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This is a MultiSkillMove with Beetle and Moth and as such, it is assumed that the attacker is either one and it also means that post-action won't consume their actor turns like normal.

DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None 250.0 SequentialKeys {6.0}
2 DoCommand 1 set combo to a value higher than 2 60.0 PressKeyTimer {Random integer (cast to float) between 4 and 6 (Confirm, Cancel or Switch input)}

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1_a DoCommand 1 set combo to a value higher than 2, done 3 times null availabletargets[target] GetMultiDamage for Beetle and Moth / 2.0 * barfill rounded to nearest (to nearest even if ending in .5) + 1 Pierce empty array false
1_b Either one of the following happened:
  • DoCommand 1 set combo to a value of 2 or lower
  • DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to false
null availabletargets[target] 1 null empty array false
2 DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to true null availabletargets[target] GetMultiDamage for Beetle and Moth / 2.0 * barfill rounded to nearest (to nearest even if ending in .5) + 2 null empty array false

Additional flip logic

DoDamage 1_a doesn't have a Flip property, but the action comes with custom logic that does a reduced version of what the property does and it is also done 3 times, each being done right after DoDamage 1_a call. It only concerns the conditions management and the basestate set in case of a Topple.

Flip is called on the target enemy party member. This method features the same flip handling logic than the damage pipeline, but with 3 key differences:

  • It doesn't have any logic about the damage effects (it doesn't apply here)
  • It doesn't feature a DropItem call if the enemy party member was holding an item
  • It doesn't feature setting isdefending to false meaning it will not break their guarding

The rest (including the toppling management and the Flipped condition infliction) are the same.

Logic seqeunce

  • Both Beetle and Moth have LockRigid(false) called on them with flip and overrideflip set to true
  • Beetle MoveTowards (-2.95, 0.0, -1.45) at 2.0x speed
  • Moth MoveTowards (-4.25, 0.0, -2.0) at 2.0x speed
  • Yield until Beetle and Moth's forcemove are done
  • Both Beetle and Moth have flip set to true and overrideflip set to false
  • Camera moves slowly to the midpoint between the attacker and the target enemy party member
  • Moth animstate set to 108
  • Prefabs/AnimSpecific/mothbattlesphere instantiated rooted at Moth's position + (-0.75, 1.55, 0.0) with 90.0 angle in x
  • Prefabs/Objects/SingleSphere instantiated childed to the Prefabs/AnimSpecific/mothbattlesphere with a local position of and a MeshRenderer's materiral.color of pure white with half transparency
  • Prefabs/AnimSpecific/mothbattlesphere moves via an ArcMovement to its position + (2.0, -5.0, 0.0) with 3.0 height over the course of 40.0 frametime
  • Prefabs/AnimSpecific/mothbattlesphere destroyed in 2.0 seconds
  • Dig sound plays
  • checkingdead set to a new KabbuDig call on Beetle
  • Yield until checkingdead is done
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • LockRigid(true) called on Beetle
  • Beetle moves towards (MainManager.MoveTowards) the target enemy party member + -0.1 in z over 75.0 frametime with smooth
  • DoCommand 1 call happens
  • Yield for 1.0 seconds
  • Yield until doingaction is false
  • commandsuccess is set to whether or not combo is higher than 2 (the command is considered succeeded for this specific action if it is)
  • DigPop sound plays
  • DirtExplode particles plays at the target enemy party member position
  • ShakeScreen for 0.1 ammount for 0.75 time with dontreset
  • If commandsuccess is true:
    • WaspDrill sound plays on loop
    • Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill instantiated rooted at the target enemy party member + -5.0 in y with -90.0 angle in x
    • Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill moves towards (MainManager.MoveTowards) the target enemy party member over the course of 10.0 frametime with local (this will smoothly reveal the object from the ground)
    • Moth animstate set to 101
    • Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill z scale set to 0.75
    • Camera moves to look at the target enemy party member + 2.0 in y
    • Moth animstate set to 108
    • Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill gets a SpinAround added with an itself of (0.0, 0.0, -1.5 * combo)
    • Beetle is set to not be digging
    • Beetle y position decreases by 3.0
    • If the target enemy party member's weight is less than 100.0:
    • target enemy party member gets overrideanim and overridejump set to true
    • target enemy party member animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
    • The following is done 3 times:
      • If the target enemy party member's weight is less than 100.0, they will move to 1.5 in y via an ArcMovement with 4.0 height over 40.0 frametime with their onground set to false
      • ShieldHit sound plays with 0.65 volume
      • DoDamage 1_a call happens
      • Flip is called on the target enemy party member (see the section above for more details)
      • If this is the last (third) iteration, DoCommand 2 call happens
      • Moth animstate set to 104
      • Yield for 0.5 seconds
      • Yield for 0.1 seconds
    • Yield until doingaction is false
    • Beetle's sprite local position set to
    • target enemy party member's spin zeroed out
    • WaspDrill sound stopped
    • If commandsuccess is true (set by DoCommand 2):
      • BigHit sound plays
      • OverworldIce sound plays at 0.9 pitch
      • DirtExplode particles plays at the target enemy party member
      • mothicenormal particles plays at Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill + 2.0 in y with a uniform scale of 2.5x
      • IceShatter particles plays at Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill + 2.0 in y with a uniform scale of 2.5x
      • Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill destroyed
      • ShakeScreen with an ammount of 0.2 for 0.85 time with dontreset
      • Beetle's y spin set to 30.0
      • Beetle's overrideflip set to false
      • Beetle animstate set to 119
      • If the target enemy party member's weight is less than 100.0, they will move to 0.0 in y via an ArcMovement with 7.5 height over 60.0 frametime with their onground set to false
      • DoDamage 2 call happens
      • Beetle moves to its initial position before this action + Vector3.up via an ArcMovement with a height of 10.0 over 60.0 frametime
      • Yield for 1.0 seconds
  • FlipAngle(true) called on Beetle
  • Camera reset to default slowly
  • Beetle's sprite local position set to
  • If commmandsuccess is false (meaning DoCommand 1 set combo to 2 or lower OR DoCommand 2 set commandsuccess to false):
    • Moth animstate set to 109 if DoCommand 1 didn't set combo to higher than 2
    • DirtExplode particles plays at the target enemy party member
    • If Prefabs/Objects/IceDrill exists:
      • IceShatter particles plays where it is + 1.0 in y
      • It is destroyed
    • DoDamage 1_b call happens
    • Beetle moves to its initial position before this action via an ArcMovement with a height of 10.0 over 60.0 frametime
    • Beetle animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
    • Yield for 1.0 seconds
  • Both Beetle and Moth have the following happen to them:
    • MoveTowards their initial position before this action at 2.0x speed with a stopstate of 13 (BattleIdle)
    • overrideflip set to true
    • overrideanim set to false
    • spin zeroed out
    • LockRigid(false) called on them
  • Yield until Beetle and Moth's forcemove are done
  • Both Beetle and Moth have the following happen to them:
    • overrideanim set to false
    • flip set to true
    • position set to initial position before this action
  • LockRigid(false) called on target enemy party member
  • target enemy party member's overrideanim set to false
  • MultiSkillMove is called with 1 and 2 (normally Beetle and Moth)