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Skills list type confirmation handling

This page describes the logic SetItem has when handling a listtype of Skills.

  • maxoptions is set to the length of availabletargets. This should be up to date as SetTargets was called the last time PlayerTurn happened while we were in the main vine menu
  • tempskill is set to the sent listvar option which is the chosen skill id
  • currentchoice is set to Skill
  • helpboxid is set to the one that comes from the skilldata, but if MainManager.mashcommandalt is true (sequential keys is set in the settings):
    • 4 (TappingKey) is overriden to 8 (RandomTappingKeysTimer)
    • 10 (RandomTappingBar) is overriden to 8 (RandomTappingKeysTimer)
    • 11 (RandomPressKeyTimer) is overriden to 8 (RandomTappingKeysTimer)
    • 9 (RandomPressBar) is overriden to 12 (MultiPressBar)
  • itemarea is set to the AttackArea from skilldata
  • excludeself is set to the the value from skilldata
  • If itemarea is User, there is no need to have GetChoiceInput handle this so it is handled immediately by starting a DoAction action coroutine changing to an uncontrolled flow
  • Otherwise, GotoSelect is called with overridemax