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This enemy is meant to function with a another enemydata one due to their hitaction logic that changes when they are the only one left in enemydata. It is meant that this enemy's chargeonotherenemy has the id of this second enemy. Under normal gameplay, this should be Mothiva1.

StartBattle special logic

After this enemy is loaded on StartBattle, if flags 606 is true (won the second round of the Colosseum), the following happens on this enemy:

  • hp and maxhp are increased by 15
  • hardatk is incremented
  • lockrelayreceive is set to true

data usage

At the start of the action, if data is null or empty, it's initialised to be 1 element with a starting value of 0.

  • data[0]: This value does nothing, but it was supposed to prevent to use the taunt move again after it had been used in earlier in the same main turn (which would have been tracked by this value being 1). It is only set to 1 at the end of using the taunt move. However, it is always set to 0 after using any move or hitaction meaning it never performs an action without being set to 0 so it effectively cancels out the set to 1 if it happened. This means that this value does nothing and this enemy can use their taunt move multiple times in a row or even in one main turn if hardmode is true

HardMode changes

HardMode being true does the following changes:

  • In the the strike attack move, the amount of hit changes to be from 1 to 3 inclusive instead of being from 1 to 2 inclusive
  • The taunt move will now always decrement cantmove which gives this enemy an additional actor turn after this one

hitaction support

This enemy supports hitaction logic and it will be performed when hitaction is true instead of any moves

dontusecharge set to true

The hitaction logic always sets dontusecharge to true which means charges will not get zeroed out in post action.

Logic sequence

The following logic is performed instead of any moves:

  • animstate set to 111
  • Emoticon called with the Exclamation emote for 35 time
  • Wam sound plays
  • Yield all frames until emotioncooldown expires
  • animstate set to 106
  • StatUp sound plays
  • If this is the only enemy left in enemydata:
    • SetCondition called to inflict the AttackUp condition on this enemy for 999999 main turns (effectively infinite)
    • StatEffect called with type 0 (red up arrow)
    • BugWingFast sound plays
  • Otherwise, if charge is less than 1:
    • charge is incremented
    • StatEffect called with type 4 (green up arrow)
  • Yield for 0.65 seconds
  • data[0] set to 0

Move selection

4 moves are possible:

  1. A multiple target warp strike attack done multiple times
  2. A multiple target needle throw done multiple times
  3. A single target taunt inflicting the Taunted condition
  4. Uses a VitalitySeed item to get the AttackUp condition

The decision of which move to use is based on odds. However, some moves has additional requirements that must be fufilled for the move to be used once it is selected. If the move is selected, but the requirements aren't fufilled, a continue directive is issued to the enemy action loop which restarts the entire action and effectively rerolls the move selection process. Here are all these informations for all moves:

Move Odds Requirements
1 4/12 None, the move is always used once selected
2 3/12 None, the move is always used once selected
3 2/12
  • data[0] is 0 or below (this is alwaus the case, see the data usage section above for why)
  • This enemy doesn't already have the Taunted condition
  • HPPercent is 0.2 or above
4 3/12
  • This enemy doesn't already have the AttackUp condition
  • HPPercent is between 0.2 and 0.65 inclusive

Post move logic

After using any move, the folowing is always done:

  • sprite enabled
  • overrideanim set to false
  • rigid has its gravity enabled without kinematic
  • onground set to true
  • data[0] set to 0

Move 1 - Warp strike attacks

A multiple targets warp strike attack done multiple times

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happens 2 times (3 times instead if hardmode is true), but each calls requires that there's at least 1 player party member alive (hp above 0 and not eatenby) This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget (changes for each calls) 2 null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • specialanim set to a new disappearing ZaspWarp coroutine
  • Yield all frames until specialanim goes to null (the coroutine completed)
  • The amount of hits is generated being uniformly random between 1 and 2 (between 1 and 3 instead if hardmode is true)
  • For each hits, if there's at least 1 player party member alive (hp above 0 and not eatenby):
    • GetSingleTarget called
    • An offset vector is generated as follows (each has 50% chance):
      • Upper strike (-2.025 or 2.025 determined with a 50/50, 0.5, -0.1)
      • Lower strike (-2.25 or 2.25 determined with a 50/50, 0.23, -0.1)
    • specialanim set to a new appearing ZaspWarp coroutine with a pos of playertargetentity + the offset vector
    • Yield a frame
    • FaceTowards playertargetentity
    • Yield all frames until specialanim goes to null (the coroutine completed)
    • animstate set to 102 if it was an upper strike, 107 if it was a lower strike
    • Toss3 sound plays
    • Yield for 0.15 seconds
    • DoDamage 1 call happens
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • specialanim set to a new disappearing ZaspWarp coroutine
    • Yield all frames until specialanim goes to null (the coroutine completed)
  • specialanim set to a new appearing ZaspWarp coroutine with a pos of startp
  • Yield a frame
  • flip set to false
  • Yield all frames until specialanim goes to null (the coroutine completed)

Move 2 - Needle throws

A multiple targets needle throw done multiple times

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on any targets.

Projectile calls

# Conditions damage property attacker playertarget obj speed height extraargs destroyparticle audioonhit audiomoving spin nosound
1 Always happens 3 times, but each calls requires that there's at least 1 player party member alive (hp above 0 and not eatenby) 2 null This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget (changes for each calls) A new GameObject named needle rooted with a SpriteRenderer using the projectilepsrites[2] (needle sprite) positioned at this enemy position + (-1.0, 1.0, 0.1) with a z angle of -50.0 0.04 (25 frames of movement) 0.0 null null null null false

Logic sequence

  • animstate set to 100
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • animstate set to 2 (Jump)
  • Spin sound plays on loop using sounds[9]
  • Woosh sound plays
  • Over the course of 10.0 frames, this enemy moves to startp + 3.5 in y via a lerp
  • The amount of hits is generated being uniformly random between 1 and 3
  • For each hits if there's at least 1 player party member alive (hp above 0 and not eatenby):
    • GetSingleTarget called
    • sounds[9] volume set to MainManager.soundvolume
    • position offset by (-0.35, 1.15, 0.0)
    • animstate set to 101
    • z spin set to 30.0
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • sounds[9] volume set to 0.0
    • animstate set to 102
    • position set to the one before this hit
    • spin zeroed out
    • sprite angles reset to
    • Yield for 0.15 seconds
    • A new GameObject called needle is created rooted with a SpriteRenderer using the projectilepsrites[2] sprite (needle) with -50.0 z angle positioned at this enemy position + (-1.0, 1.0, 0.1)
    • Toss sound plays
    • Projectile 1 call happens
    • Yield all frames until needle is null (destroyed as the Projectile coroutine completed)
  • animstate set to 101
  • z spin set to 20.0
  • Over the course of 15.0 frames, position lerped to startp + 3.5 in y
  • sounds[9] stopped
  • position set to startp
  • animstate set to 103
  • spin zeroed out
  • sprite angles reset to
  • Yield for 0.45 seconds

Move 3 - Taunt

A single target taunt inflicting the Taunted condition. No damages are dealt.

dontusecharge set to true

This move always sets dontusecharge to true which means charges will not get zeroed out in post action

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called
  • animstate set to 108
  • Taunt2 sound plays on loop using sounds[9]
  • Yield for 0.85 seconds
  • SetCondition called to inflict the Taunted condition on playerdata[playertargetID] for 2 turns (effectively 1 since the main turn gets advanced soon)
  • Taunt sound plays
  • animstate of playertargetentity set depending on playertargetID (their trueid)
    • 0 (Bee): 10 (Flustered)
    • 1 (Beetle): 5 (Angry)
    • 2 (Moth): 102
  • Prefabs/Particles/AngryParticle instantiated childed to playertargetentity with local position being Vector3.up
  • Yield for 0.85 seconds
  • sounds[9] stopped
  • animstate set to 8 (Happy)
  • Yield for 0.85 seconds
  • Prefabs/Particles/AngryParticle destroyed
  • playertargetentity animstate restored to its value before this action
  • If hardmode is true, cantmove is decremented (gives an additional actor turn to this enemy immediately)
  • data[0] set to 1 (this does nothing, see the data usage section for why)

Move 4 - Uses a VitalitySeed item

Uses a VitalitySeed item to get the AttackUp condition. No Damages are dealt.

dontusecharge set to true

This move always sets dontusecharge to true which means charges will not get zeroed out in post action

Logic sequence

  • animstate set to 4 (ItemGet)
  • ItemHold sound plays
  • A new GameObject with a SpriteRenderer is created rooted using the VitalitySeed item sprite positioned near this enemy
  • Yield for a second
  • The item GameObject is destroyed
  • animstate set to 106
  • Magic sound plays
  • y spin set to 20.0
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds
  • StatEffect called with type 0 (red up arrow)
  • StatUp sound plays
  • SetCondition called to inflict the AttackUp condition on this enemy for 3 turns (effectively 2 since the main turn gets advanced soon)
  • spin zeroed out
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds