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HardMode changes

HardMode being true does the following changes:

  • The AttackUp or DefenseUp infliction move on a MotherChomper has its RNG check odds changed to 41% from 34%
  • The biting attack move has its RNG check odds changed to 65% from 75%
  • Due to the biting attack move change, the enemy spawn move usage odds changes to 35% from 25%, but the RNG check for whether to actually spawn the enemy also changes to 7.5/10.0 from 5.0/10.0 bringing the overall odds to 26.25% from 12.5% to spawn a new enemy
  • If an attempt was made to spawn a new enemy and either the RNG check failed or no suitable location could be found, this enemy will do a biting attack instead of ending their actor turns immediately after

Move selection

3 moves are possible as well as the possibility of doing none of them:

  1. Inflicts AttackUp or DefenseUp on a MotherChomper enemy party member
  2. A single target bite attack that may drain hp
  3. Summon another FlyTrap enemy

All moves don't just have base odds: they all are selected based on multiple conditions.

Move 1 can only be used and will always be used if all of the following conditions are fufilled:

  • A MotherChomper enemy party member is present (the first one will be selected)
  • A 34% RNG check passes (41% instead if hardmode is true)
  • The found MotherChomper enemy party member doesn't already have the AttackUp or DefenseUp conditions

As for move 2, it will be used if any of the following conditions are fufilled:

  • A failed attempt at using move 3 just occured on the same actor turn and hardmode is true
  • There are 4 enemy party members (a full enemy party)
  • locktri is true (meaning this is an enemy that was spawned from another FlyTrap)
  • A 75% RNG check passes (65% instead if hardmode is true)

If neither move 1 or 2 are used, move 3 will be attempted to be used. It is however possible that the attempt to use the move fails if any of the following conditions occurs:

  • No suitable location was found to spawn the new enemy after trying to generate one 20 times in a row
  • An RNG check fails and it has 5.0/10.0 chance to pass (7.5/10.0 instead if hardmode is true)

If neither of the fail conditions happens, move 3 will be used. If any happens however, what happens next depends if hardmode is true or not. If it's true, move 2 will be used instead, but if it's false, the actor turn ends meaning it is possible the enemy doesn't end up using any moves for their actor turn.

Move 1 - Boost on a MotherChomper

Inflicts AttackUp or DefenseUp on a MotherChomper enemy party member. No damages are dealt.

Logic sequence

  • The first MotherChomper enemy party member index is obtained
  • MoveTowards near MotherChomper at 2.0 multiplier with 23 (Chase) walkstate and 0 (Idle) stopstate
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • Done 3 times:
    • flip set to true except on the last iteration where it's set to false
    • Jump called
    • Jump sound plays
    • Yield for 0.3 seconds
    • Yield all frames until onground is true
  • Spin8 sound plays
  • flip set to false
  • y spin set to 25.0
  • Jump called with an h of jumpheight * 1.5
  • For the next 60.0 frames, spin is zeroed out whenever 15.0 frames passed and onground is true
  • StatUp sound plays
  • SetCondition called to inflict AttackUp or DefenseUp on the MotherChomper enemy party member for 2 main turns. The odds to inflict AttackUp are 6/10 while it's 4/10 to inflict DefenseUp
  • Yield for 0.6 seconds

Move 2 - Bite attack

A single target bite attack that may drain hp

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 2 (1 instead if locktri is true meaning this enemy was spawned from another FlyTrap) null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called
  • Camera moves to look near playertargetentity
  • Scuttle3 sound plays on this enemy on loop
  • MoveTowards playertargetentity position + (0.85, 0.0, -0.1) with a 2.5 multiplier using 23 (Chase) as walkstate and 100 as stopstate
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • Sucttle3 sound stops looping
  • Chew sound plays
  • Yield for 0.33 seconds
  • animstate set to 102
  • Bite sound plays
  • Yield for 0.05 seconds
  • DoDamage 1 call happens
  • If commandsuccess is false (didn't blocked, ignores FRAMEONE):
    • hp is increased by lastdamage * 0.75 ceiled then clamped from 0 to maxhp
    • ShowDamageCounter called with type 1 (HP counter) starting at this enemy + Vector3.up and ending at this enemy + 3.0 in y
    • Heal sound plays
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • SetDefaultCamera called
  • MoveTowards startp at 2.5 multiplier with 23 (Chase) walkstate and 0 (Idle) stopstate
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done

Move 3 - FlyTrap summon

Summon another FlyTrap enemy. No damages are dealt.

It is possible that attempting this move fails which results in the actor turn ending when hardmode is false or move 2 (bite attack) being used instead when hardmode is true.

Logic sequence

  • Done 3 times:
    • flip is toggled
    • FlipNoise3 sound plays
    • Jump called
    • Yield for 0.15 seconds
    • Yield all frames until onground is true
    • Yield a frame
  • Spin8 sound plays
  • flip set to false
  • y spin set to 25.0
  • Jump called with an h of jumpheight * 1.5
  • A new sprite object is created rooted at this enemy position + 2.0 in y using the ChomperSeed item sprite on the same layer than this enemy
  • A Vector3 is attempted to be generated that will corresponds to the position to spawn the new enemy. Each attempt may fail, but up to 20 attempts will be done and the first one that fufills some conditions will be used. Each attempts generates a vector where the x component is between 0.25 and 7.6, the y component is 0.0 and the z component is between -0.75 and 0.75. For the location to be accepted, any enemy part member needs to be located at a distance less than its size * 1.8. If no suitable locations is found after 20 attempts, the logic will proceed assuming the last one generated (but the spawning won't happen later)
  • Over the course of 60.0 frames, the ChomperSeed sprite moves to the generated position via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 6.0. Before each frame yield, the z angles increases by 20x the game's frametime. If it's been more than 15.0 frames while onground is true, spin is zeroed out
  • spin is zeroed out again
  • DeathSmoke particles plays at the ChomperSeed sprite
  • Yield a frame
  • The ChomperSeed sprite is destroyed
  • Woosh3 sound plays
  • If the Vector3 was accepted earlier and a 5.0/10.0 RNG test passes (7.5/10.0 instead if hardmode is true), the spawning will occur:
    • AddNewEnemy called to add another FlyTrap enemy at the generated location with the SeedMini animation
    • Yield a frame
    • Yield all frames until checkingdead is null (the enemy summon is complete)
    • The new FlyTrap has several fields adjustements:
      • cantmove: 1 (can only act starting next main turn)
      • cursoroffset: increased by (0.1, -0.5, 0.0)
      • hp: The hp of the last enemydata * 0.75 floored
      • maxhp: The maxhp of the last enemydata * 0.75 floored
      • locktri: true (prevents this enemy from using this move so recursive summons aren't possible)
      • def: 0 (this cancels the effects of HARDEST being active and applicable)
      • exp: halved floored
      • money: halved floored
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • Otherwise (the spawning failed or the RNG check failed):
    • Fail sound plays at 0.5 volume
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • If hardmode is true, move 2 (biting attack) is used