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If the confirmation handling needs to move to target selection (which happens from SetItem), a method called GotoSelect is involved receiving a boolean called overridemax which prepares the state for GetChoiceInput to handle this.

private void GotoSelect(bool overridemax)

Here is the logic of that method depending on the itemarea (nothing happens if it's not among them):


  • maxoptions is set to the length of playerdata
  • currentaction is set to SelectPlayer


  • If overridemax is false, maxoptions is set to the length of availabletargets
  • currentaction is set to SelectEnemy


  • option is set to 0
  • maxoptions is set to 1
  • currentaction is set to SelectEnemy


  • option is set to currentturn
  • maxoptions is set to 1
  • currentaction is set to SelectPlayer


  • option is set to 0
  • maxoptions is set to 1
  • currentaction is set to SelectEnemy