp from 1 to its maxhp (meaning DoDamage 1b cannot be lethal to the attacker)
  • Otherwise (combo is 1 or higher):
    • Camera moves 2.0 in x
    • attacker animstate set to 104
    • PebbleAtkLaunch sound plays
    • Over the course of 41.0 frames, the boulder moves from (0.0, 2.0, 0.0) towards the target + its height + 1.0 in y using a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of the target's height + 5.0
    • PebbleAtkHit1 sound plays
    • DoDamage 1a call happens
    • If combo is 3 or above:
      • PebbleAtkHit2 sound is set to play in 0.5 seconds
      • 2 new boulders are instantiated with a uniform 0.25 scale at the original target + Vector3.up. One will go towards the left enemy party member positon + its height and the other will do the same, but for the right enemy party member. If no enemy party members exists there, it will instead go towards the attacker + 2.5 in x. The movement is done via ArcMovement for 30.0 frames at 4.0 height with no spin and with destroy after. If the enemy party member exists and its position isn't Underground or OutOfReach, DoDamage 2 call is set to happen in 0.5 seconds
    • RockBreak is called which instantiates a Prefabs/Objects/CrackRockBreak childed to the boulder and gets the boulder destroyed
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds if any directly adjacent enemy party member was hit by DoDamage 2,
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds