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DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None
  • 220.0 if Beemerang2 medal is not equipped
  • 250.0 if Beemerang2 medal is equipped
  • {-1f, 6.5f, 0.15f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 4f} if Beemerang2 medal is not equipped
  • {-1f, 6.5f, 0.15f, 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 5f} if Beemerang2 medal is equipped

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 None playerdata[currentturn] availabletargets[target] playerdata[currentturn].atk - 1 clamped from 0 to 99. NOTE: This incorrectly ignores a base atk of 0 or lower due to the lower bound clamp Flip Empty array false
2_a DoDamage 1's result was higher than 0 null availabletargets[target] DoDamage 1's result - i clamped from 1 to 99, done x - 1 times where i starts at 1 and increments after each iteration and x is the amount of hits which is 2 + the amount of 1/2 parts contained in barfill value after DoCommand 1 (amount of 1/3 parts instead if Beemerang2 medal is equipped) Empty array false
2_b DoDamage 1's result was 0 or lower null availabletargets[target] 0, done x - 1 times where x is the amount of hits which is 2 + the amount of 1/2 parts contained in barfill value after DoCommand 1 (amount of 1/3 parts instead if Beemerang2 medal is equipped) null null false

Logic sequence

  • combo set to 0
  • Camera moved to zoom in slowly towards the left of the stage
  • attacker MoveTowards in front of the party, but still towards the left side of the stage
  • Yield until attacker is done with its forcemove
  • attacker animstate set to 100
  • Yield for 0.3 seconds
  • Yield for a frame
  • Prefabs/Particles/Hurricane is instantiated childed to the attacker's sprite slightly up and forward from it rotated -90.0 in x
  • Yield for a frame
  • Woosh sound played on sounds[9] at 0.5 pitch and 0.6 volume on loop
  • DoCommand 1 happens
  • Yield for a frame
  • Yield until doingaction is false. Before each frame yield, Prefabs/Particles/Hurricane's particle emission's RateOverTime is set to 40.0 * barfill clamped from 3.0 to 40.0 followed by attacker's y spin is set to 40.0 * (barfill clamped from 0.3 to 1) followed by sounds[9].pitch changed to successfulchain / 4.0 * 1.25 clamped from 0.5 to 1.5. NOTE: This pitch should have been based on barfill as successfulchain is not used for a TappingKey action command. This means the pitch won't change before each frame yield and the exact pitch is dependant on the result of the last TappingKey action command which is unexpected
  • sounds[9] is stopped at 0.1 speed
  • Toss sound is played
  • Woosh sound played on sounds[8] at 0.9 pitch and 0.5 volume on loop
  • attacker's spin is zeroed out
  • attacker animstate set to 101
  • Prefabs/Objects/BeerangBattle instantiated at the attacker's position
  • Camera reset to default
  • Prefabs/Objects/BeerangBattle is set to go towards slightly up from the targetentity using a BeizierCurve3 with a midpoint being the actual midpoint of the entire trajectory, but a bit forward over the course of 20.0 frames with a z rotation of 20.0 * framestep each frame
  • The amount of hits is calculated which is done by doing the following:
    • Take 2.0 * barfill (3.0 * barfill instead if Beemerang2 medal is equipped)
    • Ceil the result and clamp it from 1 to 99
    • Add 1 (Add 2 instead if barfill is 1.0 or higher)
  • enemybounce is set to a new array of one element being either null if targetentity's deathtype is 12 or if it isn't, a new BounceEnemy coroutine starting on targetentity. In practice, it means all but the KeyR, KeyL, Tablet enemies will have a BounceEnemy coroutine started on them if they are the target of this action
  • Prefabs/Particles/Hurricane's particle emission's RateOverTime is set to 50.0 * barfill clamped from 20.0 to 50.0
  • Prefabs/Objects/BeerangBattle has a SpinAround added to it with a z itself of 35.0
  • HurricaneBig particles are played without destroy at the targetentity position
  • combo is set to 0
  • For each amount of hits + 1:
    • If this is the first iteration:
      • DoDamage 1 call happens
      • lastdamage is set to a local int
    • Otherwise, if the lastdamage value of DoDamage 1 was higher than 0:
      • DoDamage 2_a call happens (index is this loop's index)
      • ShowComboMessage is called with targetentity without block. NOTE: This is incorrect because at this point, combo will be 2 which means the word 1 (GREAT) will be skipped
    • Otherwise:
      • DoDamage 2_b call happens
    • Yield for 0.75 / (amount of hits) seconds
  • The HurricaneBig particles are placed offscreen then destroyed in 3.0 seconds
  • The Prefabs/Objects/BeerangBattle's SpinAround is destroyed
  • The Prefabs/Particles/Hurricane is moved offscreen, rooted and destroyed in 3.0 seconds
  • Prefabs/Objects/BeerangBattle is set to go towards the attacker using a BeizierCurve3 with a with a midpoint being the actual midpoint of the entire trajectory, but a bit forward over the course of 20.0 frames with a z rotation of 20.0 each frame
  • sounds[8] is stopped
  • Prefabs/Objects/BeerangBattle is destroyed
  • attacker animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
  • Yield for a frame if the first enemybounce isn't null
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • targetentity basestate set to the one it had at the start of this action