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BattleControl.GetEXP special logic

This enemy is part of the set of the enemies that yields a different clamping on the rewarded amount of exp given their scaled exp field when they die (processed by CheckDead).

If all of these conditions are fufilled, the rewarded amount of exp is clamped to 20 instead of 15 like most other enemies:

  • flags 613 is false (RUIGEE is inactive)
  • partylevel is less than 27 (not yet at max rank)
  • Flags 166 is false (not during an EX mode B.O.S.S session)

HardMode changes

HardMode being true does the following changes:

  • In the aerial slam attack, the frametime of the ForceMove call before the DoDamage call changes to 25.0 fram 32.0

Move selection

2 moves are possible:

  1. A single target vomit attack that hits twice
  2. A party wide aerial slam attack

The decision of which move to use is based on the following odds:

Move Odds
1 50%
2 50%

Move 1 - Vomit attack

A single target vomit attack that hits twice.

nonphyscal set to true

This move always sets nonphyscal to true which affects the effects of the FrostBite, SpikeBod and PoisonTouch medal if equipped on the target.

DoDamage calls

# Conditions attacker target damageammount property overrides block
1 Always happen 2 times This enemy playertargetID after GetSingleTarget 3 Poison null commandsuccess

Logic sequence

  • GetSingleTarget called
  • Camera moves to look near this enemy
  • animstate set to 100
  • bobspeed set to 0.0
  • ShakeSprite called with 0.1 intensity and 90.0 frametimer
  • DLBetaCharge sound plays
  • Yield for a second
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • DLBetaDing sound plays
  • animstate set to 101
  • DLBetaVomit sound plays
  • A new sprite object is created childed to sprite using the Sprites/Entities/deadlandera index 57 sprite (vomit) positioned at (-0.8, 0.5, -0.1) with a scale of (0.015 * the distance between this enemy and playertargetentity, 0.0, 1.0)
  • playertargetentity animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
  • sprite gets an AimConstraint added with an aimVector of (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), a constraintActive of true, a rotationOffset of (0.0, 87.0, -50.0) and a source constraint added with 1.0 weight and playertargetentity sourceTransform
  • FlipSpriteBool called on the vomit sprite without x, with y every 3.0 frames during -1.0 frames (infinite)
  • Camera moves to look near the midpoint between this enemy and playertargetentity
  • The vomit sprite has GradualScale called to change the scale to (0.015 * the distance between this enemy and playertargetentity, 1.0, 1.0) with 5.0 frametime without destroy
  • Yield for 0.1 seconds
  • Yield for 0.1 seconds
  • Done 2 times:
    • If commandsuccess is true (blocking), playertargetentity animstate is set to 24 (Block)
    • DoDamage 1 call happens
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds
    • playertargetentity animstate set to 11 (Hurt)
    • Yield for 0.25 seconds
  • The vomit sprite has GradualScale called to change the scale to (0.015 * the distance between this enemy and playertargetentity, 0.0, 1.0) with 30.0 frametime without destroy
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • The FlipSpriteBool coroutine is stopped
  • Yield a frame
  • The vomit sprite gets destroyed
  • The AimConstraint on sprite gets destroyed
  • sprite angles reset to
  • animstate set to 102
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • bobspeed set to startbs

Move 2 - Slam attack

A party wide aerial slam attack.


# Conditions caller damage property block jumpheight spinammount jumpevenonblock overrides
1 Always happen This enemy 5 null commandsuccess 0.0 false null

Logic sequence

  • DLFlyOver sound plays
  • bobspeed set to 0.0
  • Camera moves to look near (-4.5, 1.5, 1.25)
  • ForceMove to partymiddle + 5.0 in y with 70.0 frametime using 100 as movestate and 103 as stopstate
  • DLBetaSpike sound plays
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • height increased by 0.5
  • animstate set to 103
  • Yield all frames until forcemoving is done
  • ShakeSprite called with 0.1 intensity and 90.0 frametimer
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds
  • Fall2 sound plays
  • startscale set to 1.25x
  • Yield for a frame
  • z spin set to 15.0
  • ForceMove to partymiddle + (0.0, 0.0 - sprite local y position + 0.75, -0.2) with 32.0 frametime (25.0 instead if hardmode is true) using 103 as movestate and 103 as stopstate
  • animstate set to 103
  • Yield all frames until forcemoving is done
  • Thud3 sound plays
  • spin zeroed out
  • ShakeScreen called with an ammount of 0.1 and 0.75 time
  • impactsmoke particles plays at partymiddle
  • PartyDamage 1 plays
  • startscale set to (1.25, 0.75, 1.0)
  • sprite local scale set to startscale
  • sprite angles reset to
  • sprite gets a SpriteBounce added SetUp with a freq of 0.75 and spd of 0.5
  • A Gradual call starts on the SpriteBounce with a freq of 0.0, 0.0 spd and 45.0 frametime
  • Yield for 1 second
  • The SpriteBounce is destroyed
  • position set to partymiddle
  • startscale reset to 1.0x
  • sprite scale reset to 1.0x
  • height set to its value before this action
  • bobspeed set to startbs
  • DLBetaFlyBack sound plays