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Beetle's basic attack

DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None 20.0 HoldKeyCountdown {4.0, 1.0}

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1_a DoCommand 1 set commandsuccess to true Beetle's player party member availabletargets[target] Beetle's atk unclamped Flip null false
1_b DoCommand 1 set commandsuccess to false while DoublePain is unequipped and HARDEST isn't active Beetle's player party member availabletargets[target] Beetle's atk clamped from 0 to 1. NOTE: This incorrectly removes influences of negative atk values Flip {FailSound} false
1_c DoCommand 1 set commandsuccess to false while DoublePain is equipped or HARDEST is active Beetle's player party member availabletargets[target] Beetle's atk / 2 floored, unclamped. NOTE: This incorrectly increases atk when it is negative. Additionally, it can also result in a higher value than 1_b's damageammount if the atk value is high enough which is unexpected null {FailSound} false

Logic sequence

  • If in demomode, CreateHelpBox is called with id 1
  • Camera is moved to look at targetentity
  • targetentity gets overridejump set to true
  • Beetle MoveTowards in front of the enemy (calculated based on its size or freezesize)
  • Yield until Beetle is done with its forcemove
  • Camera zooms in slightly
  • Beetle animstate set to 103
  • DoCommand 1 call happens
  • Yield until doingaction is false
  • Camera zooms out slightly
  • If commandsuccess (the action command succeeded):
    • DoDamage 1_a call happens
    • Beetle animstate set to 104
    • BounceEnemy for the targetentity with bounce of 0 and multiplier of 1.0
    • yield until the BounceEnemy is done
    • 0.15 seconds yield
  • Otherwise (the action command failed)
    • If flags 614 is false (HARDEST is inactive) and DoublePain medal is unequipped, DoDamage 1_b call happens
    • Otherwise (on hard mode or HARDEST), DoDamage 1_c call happens
    • Beetle gets overridejump and overrideanim set to true
    • Beetle jumps with an animstate of 106 and a slight -z spin
    • 0.3 seconds yielded
    • Beetle animstate set to 105 with a very slight +z spin
    • Yield until Beetle is onground
    • Beetle animstate set to 107
    • Prefabs/Particles/deathsmokelow instantated and destroyed in 1.0 seconds
    • Frame yield
    • Beetle x/z angles reset to 0.0 and spin zeroed out
    • 0.45 seconds yield
  • targetentity gets overrideanim set to false
  • Beetle gets overridejump and overrideanim set to false
  • Beetle spin is zeroed out
  • targetentity gets overridejump set to false