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HardMode changes

HardMode being true does the following changes:

  • In the boulder throw move, the time the boulder takes to reach its target changes to 46.0 frames from 61.0 frames

Move selection

3 moves are possible:

  1. A single target claw swipe that can hit twice
  2. A single target tail thrust that may inflict Sleep
  3. A party wide boulder throw

The decision of which move to use is determined by the following odds:

Move Odds
1 3/7
2 2/7
3 2/7

Move 1 - Claw swipes

A single target claw swipe that can hit twice.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 3 null null commandsuccess
2 Only happens if after DoDamage 1, HPPercent is 0.5 or less This enemy The same playertargetID as DoDamage 1 3 null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called
  • Camera moves to look near playerdata[playertargetID]
  • MoveTowards playertargetentity position + (3.0, 0.0, -0.15) with 2.0 multiplier
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • animstate set to 100
  • ScorpionClaw1 sound plays
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds
  • animstate set to 102
  • ScorpionClaw2 sound plays
  • Yield for 0.05 seconds
  • DoDamage 1 call happens
  • If HPPercent is 0.5 or less:
    • Yield for 0.35 seconds
    • ScorpionClaw1 sound plays with 0.95 pitch
    • animstate set to 104
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • ScorpionClaw2 sound plays
    • animstate set to 106
    • Yield for 0.05 seconds
    • DoDamage 2 call happens

Move 2 - Tail thrust

A single target tail thrust that may inflict Sleep.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 3 Pierce1 null commandsuccess

1: Enemy piercing damages are disabled so this property does nothing, see the CalculateBaseDamage documentation to learn more

About incorrect Poison and Sleep properties logic

While the DoDamage call features a Pierce property, the move ends up doing an incorrect version of the Poison or Sleep property logic due to the single property shortcoming. Here are the differences:

  • On FRAMEONE, regular blocking will incorrectly prevent the condition from being inflicted which doesn't happen normally
  • When inflicting either conditions, the resistance check is off by one. See the StatusEffect documentation for details
  • When inflicting Poison, the PoisonTouch medal won't work despite the attack being physical
  • When inflicting Sleep, the amount of turns to inflict is 2 instead of 3 even if the target didn't already had the condition
  • When inflicting Poison and the target had the Sleep condition without a HeavySleeper medal, its Sleep condition is not removed when it otherwise would have been. NOTE: in practice, nothing changes because the DoDamage 1 call will remove the Sleep condition anyway
  • When inflicting Sleep, there is no resistance increase
  • The condition infliction can still happen if the target has the Numb while having the ShockTrooper medal equipped
  • When inflicting Poison, the Poison sound is not played when it should have been
  • When inflicting Sleep, the Sleep sound is not played when it should have been
  • When inflicting Sleep, isasleep is not set to true when it should have been. NOTE: this doesn't affect anything since the value gets fixed when the main turn advance occurs and no potential impact can happen under normal gameplay until it advances

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called
  • Camera moves to look near playerdata[playertargetID]
  • MoveTowards playertargetentity position + (3.5, 0.0, -0.15) with 2.0 multiplier
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • animstate set to 107
  • ScorpionTail3 sound plays
  • Yield for a random amount of time between 0.65 seconds and 0.85 seconds
  • animstate set to 109
  • ScorpionTail4 sound plays
  • Yield for 0.05 seconds
  • DoDamage 1 call happens
  • If commandsuccess is false (didn't blocked, ignores FRAMEONE) and playerdata[playertargetID] doesn't have the Shield or Sturdy conditions, StatusEffect is called on playerdata[playertargetID] to inflict a randomly chosen condition between Poison and Sleep for 2 main turns (effectively 1 main turn since the current one is advanced soon)
  • Yield for 0.75 seconds

Move 3 - Boulder throw

A party wide boulder throw.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.


# Conditions caller damage property block jumpheight spinammount jumpevenonblock overrides
1 Always happen This enemy 4 null commandsuccess 0.0 false null

Logic sequence

  • animstate set to 110
  • Dig2 sound plays
  • Digging particles plays at this enemy position -3.0 in x
  • A new Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock GameObject is created without its MeshCollider and Fader with a position of (0.0, -10.0, this enemy z position + 0.3) a scale of 3x and an x angle of 180.0
  • Yield for 0.65 seconds
  • The Digging particles are moved offscreen at -999.0 in y
  • animstate set to 111
  • Yield for 0.35 seconds
  • RockPluck sound plays
  • animstate set to 112
  • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of 0.25 and a time of 0.2
  • DirtExplode2 particles plays at this enemy position -3.0 in x
  • Over the course of 11.0 frames, the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock moves from this enemy postion + (-3.5, -1.25, -0.1) to this enemy position + (-0.85, 5.45, 0.0) via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 2.0
  • Yield for 0.3 seconds
  • animstate set to 114
  • Yield for 0.1 seconds
  • Toss7 sound plays
  • Over the course of 61.0 frames (46.0 instead if hardmode is true), the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock moves to (-4.5, 1.0, 0.0) via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 6.0
  • Thud5 sound plays
  • impactsmoke particles plays at the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock position
  • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of 0.25 and frametimer of 0.65
  • A Prefabs/Objects/CrackRockBreak is instantiated with same position and scale as the Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock (this gets destroyed in 60.0 seconds via the CrackRockBreak component attached to it)
  • Prefabs/Objects/CrackedRock is destroyed
  • PartyDamage 1 call happens
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds