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This is a MultiSkillMove with Bee, Beetle and Moth and as such, it is assumed that the attacker is one of them and it also means that post-action won't consume their actor turns like normal.

DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None 275.0 SequentialKeys {6.0, 1.0}
2 None 53.3333321 PressKeyTimer {Random integer (cast to float) between 4 and 6 (Confirm, Cancel or Switch input)}

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Done for each enemy party member that fufills these conditions:
  • Their position isn't OutOfReach or Underground
  • Their height is higher than 3.0
  • The iceball x position + 1.0 passes the enemy party member's x position (see the section below for details)
null The enemy party member GetMultiDamage with Bee, Beetle and Moth (halved ceiled if DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to false) * (barfill if it's 0.9 or higher otherwise, take barfill * 0.8 clamped from 0.25 to 1.0) ceiled clamped from 2 to 99 Freeze empty array false

DamageWithinPos calls

# Conditions playerid damageammount property radius xonly
1 DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to true and the Confirm input was pressed to explode the iceball. The iceball's position is effectively used as the position since Bee's position is set to it (see the section below for details) 0 (Bee) GetMultiDamage with Bee, Beetle and Moth (halved ceiled if DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to false) / 2.0 * (barfill if it's 0.9 or higher otherwise, take barfill * 0.8 clamped from 0.25 to 1.0) clamped from 1.0 floored Freeze 3.0 false

Iceball rolling logic

The damaging logic of this action is affected by an iceball rolling to the right towards the enemy party and by its optional explosion that the player can trigger.

How it works is a Prefabs/Objects/IceSphere gets instantiated and after a bunch of animation logic (after DoCommand 2), it ends up being rooted at (-4.5, 1.75 * x + 0.25 * (1.0 - x), 0.0) where x is barfill if it's 0.9 or higher otherwise, it's barfill * 0.8 clamped from 0.25 to 1.0.

From there, over the course of 81.0 frames (101.0 frames instead if DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to false), the iceball will move to 10.0 in x via a lerp. During this move, this is where DoDamage 1 call can take effect if the iceball's position + 1.0 goes past an enemy party member's position (they still need to respect some other conditions as the DoDamage table above shows).

However, during the move, the player can at any point interrupt it by pressing the Confirm input when past 34.0 frames. This is only available if DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to true. This is optional: the player may decide to not press the input and let the iceball move all the way to 10.0 in x.

If it is pressed, the iceball immediately stops, Bee's position is set to the iceball's position and DoDamageWithinPos 1 call happens. Since Bee's position is the same as the iceball's for that moment, the iceball's position is what is going to be used as the position to compare the radiuses and determine which enemy party members is affected.

Logic sequence

  • Bee MoveTowards (-4.5, 0.0, 0.0) at 2.0x speed
  • Beetle MoveTowards (-8.2, 0.0, 0.0) at 2.0x speed
  • Moth MoveTowards (-6.45, 0.0, -0.85) at 2.0x speed
  • Camera is set to look at at the left side of the stage
  • Yield until Bee, Beetle and Moth's forcemove are done
  • Bee, Beetle and Moth have LockRigid(true) called on them with overrideflip, overrideanim, overidefly and flip set to true
  • Moth animstate set to 105
  • Bee animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • Prefabs/Objects/IceSphere instantiated rooted with a scale of and stored in a local named iceball with its first child named bsrpite which is rooted and moved offscreen
  • IceRadius particles played at Bee's position + Vector3.up infinetly with 7.0x uniform scale chiled to Bee's sprite
  • iceball gets childed to Bee's sprite
  • OverworldIce sound plays
  • mothicenormal particles plays without sound at Bee's position + 1.0 in y for 3.0 alivetime and 3500 rendersort
  • iceball local position set to Vector3.up
  • Bee's bobrange set to 1.0
  • DoCommand 1 call happens
  • Spin sound plays on sounds[9] with 0.5 pitch on loop
  • Yield until doingaction goes to false. Before each frame yield:
    • A value is calculated being the lerp from the previous value of barfill clamped from 0.25 to 1.0 (starting at 0.0) to its current value clamped from 0.25 to 1.0 with a factor of 1/10th of the game's frametime. This controls progression through barfill
    • Bee's y spin set to 20.0 * the barfill progression value
    • iceball scale set to a lerp from to * 200.0 with a factor of the barfill progression value clamped from 0.5 to 1.0
    • Bee's height set to a lerp from the existing one to 2.5 with a factor of 0.0075 * the game's frametime
    • IceRadius's ParticleSystem's emmision's rateOverTime set to a lerp from 1.0 to 20.0 with a factor of the barfill progression value
    • sounds[9]'s pitch set to a lerp from 0.5 to 0.75 with a factor of barfill
    • instance.camoffset set to a lerp from defaultcamoffset to (0.0, 2.5, -11.0) with a factor of the barfill progression value
  • sounds[9] is stopped
  • The corrected barfill amount is calculated by taking its value (or the value * 0.8 if it's less than 0.9) and clamping it from 0.25 to 1.0
  • iceball's scale set to uniform 200.0x * the corrected barfill value clamped from 0.5 to 1.0
  • instance.camoffset set to (0.0, 3.2, -9.85)
  • IceRadius moved offscreen and destroyed in 5.0 seconds
  • iceball gets rooted
  • bsprite gets childed to the iceball with a scale of
  • Bee is moved offscreen
  • Freeze sound plays
  • mothicenormal particles plays without sound at bsprite's position + for 3.0 alivetime and 3500 rendersort with a scale of uniform 2.0x * the corrected barfill value
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • Beetle has LockRigid(false) called on them
  • Beetle's overrideflip set to true
  • Beetle MoveTowards (-9.5, 0.0, 0.0) with a stopstate of 116
  • Charge7 sound plays at 0.7 pitch
  • Over the course of max 81.0 frames (or until the DoCommand 2 call is done with doingaction going false after it started), the iceball moves to its position + 2.0 in y via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 8.0. Before each frame yield, the following happens:
    • If Beetle's forcemove is done, it gets ShakeSprite called with 0.1 intensity and 1.0 frametimer
    • Beetle animstate set to 116
    • Yield for an additional extra frame
    • If DoCommand 2 call didn't happened yet and we are past 32.0 frames, DoCommand 2 call happens
  • Beetle's sprite local position is reset to
  • Beetle has LockRigid(true) called on them
  • Moth animstate set to 102
  • If commandsuccess is true, PingShot sound plays at 0.9 pitch. Otherwise, Beetle animstate set to 105
  • Over the course of 16.0 frames (26.0 frames instead if commandsuccess is false), iceball moves in y to 1.75f * x + 0.25f * (1f - x) where x is the corrected barfill value and Beetle moves to the iceball initial position before this move -1.0 in x (0.0 for y and z)
  • ShakeScreen with an ammount of 0.2 * the corrected barfill value for 0.5 time with dontreset
  • A SpinAround gets added to iceball
  • Camera reset to default
  • hitpart (the particles) plays at Beetle's position
  • If commandsuccess is true:
    • iceball's SpinAround's itself set to (-10.0, -3.0, -8.0) * the corrected barfill value
    • BigHit sound plays
  • Otherwise:
    • iceball's SpinAround's itself set to (-10.0, -3.0, -8.0) * the corrected barfill value / 3.0
    • Beetle animstate set to 18 (KO)
    • DeathSmoke particles plays at Beetle's position
    • Damage0 sound plays
  • If commandsuccess is true:
    • Beetle moves to its position + (-1.5, 0.0, 0.0) via an ArcMovement with a height of 3.0 over 40.0 frametime
    • presskey set to 4 (Confirm)
    • If the corrected barfill value is higher than 0.6, a ButtonSprite is SetUp with the presskey input childed to the GUICamera with a local positon of (0.0, 2.0, 10.0) and a sortorder of 10. The ButtonSprite is disabled for now
  • spin5 sound plays on sounds[9] with 1.5 pitch and 0.9 volume on loop
  • Yield for a frame
  • Over the course of 81.0 frames (101.0 frames instead if commandsuccess is false), the iceball moves to (10.0, its current y position, 0.0). During the move:
    • If commandsuccess is true and we are past 24 frames:
      • The ButtonSprite gets enabled
      • The ButtonSprite's basesprite's color is set to grey or white (white if Sin(Time.time * 20.0) is higher than 0.0, grey otherwise)
      • If presskey (Confirm) is pressed, the iceball moves breaks out early and the explosion damage will happen
    • DoDamage 2 call happens for each applicable enemy party members if they hadn't received the call yet
  • The ButtonSprite is destroyed
  • Beetle and Moth animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • sounds[9] is stopped
  • Explosion5 sound plays
  • IceShatter particles plays at the iceball with a scale of uniform 3.0x
  • Bee's position is set to the iceball's
  • The iceball is destroyed
  • If the Confirm input press was accepted earlier:
    • ShakeScreen for 0.3 ammount and 1.25 time with dontreset
    • mothicenormal particles played at Bee's position + 1.0 in y with scale of uniform 4.0 * corrected value of barfill
    • DamageWithinPos 1 call happens
  • Otherwise (commandsuccess was false or no Confirm input was pressed), ShakeScreen for 0.2 ammount for 0.75 time with dontreset
  • Bee's y spin set to 30.0
  • Bee's height set to 0.0
  • Over the course of 61.0 frames, Bee moves to their initial position before this action via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 7.0
  • Bee animstate set to 18 (KO)
  • Bee's spin is zeroed out
  • DeathSmoke particles played at Bee's position
  • Death3 sound plays
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • Bee, Beetle and Moth have LockRigid(false) called on them, they MoveTowards their initial position before this action with a 2.0x speed with overrideflip, overrideanim, overridejump and overidefly set to false
  • Yield until Bee, Beetle and Moth's forcemove are done
  • Bee, Beetle and Moth have their flip set to true and their position set to their initial one before this action
  • UpdateAnim is called
  • Yield for a frame
  • MultiSkillMove is called with 0, 1 and 2 (normally Bee, Beetle and Moth)