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A method that has an enemy party member attempt to steal an item from the player's standard items inventory and returns a bool indicating if an item was actually stolen or not.

private bool StealItem(int enemyid, bool always, bool noanim)

There are 2 overloads that ends up calling the one above. The following one sends false as noanim:

private bool StealItem(int enemyid, bool always)

And this one one send false as always and false as noanim:

private bool StealItem(int enemyid)


  • enemyid: The enemydata of the enemy party member that will attempt the stealing
  • always: If true, the enemy party member will always attempt to steal if it can. If false, it will only do it if commandsuccess is false (meaning the last block or action command was failed)
  • noanim: If true, the enemy party member won't have their animstate changed to 27 (ItemWalk) during the stealing if it happens

Steal conditions

Here are all the conditions needed for the enemy party member to actually steal:

  • Either always is true or commandsuccess is false (didn't blocked, ignores FRAMEONE)
  • items[0] contains at least one standard item
  • The enemy party member doesn't already have a holditem


  • If the SecurePouch medal is equipped, false is returned early and no stealing happens
  • If the conditions needed to steal mentioned above aren't fufilled, false is returned. Otherwise:
    • If noanim is false, the enemy party member animstate is set to 27 (ItemWalk)
    • A random valid item id among items[0] is generated which will be the item that will be stolen
    • CreateHeldItem is called with the item id which initialises the enemy party member's helditem to be a new SpriteRenderer corresponding to the itemsprites from the id generated childed to the enemy party member's sprite using the spritemar material on layer 14 (Sprite) with a FaceCamera component. It also sets the holditem of the enemy party member to the item id generated
    • The item element is removed from items[0]
    • ItemStolen sound plays
    • true is returned