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BaseAction ChoiceInput logic

This page details the logic of GetChoiceInput when currentaction is BaseAction.

All of the logic present here involves handling inputs. The input isn't processed if caninputcooldown hasn't expired yet and nothing happens except decreasing the cooldown by MainManager.framestep.

Input 7 (toggle HUD)

This input is handled specifically where pressing it will set idletimer to 250 when pressed which will show the hexpcounter without needing to wait 200 frames. Any other input will cause the idletimer to be set to 0 which resets the timer.

Input 2 / 3 (left / right)

These inputs changes the option by one depending on the direction (decrement if right, increment if left with wrap around from 0 to maxoptions - 1).

Either input will have caninputcooldown set to 2.0 frames, a Scroll sound played on sounds[10] and UpdateText being called.

Input 5 (cancel)

This input is only processed if GetFreePlayerAmmount returns more than 1 player being free to act.

  • caninputcooldown is set to 2.0 frames
  • The Money sound is player with a pitch of 1.0 + currentturn / 10.0 which shifts the pitch slightly using a rate that depends on the selected player that we are switching away from
  • lastoption is set to option
  • currentturn is set to -1 which unselects the player (the new one will be cycle on the next player phase update)

Input 6 (switch party)

This input is only processed when AllPartyFree returns true (all playerdata have a cantmove of 0 or below) or GetAlivePlayerAmmount returns exactly 1 (there is only one player with an hp above 0 with no eatenby):

  • caninputcooldown is set to 2.0
  • The Switch sound is played
  • The SwitchParty action coroutine is started (without fast) which changes to an uncontrolled flow

Input 4 (confirm)

  • caninputcooldown is set to 2.0
  • instance.inputcooldown is set to 2.0
  • A Confirm sound is played on sounds[10]
  • lastoption is set to option
  • vineoption is set to maxoptions
  • lastaction is set to option
  • currentchoice is set to the Actions value whose numerical value is option

From there, what happens depends on currentchoice and after, UpdateText is called.


  • SetTargets is called
  • If there's no availabletargets, PlayBuzzer is called (the attack usage is denied because no targets is available)
  • Otherwise (the basic attack is accepted):
    • maxoptions is set to the length of availabletargets
    • currentaction is set to SelectEnemy
    • itemarea is set to SingleEnemy
    • option is set to 0


  • excludeself is set to false
  • playerdata[currentturn].lockskills is true or it has the Taunted or Inked condition, PlayBuzzer is called (the skill usage is denied)
  • Otherwise (the skill usage is accepted):
    • currentaction is set to SkillList
    • MainManager.RefreshSkills is called
    • A couple of ItemList fields are initialised (with an instance.inputcooldown of 5.0):
      • storeid: 0
      • listtype: -currentturn - 1 which is the skills list type of the corresponding player party member
      • listammount: 5
      • listdesc: true
      • listsell: false
    • ShowItemList is called with -currentturn - 1 as the list type, MainManager.defaultlistpos as the position with showdescription and without sell


  • excludeself is set to false
  • GetAvaliableTargets is called with onlyground without onlyfront using -1 as the acttackid
  • If instance.items[0] is empty (no standard items) or playerdata[currentturn].lockitems is true or it has the Taunted or Sticky condition, PlayBuzzer is called (the item usage is denied)
  • Otherwise (the item usage is accepted):
    • currentaction is set to ItemList
    • A couple of ItemList field are initialised (with an instance.inputcooldown of 5.0):
    • ShowItemList is called with 0 as the list type, MainManager.defaultlistpos as the position with showdescription and without sell
    • UpdateText is called


  • currentaction is set to StrategyList
  • A couple of ItemList field are initialised (with an instance.inputcooldown of 5.0):
  • ShowItemList is called with 9 as the list type, MainManager.defaultlistpos as the position with showdescription and without sell
  • UpdateText is called


  • If there's 1 or less playerdata or playerdata[currentturn].locktri (unable to relay) or haspassed is true (already relayed on the same main turn) or it has the Taunted condition, PlayBuzzer is called (the relay is denied)
  • Otherwise (the relay is accepted):
    • excludeself is set to true
    • option is set to 0
    • helpboxid is set to -1
    • maxoptions is set to the length of playerdata
    • itemarea is set to SingleAlly
    • option is incremented with wrap around to maxoptions - 1 repeatedly via IncreaseOption until its value is currentturn
    • currentaction is set to SelectPlayer


  • excludeself is set to true
  • option is set to 0
  • helpboxid is set to -1
  • maxoptions is set to the length of playerdata
  • option is incremented with wrap around to maxoptions - 1 repeatedly via IncreaseOption until its value is currentturn
  • currentaction is set to SelectPlayer