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HardMode changes

HardMode being true does the following changes:

  • The move usage odds changes to favor more the party wide dash move
  • In the dash move, the amount of frames the entire dash takes changes to 25.0 from 33.0
  • In the boulder throw move, the amount of frames the boulder takes to reach its targer changes to 41.0 from 54.0

Move selection

2 moves are possible:

  1. A party wide dash attack
  2. A single target boulder throw that has a secondary hit that targets the other player party members

The decision of which move to use are based on the following odds which changes based on if hardmode is true or not:

Move Odds when hardmode is false Odds when hardmode is true
1 69% 59%
2 31% 41%

Move 1 - Party wide dash

A party wide dash attack.


# Conditions caller damage property block jumpheight spinammount jumpevenonblock overrides
1 Always happen This enemy 4 Flip1 commandsuccess 0.0 false null

1: This property gets overriden to null in CalculateBaseDamage as the target is a player party member so it does nothing.

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called (but it will have no impact on this move)
  • checkingdead is set to a new BeetleDash coroutine with the following parameters (checkingdead is set to null when completed):
    • enemyid: This enemy
    • damage: 4
    • animprepare: 100
    • animdash: 23 (Chase)
    • startp: startp
    • speed: 33 (25 instead if hardmode is true)
  • Yield all frames until checkingdead is null

This is what the coroutine effectively ends up doing:

  • playertargetID set to -1
  • Camera moves slightly to the left
  • MoveTowards (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0) at 2.0 multiplier
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • Charge3 sound plays using sounds[9] with 1.2 pitch
  • animstate set to 100
  • ShakeSprite called with (0.25, 0.0, 0.0) intensity and 60.0 frametimer
  • Over the course of 41.0 frames, this enemy moves 2.0 to the left via a lerp
  • ShakeSprite called with 0.1 intensity and 40.0 frametimer
  • Yield for 41.0 frames counted by framestep
  • sounds[9] stopped
  • animstate set to 23 (Chase)
  • trail set to true
  • FastWoosh sound plays
  • Over the course of 34 frames (26 frames instead if hardmode is true), this enemy moves to (-15.0, 0.0, 0.0) via a lerp. On the first frame that the x position is less than -4.5, the following happens only once:
    • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of (0.25, 0.0, 0.0) for 0.65 time with dontreset
    • HugeHit sound plays
    • PartyDamage 1 call happens
  • position set to (15.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • trail set to false
  • SetDefaultCamera called
  • animstate set to 1 (Walk)
  • Over the course of 61.0 frames, this enemy moves to startp via a lerp while having its animstate set to 1 (Walk)
  • sprite local position reset to
  • checkingdead set to null which signals the caller that this coroutine completed

Move 2 - Boulder throw

A single target boulder throw that has a secondary hit that targets the other player party members.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 4 null null commandsuccess
2 Always happen for each other player party members than DoDamage 1's target whose hp is above 0 This enemy The player party member 2 null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called (but it will have no impact on this move)
  • MoveTowards (1.5, 0.0, -0.5) with a 2.0 multiplier using 1 (Walk) as the walkstate and 101 as the stopstate
  • Camera moves to look near forcetarget
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • ShakeSprite called with intensity 0.05 and 30.0 frametimer
  • Dig2 sound plays
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • A new Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock GameObject is created without its MeshCollider and Fader at this enemy position + (-1.0, -2.0, -0.1) a scale of 0.5x and a z angle of 35.0
  • animstate set to 102
  • DirtExplode particles played at the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock position except for the y component which is 0.0
  • DigPop sound plays with a pitch of 0.9
  • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of 0.1 and a time of 0.5
  • Toss9 sound plays
  • Over the course of 21.0 frames, the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock moves to + 20.0 in y via a lerp and this enemy moves to + 1.5 in x via a lerp
  • animstate set to 23 (Chase)
  • Over the course of 31.0 frames, the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock moves to 1.0 in y via a lerp. On the first frame after 22.5 frames:
    • Toss7 sound plays
    • ForceMove called to move this enemy to the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock position except for the y component where it's 0.0 with a framtime of 7.0 without changeanim
  • Damage0 sound plays
  • Spin10 sound plays
  • Camera moves to look near playertargetentity + 1.0 in y
  • Over the course of 54.0 frames (41.0 frames instead if hardmode is true), the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock moves to + 1.0 in y via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 7.0 and this enemy moves to + 2.0 in x via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 3.0
  • If there are more than 1 player party members, the ones other than playertargetID will be slated for getting the secondary hit. For each of them, a copy of the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock is intstantiated with halved scale
  • A Prefabs/Objects/CrackRockBreak is instantiated with same position and scale as the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock (this gets destroyed in 60.0 seconds via the CrackRockBreak component attached to it)
  • Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock is destroyed
  • RockBreak sound plays
  • DoDamage 1 call happens
  • animstate set to 0 (Idle)
  • If the secondary hit was slated to occur to the other player party members:
    • playertargetID set to -1
    • Over the course of ~47.95652174 frames (~36.65217391 frames instead if hardmode is true), each Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock moves to their matching player party memeber position + 1.0 in y via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 5.0
    • RockBreak sound plays with 1.1 pitch and 0.75 volume
    • For each player party members slated to receive the secondary hit:
      • Their matching Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock gets destroyed
      • If their hp is above 0, DoDamage 2 call happens with them
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds