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HardMode changes

HardMode being true does the following changes:

  • In the party wide mothflies attack move, the DoCommand call (which is a TappingKey) has barfill decrease 25% faster each frame. However, this change doesn't affect anything if mashcommandalt is true making the command a SequentialKeys
  • In the crown throw move, the amount of frames the crown takes to reach its target changes to 19.0 frames from 26.0 frames
  • In the crown throw move, the damageammount of the DoDamage call changes to 5 from 4
  • In the multiple mothflies projectiles throw move, the amount of hits changes to be random from 3 to 5 inclusive instead of being random from 3 to 4 inclusive
  • In the multiple mothflies projectiles throw move, there is now a 40% chance for the property of the Projectile call to be Poison
  • In the multiple mothflies projectiles throw move, the damage amount of the Projectile call changes to 3 from 2
  • In the multiple mothflies projectiles throw move, the speed of the Projectile call changes to 20.0 from 27.0
  • In the 2 MothFly summons move, after the summoning is done, every enemy party members other than this enemy now gets a DefenseUp and an AttackUp conditions for 999999 main turns (effectively infinite)
  • In the 2 MothFly summons move, after the summoning is done, this enemy's cantmove is decremented which gives them an additional actor turn
  • In the charging move, this enemy now gets a DefenseUp condition for 2 main turns (effectively 1 main turn as the current main turn ends soon after)
  • In the close range mothflies attack move, the move always inflicts the AttackDown condition even if commandsuccess is false (didn't blocked, ignores FRAMEONE) as long as the target doesn't have the Shield or Sturdy condition
  • In the close range mothflies attack move, if the move inflicts the AttackDown condition, it is inflicted for 2 main turns (effectively 1 main turn since the current main turn ends soon after) if commandsuccess is true (blocked, ignores FRAMEONE). It is still inflicted for 3 main turns (effectively 2) if commandsuccess is false. The combined effect with the change above is blocking (ignoring FRAMEONE) now decrease the inflicting main turn count instead of preventing the inflicting entirely

Move selection

6 moves are possible:

  1. A single target crown throw that may inflict AttackDown
  2. A multiple targets mothflies projectiles throw
  3. Summons 2 new Mothfly enemies
  4. Prepares for a party wide attack next actor turn by setting their charge to 2
  5. A single target close range mothflies attack that may inflict AttackDown
  6. A party wide mothflies attack

Move 6 is always (and only used) when basestate isn't 0 (Idle) which should means that move 4 was used on the previous actor turn as it sets the basestate away from 0.

For the other moves, the decision of which one to use is based on odds, but some moves have an requirement that must be fufilled after being selected. If the move is selected, but the requirement isn't fufilled, a continue directive is issued to the enemy action loop which restarts the entire action and effectively rerolls the move selection process. Here are the odds and requirements:

Move Odds Requirement
1 2/12 None, the move is always used when selected
2 3/12 None, the move is always used when selected
3 3/12 This enemy must be the last enemydata remaining
4 2/12 HPPercent must be 0.7 or lower
5 2/12 None, the move is always used when selected

Move 1 - Crown throw

A single target crown throw that may inflict AttackDown.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 4 (5 instead if hardmode is true) null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • Toss16 sound plays
  • GetSingleTarget called
  • Camera moves to look near playerdata[playertargetID] + 3.5
  • MoveTowards playertargetentity position + (6.5, 0.0, -0.1) with 2.0 multiplier
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • animstate set to 105
  • Yield for a random interval between 0.5 and 0.75 seconds
  • Toss15 sound plays
  • animstate set to 107
  • A new sprite object is created rooted using the projectilepsrites[14] sprite (a yellow crown) at this enemy position + (-0.5, 2.0. -0.1) with a SpinAround that has an itself of (0.0, 0.0, -30.0)
  • If hologram is true, the material of the crown's SpriteRenderer is set to holosprite
  • Over the course of 26.0 frames (19.0 frames instead if hardmode is true), the crown moves to playertargetentity position + (0.0, 1.25, -0.1) via a lerp
  • MetalHit sound plays
  • DoDamage 1 call happens
  • If commandsuccess is false (didn't blocked, ignores FRAMEONE) and playerdata[playertargetID] doesn't have the Shield or Sturdy condition:
    • StatusEffect called to inflict the AttackDown condition on playerdata[playertargetID] for 3 main turns (effectively 2 main turns since the current main turn advances soon) with effect
  • animstate set to 109
  • Over the course of 31.0 frames, the crown moves to this enemy position + (0.0, 2.0, -0.1) via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 4.0
  • animstate set to 110
  • The crown object gets destroyed
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • The local startstate is set to basestate

Move 2 - Mothflies projectiles throw

A multiple targets mothflies projectiles throw.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.

Projectile calls

# Conditions damage property attacker playertarget obj speed height extraargs destroyparticle audioonhit audiomoving spin nosound
1 Always happen 3 to 4 times inclusive determined randomly (3 to 5 times inclusive instead if hardmode is true), but each call can only happens if GetRandomAvaliablePlayer with nullable returns doesn't return -1 2 (3 instead if hardmode is true) null (if hardmode is true, this has 40% chance to be Poison instead) This enemy GetRandomAvaliablePlayer with nullable1 (target changes for each calls) A new Prefabs/Objects/MothflyLite GameObject rooted positioned at this enemy + (0.0, 1.0, -0.1) whose SpriteRenderer uses the holosprite material if hologram is true and with a pure magenta color if the porperty is Poison with a ShadowLite that is SetUp with 0.5 opacity and 0.1 size 27.0 (20.0 instead if hardmode is true) 0.0 keepcolor,wait@0.5,anim@Attack,destoffscr@30@5 null null @Toss14 false

1: This targetting scheme is broken. See the nullable GetRandomAvaliablePlayer documentation for more details.

Logic sequence

  • Toss15 sound plays
  • animstate set to 100
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • Toss16 sound plays
  • animstate set to 103
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • The amount of hits is determined which is random between 3 and 4 times (between 3 and 5 times instead if hardmode is true). A new Transform array is initialised with this amount as the length to hold the projectiles objects
  • For each hit to do:
    • GetRandomAvaliablePlayer with nullable is called and if it doesn't return -1:
      • Toss13sound plays
      • The projectile element is set to a new Prefabs/Objects/MothflyLite GameObject rooted positioned at this enemy + (0.0, 1.0, -0.1) whose SpriteRenderer uses the holosprite material if hologram is true and with a pure magenta color if the porperty is Poison with a ShadowLite that is SetUp with 0.5 opacity and 0.1 size
      • MainManager.MoveTowards is called to move the projectile to Random.insideUnitCircle * 2.0 + 4.0 in y over 20.0 frames with smooth without local (this is done in paralel)
      • Projectile 1 call happens
      • Yield for a random interval between 0.45 and 0.75 seconds
  • Yield all frames until all projectiles elements are null (all Projectile 1 calls completed)
  • The local startstate is set to basestate

Move 3 - Summons 2 Mothfly

Summons 2 new Mothfly enemies. No damages are dealt.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which doesn't affects anything for this move.

Logic sequence

  • Toss10 sound plays
  • checkingdead set to a new SummonMothFly coroutine (checkingdead is set to null when it completes)
  • Yield all frames until checkingdead is null
  • If hardmode is true:
    • SetCondition is called twice on every enemy party members except this enemy to inflict them the DefenseUp and AttackUp conditions for 999999 main turns each (infinite)
    • cantmove is decremented on this enemy which grants tham an additional actor turn
  • The local startstate is set to basestate

This is what the SummonMothfly coroutine ends up doing:

  • Camera moves to look near this enemy, but zoomed in
  • animstate set to 101
  • Yield for 0.65 seconds
  • rotater scale increased by 30%
  • Done 2 times:
    • AddNewEnemy called to a new Mothfly enemy at this enemy + (0.0, height, 0.1)
    • Yield a frame
    • The enemydata[lastaddedid] gets some adjustements:
      • maxhp and hp: divided by 2 floored
      • exp: 0
      • money: 0
      • y spin: 20.0
  • Over the course of 31.0 frames, rotater scale changes to its original value before this coroutine via a lerp and the 2 new enemies that were just summoned moves from this enemy position to (x, 0.0, -0.1) via a BeizierCurve3 with a ymax of 4.0 where x is this enemy x position - 2.5 for the first enemy and this enemy x position + 2.5 for the second enemy
  • rotater scale is set to its value before this coroutine
  • Both enemies who were just summoned has their spin zeroed out
  • checkingdead is set to null which signals the caller that this coroutine completed

Move 4 - Prepares attack with 2 charge

Prepares for a party wide attack next actor turn by setting their charge to 2. No damages are dealt.

dontusecharge set to true

This move always sets dontusecharge to true which means charges will not get zeroed out in post action.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which doesn't affects anything for this move.

Logic sequence

  • Charge19 sound plays
  • animstate set to 111
  • Camera moves to look near this enemy
  • ShakeSprite called with 0.1 intensity and 30.0 frametimer
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • StatEffect called on this enemy with type 4 (green up arrow)
  • If hardmode is true, SetCondition is called to inflict the DefenseUp condition on this enemy for 2 main turns (effectively 1 main turn due to the current main turn advancing soon)
  • StatUp sound plays
  • charge set to 2
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • basestate set to 111 which allows this enemy to use the party wide mothflies attack move on their next actor turn
  • The local startstate is set to basestate

Move 5 - Close range mothflies attack

A single target close range mothflies attack that may inflict AttackDown.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 4 (5 instead if hardmode is true) null null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called
  • Camera moves to look near playerdata[playertargetID]
  • MoveTowards playertargetentity position + (2.0, 0.0, -0.1) with 2.0 multiplier
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • Toss15 sound plays
  • animstate set to 100
  • Yield for a random interval between 0.25 and 0.5 seconds
  • animstate set to 101
  • MothflyATK sound plays
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • MothflyAttack particles plays at this enemy position + (-0.25, 1.0, -0.1) with 5.0 alivetime
  • DoDamage 1 call happens
  • If hardmode is true or commandsuccess is false (didn't blocked, ignores FRAMEONE) and playerdata[playertargetID] doesn't have the Shield or Sturdy condition:
    • StatusEffect called to inflict the AttackDown condition on playerdata[playertargetID] for 3 main turns (2 main turns instead if hardmode and commandsuccess are true) with effect. This is effectively 1 main turns less because the current main turn will be advanced soon
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • The local startstate is set to basestate

Move 6 - Party wide mothflies attack

A party wide mothflies attack.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.

DoCommand calls

# Conditions timer commandtype data
1 None 165.0 TappingKey
  • {4.0, 8.0, 0.81, 1.0} if hardmode is false
  • {4.0, 8.0, 1.251, 1.0} if hardmode is true

1: Due to the clamping logic related to this value, it means that the decrease value per frame is 0.005 * the game's frametime when hardmode is false and 0.00625 * the game's frametime when hardmode is true. Effectively, it means that hardmode being true makes barfil decrease 25% more per frame


# Conditions caller damage property block jumpheight spinammount jumpevenonblock overrides
1 Always happen This enemy 5 (3 instead if barfill is higher than 0.95 after DoCommand 1 meaning the bar got almost filled up) null true if barfill is higher than 0.95 after DoCommand 1 meaning the bar got almost filled up, false otherwise 0.0 false null

Logic sequence

  • MoveTowards (0.5, 0.0, 0.0) with 2.0 multiplier
  • Camera moves to look near the midpoint between (0.5, 0.0, 0.0) and partymiddle
  • Yield all frames until forcemove is done
  • Toss15 sound plays
  • animstate set to 100
  • ShakeSprite called with 0.1 intensity and 30.0 frametimer
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • animstate set to 101
  • MothflyLong sound plays
  • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • A new Prefabs/Particles/MothflyAttack GameObject is instantiated rooted at this enemy position + (-0.25, 1.0, -0.1) with its ParticleSystem's MainModule getting some adjustements:
    • loop: true
    • simulationSpace: World
    • startLifetime: 2.5
    • startSpeed: A constant curve with value 7.0
    • gravityModifier: A constant curve with value 0.0
  • CreateHelpBox called with 4 (the TappingKey command's help)
  • DoCommand 1 call happens
  • All player party member who isn't stopped has their y spin set to 15.0
  • Yield all frames until doingaction goes to false (DoCommand 1 is done). Before each frame yield, all player party member whose hp is above 0 has their animstate set to 11 (Hurt) (but if blockcooldown is above 0 meaning a block was done, it's set to 24 (Block) instead)
  • DestroyHelpBox is called which sets helpboxid to -1 and destroys helpbox if it existed in 0.5 seconds with shrink before setting it to null
  • All player party member has their spin getting zeroed out
  • PartyDamage 1 call happens
  • The Prefabs/Particles/MothflyAttack object gets moved offscreen at -9999.0 in y then destroyed in 5.0 seconds
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • basestate set to 0 (Idle) so this move isn't used on the next actor turn
  • The local startstate is set to basestate