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This item is a toss item and as such, parts of its logic are based off the PeebleToss action.

Object movement

The object will move to (0.0, 0.0, -0.5) with a ymax of 5.0 instead.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Done for each player party member whose hp is above 0 without an eatenby without plating and without a Shield condition null The player party member 10 + 2 * amount of BombPlus medals equipped on playerdata[currentturn] NoExceptions empty array false
2 Done for each enemy party members without a Shield condition and whose enemy id isn't Ahoneynation or Abomihoney null The enemy party member 10 + 2 * amount of BombPlus medals equipped on playerdata[currentturn] NoExceptions empty array false

Effects on player party members

Only applies to those with an hp above 0 without an eatenby:

  • If the player party member has the Shield condition, it is removed via RemoveCondition followed by their shieldenabled set to false
  • If the above didn't apply and they don't have plating, DoDamage 1 call happens with them. If they did had a plating, the DoDamage call won't happen, but their plating is set to false

Effects on enemy party members

  • If the enemy party member has the Shield condition, it is removed via RemoveCondition followed by their shieldenabled set to false
  • Otherwise, if their enemy id is Ahoneynation or Abomihoney, Heal is called on them to heal for 10 hp
  • Otherwise, DoDamage 2 call happens on them

Effects on player party

  • If not all of the applicable player party members above had a Shield condition:
    • is increased by instance.maxtp * 0.4 floored clamped from 6 to 12. is then clamped again from 0 to instance.maxtp

Logic sequence

  • Splat1 sound plays
  • Fuse sound plays
  • Prefabs/Objects/Abombnation instantiated rooted at the object position
  • The object is destroyed
  • Yield for 2.0 seconds
  • explosion particles plays at the Prefabs/Objects/Abombnation position
  • Explosion3 sound plays
  • Splat2 sound plays
  • Prefabs/Objects/Abombnation destroyed
  • ShakeScreen with ammount of 0.25 for 0.75 time
  • The player party members effects described above are performed
  • The enemy party members effects described above are performed
  • Sprites/Objects/splatter instantiated
  • The following is done exactly 3 times (the position and scale of the splatter are hardcoded):
    • A new UI object called splat is created childed to the GUICamera with the corresponding position and scale that was hardcoded and a sortorder of -5 - index (between 0 and 2) with a flipX of false except for the second one
    • A DialogueAnim is added to splat with a targetscale of its initial scale and a shrinkspeed of 0.15
    • scale of splat set to (so it will grow to its hardcoded scale)
    • splat's color set to FFBF00 (bright orange)
    • Yield for 0.025 seconds
  • Over the course of 100.0 frames (only on the last 50.0 frames), the alpha of all the splat colors goes to 0.0 (transparent)
  • All the splat are destroyed
  • If not all of the applicable player party members above had a Shield condition:
    • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 2 (TP counter) with ammount of instance.maxtp * 0.4 floored clamped from 6 to 12 starting at the attacker + Vector3.up and ending at (0.0, 2.0, 0.0)
    • is increased by the same ammount then clamped from 0 to instance.maxtp
    • Heal2 sound plays
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds