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This method sets maxoptions, availabletargets and the vineicons meterials (greyscale if the choice is available, but disabled).

  • maxoption is set to 3 (gives access to attack, skills and items options)
  • If flag 15 is true (after combat tutorial), maxoption is incremented (gives access to the stategies option)
  • If flag 16 is true (Leif is able to fight in battle), maxoption is incremented (gives access to the turn relay option)
  • SetTargets is called
  • If choivevine exists and currentturn isn't negative (a player is selected for acting), the materials of the vineicons are updated to MainManager.grayscale if the choice is disabled or MainManager.spritedefaultunity if the choice is enabled (only applicable if the element at the index exists):
    • vineicons[0] (attack) option is disabled if there's no availabletargets, enabled otherwise
    • vineicons[1] (skills) option is disabled if any of the following are true about the playerdata of currentturn (enabled otherwise):
      • It has no skills
      • Its lockskills is true
      • It has the Inked condition
      • It has the Taunted condition
    • vineicons[2] (items) option is disabled if instance.items[0] is empty (no standard items) or any of the following are true about the playerdata of currentturn (enabled otherwise):
      • Its lockitems is true
      • It has the Sticky condition
      • It has the Taunted
    • vineicons[4] (turn relay) option is disabled if there's only one playerdata or any of the following are true about the playerdata of currentturn (enabled otherwise):
      • Its haspassed is true (a relay from this player party member already happened in the same main turn)
      • Its locktri is true (relay is disabled)
      • It has the Taunted
  • vineoption is set to maxoption