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Moth's basic attack

DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None 25.0 RandomPressKeyTimer {0.0, 4.0}

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1_a DoCommand 1 set commandsuccess to true Moth's player party member availabletargets[target] Moth's atk unclamped Magic {NoSound} false
1_b DoCommand 1 set commandsuccess to false Moth's player party member availabletargets[target] Moth's atk clamped from 0 to 1. NOTE: This incorrectly removes influences of negative atk values null {NoSound} false

Logic sequence

  • If in demomode, CreateHelpBox is called with id 2
  • Camera is zoomed in at 0.01 speed from the midpoint between Moth and targetentity
  • IceMothThrow sound plays
  • Moth animstate set to 108
  • A Prefabs/AnimSpecific/mothbattlesphere is instantiated a bit up-left from Moth position with 90.0 degress rotatex in x with a Prefabs/Objects/SingleSphere as child at half transparency. The mothbattlesphere will be destroyed in 2.0 seconds
  • DoCommand 1 happens
  • Yield until DoCommand is done
  • Camera is reset to default at 0.3 speed
  • A Prefabs/Particles/mothicenormal appears slighly up from targetentity with x rotation of -90.0 and destroyed in 2.0 seconds
  • Prefabs/Objects/icepillar appears at targetentity with x rotation of -90.0, a DialogueAnim with x/y targetscale of 0.5 and destroyed in 4.0 seconds
  • If commandsuccess is true (action command succeeded):
    • Moth animstate set to 111
    • DoDamage 1_a happens
    • IceMothHit sound plays
    • 1.0 second yield
  • Otherwise (action command failed):
    • icepillar's DialogueAnim targetscale is set to (0.4, 0.4, 0.5)
    • Moth animstate set to 109
    • IceMothMiss sound plays
    • DoDamage 1_b happens
    • 1.2 seconds yield
    • A Prefabs/Particles/IceShatter appears slighly up from Moth with x rotation of -90.0 and destroyed in 1.0 seconds
    • Moth animstate set to 0 (Idle)
  • If Prefabs/Objects/icepillar still exists, its DialogueAnim is set to shrink at 0.05 speed