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data usage

At the start of the action, if data is null or empty, it's initialised to be 1 element with a starting value of 0.

  • data[0]: This is set to 1 the first time the triple slap move is used and it prevents some animation logic to occur for the rest of the battle when the move is used again

Move selection

5 moves are possible:

  1. Grants an AttackUp condition to the first enemydata other than themselves who didn't already had it for 3 main turns
  2. Grants a DefenseUp condition to the first enemydata other than themselves who didn't already had it for 3 main turns
  3. Heals the first enemydata other than themselves who has an HPPercent less than 0.6 by 4 hp
  4. Does nothing
  5. A single target triple slap attack

Move 5 is always (and only) used if this enemy is the last enemydata remaining.

As for the other moves, the decision of which move to use is based on odds. However, with the exception of move 4, each move has an additional requirement that must be fufilled in order for the move to be used after it is selected. If the requirement is not fufilled and the move is selected, move 4 will be used instead. Here are the odds and requirements:

Move Odds Requirment
1 2/8 At least one enemydata other than this enemy doesn't already have the AttackUp condition
2 2/8 At least one enemydata other than this enemy doesn't already have the DefenseUp condition
3 3/8 At least one enemydata other than this enemy has an HPPercent lower than 0.6
4 1/8 None, the move is always used

Move 1 - Grants an AttackUp condition to another enemy party member

Grants an AttackUp condition to the first enemydata other than themselves who didn't already had it for 3 main turns. No damages are dealt.

Logic sequence

  • The receiver of the heal is determined. It's the first enemydata other than themselves who didn't already have the AttackUp condition
  • animstate set to 103
  • Yield for 0.6 seconds
  • A new sprite object is created rooted using the VitalitySeed item sprite positioned at this enemy + (-1.0, 2.0, -0.1) and destroyed in 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 104
  • ItemHold sound plays
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 0 (Idle)
  • StatusEffect is called to inflict the AttackUp condition on the enemy party member determined earlier for 3 main turns with effect
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds

Move 2 - Grants a DefenseUp condition to another enemy party member

Grants a DefenseUp condition to the first enemydata other than themselves who didn't already had it for 3 main turns. No damages are dealt.

Logic sequence

  • The receiver of the heal is determined. It's the first enemydata other than themselves who didn't already have the DefenseUp condition
  • animstate set to 103
  • Yield for 0.6 seconds
  • A new sprite object is created rooted using the GenerousSeed item sprite positioned at this enemy + (-1.0, 2.0, -0.1) and destroyed in 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 104
  • ItemHold sound plays
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 0 (Idle)
  • StatusEffect is called to inflict the DefenseUp condition on the enemy party member determined earlier for 3 main turns with effect
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds

Move 3 - Heals another enemy party member hp

Heals the first enemydata other than themselves who has an HPPercent less than 0.6 by 4 hp. No damages are dealt.

Logic sequence

  • The receiver of the heal is determined. It's the first enemydata other than themselves who has an HPPercent less than 0.6
  • animstate set to 103
  • Yield for 0.6 seconds
  • A new sprite object is created rooted using the CrunchyLeaf item sprite positioned at this enemy + (-1.0, 2.0, -0.1) and destroyed in 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 104
  • ItemHold sound plays
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 0 (Idle)
  • Heal is called on the enemy party member determined earlier to heal their hp by 4
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds

Move 4 - Does nothing

Does nothing. No damages are dealt.

Logic sequence

  • animstate set to 101
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds

Move 5 - Triple slap attack

A single target triple slap attack.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen 3 times This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 1 null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • If data[0] is 0 (this move wasn't used before):
    • Jump sound plays with 1.1 pitch
    • Jump is called on this enemy
    • basestate and animstate set to 13 (BattleIdle)
    • walkstate set to 23 (Chase)
    • Yield for 0.75 seconds
    • data[0] is set to 1 (meaning this logic won't happen again when this moved is used again)
    • A new Prefabs/Particles/Tired GameObject is instantiated chiled to this enemy with a local position of cursoroffset - 0.5 in y with angles of (-130.0, 270.0, 0.0)
  • If inevent is false (no EventDialogue is ongoing):
    • GetSingleTarget called
    • Camera moves to look near playerdata[playertargetID]
    • MoveTowards playertargetentity position + (1.25, 0.0, -0.1) with a 2.0 multiplier using 23 (Chase) as walkstate and 100 as stopstate
    • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
    • UltimaxAtk sound plays
    • Done 3 times:
      • DoDamage 1 call happens
      • Yield for 0.65 seconds
    • SetDefaultCamera called
    • MoveTowards playertargetentity startp with a 2.0 multiplier using 23 (Chase) as walkstate and the local startstate as stopstate
    • Yield all frames until forcemove is done