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Explanation of how taunt works

This action has a special interaction with GetRandomAvailablePlayer where it will force the target selection by setting forceattack to currentturn (meaning the attacker performing this action).

While the enemy party members gets the Taunted condition (if they didn't had notaunt enabled), the condition doesn't actually do anything logically and it only visuals.

What will influence the battle logically solely has to do with forceattack being set. This action only features that and the animations related to it.

Logic sequence

  • attacker animstate set to 109
  • dontusecharge set to true
  • Taunt2 sound played on sounds[9] at 0.9 pitch on loop
  • Camera positioned to the attacker a bit up and back
  • Yield for 1.25 seconds
  • Camera reset to default
  • For every enemy party member whose notaunt is false:
    • Prefabs/Particles/AngryParticle instantiated and childed to the enemy party member positioned at their world CenterPos + -0.1 on z
    • enemy party member's overridejump set to true with the old value saved temporarilly
    • SetCondition called to add the Taunted condition on the enemy party member for 1 turn
    • If TauntPlus medal is equipped:
      • SetCondition called to add the AttackUp condition on the enemy party member for 1 turn
      • SetCondition called to add the DefenseDown condition on the enemy party member for 1 turn
  • sounds[9] is stopped
  • For the next 100.0 frames and for each enemy party member whose notaunt is false, the Taunt sound may be played if it wasn't playing already (or it is, but its time is past 0.25 seconds) under 2 conditions:
    • Every 20.0 frames while the enemy party member's weight is 100.0 or higher
    • The enemy party member's weight is less than 100.0, it is onground, its jumpcooldown expired and a 10% RNG test passes (this will also have Jump called on the entity party member before the sound playing)
  • For each enemy party member:
    • Their Prefabs/Particles/AngryParticle is destroyed
    • Yield until the enemy party member is onground
    • The enemy party member's overridejump is reverted to its initial value it had at the start of the action
  • forceattack is set to currentturn