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This item is a toss item and as such, parts of its logic are based off the PeebleToss action.

It's a special item action because selecteditem will get overriden to be one of the following item ids with uniform probabilities:

  • SpicyBomb
  • PoisonBomb
  • FrostBomb
  • NumbBomb
  • SleepBomb
  • BurlyBomb

The logic performed is the same than the new value of selecteditem with one exception: every DoDamage calls will have its damageammount increased by 2 compared to the normal call.

The rest is the same than if it was the actual overriden item.

There is some dead logic specifically related to this item however and it only contains the following DoDamage call, but it never happens under normal gameplay:

Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
Done for each enemy party member other than the target whose position + freezeoffset + their height in y has a square distance off the object after movement less than 15.5 null The enemy party member 5 + 2 * amount of BombPlus medals equipped on playerdata[currentturn] null null empty array