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This is a coroutine that is invoked at specific moments of DoAction and AddExperience. It will, when applicable, process a charm if the player had some left with the amount remaining being tracked by flagvar 22.

The coroutine is expected to be stored in checkingdead as it will be set to null at the very end so the caller can yield on it. As for who gets targetted by the charm, it's either the party or the currentturn player party member depending on the Charm, an enum that identifies a charm type.

private IEnumerator UseCharm(Charm type)


  • type: The type of the charm to attempt to apply


In order for this coroutine to process the charm, all of the following must true when it is invoked (otherwise, nothing happens except checkingdead being set to null):

  • flagvar 22 is above 0 (the player has at least 1 charm left)
  • charmcooldown is 0
  • A 6% random test must pass (generate a random integer number between 0 and 100 exclusive, that number converted to float must be \<= 5.5 which is a pass from 0 to 5 inclusive which makes it 6%)
  • At least 1 player party member's hp is above 0 and isn't eatenby
  • EnemyActingOutOfOrder returns false meaning no enemy party member's hitaction is true
  • Either the type is ExpUp (meaning it was invoked from AddExperience) or it's any other type while cancelupdate is false (we aren't in a terminal flow)
  • If the type is AttackUp, playerdata[currentturn] must not have the AttackUp condition already

The following sections describes what happens when the charm is cleared to be processed.

Charm animation

This section will be paraphrased as it contains verbose animation logic:

  • The Magic sound is played
  • A new nameless GameObject is created (locally refered to as dancer) that will have a SpriteRenderer initially using the charmdance[0] sprite (which is sprite 98 of Sprites/Entities/moth0) on layer 15 (3DUI) fully opaque with a SpinAround and a position of (0.0, 0.0, -0.5)
  • All the intensity of Light GameObjects are saved locally
  • Over the course of 40.0 frames (tracked with a local frame counter):
    • The dancer's alpha will be lerped from 0.0 to 0.6 with the factor being the time progression over the 40.0 frames
    • The SpinAround on the dancer has its itself's Y component set to a lerp from 0.0 to 15.0 with a factor of the time progression over the 40.0 frames (the X and Z components are always set to 0.0)
    • All Light GameObject's intensity will be lerped from their initial value saved locally to half of it with a factor of the time progression over the 40.0 frames
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • The dancer's sprite is set to charmdance[1] (which is sprite 99 of Sprites/Entities/moth0)
  • The SpinAround of the dancer is destroyed
  • The angles of the dancer are set to (0.0, 180.0, 0.0)

Charm process

The logic here depends on the type:


  • StatEffect is called on playerdata[currentturn] with type 0 (red up arrow)
  • SetCondition is called on playerdata[currentturn] giving the AttackUp condition for 1 main turn
  • The StatUp sound is played


  • All player party members whose hp is above 0 and aren't eatenby have the following happen to them:
    • StatEffect is called on the player party member with type 1 (blue up arrow)
    • SetCondition is called on the player party member giving the DefenseUp condition for 1 main turn
  • The StatUp sound is played


  • expreward is multiplied by 1.15 floored then clamped from 0 to instance.neededexp
  • RefreshEXP is called


  • All player party members whose hp is above 0 and aren't eatenby have the following happen to them:
    • The amount of HP to heal is determined which is the player party member's maxhp * 0.2 floored clamped from 1 to the maxhp
    • The player party member's hp is increased by the amount to heal then clamped from 0 to its maxhp
    • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 1 with the amount of HP healed as the ammount starting at the player party member's battleentity position + Vector3.up to (2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
  • The StatUp sound is played


This type expects flagvar 1 to be set to the amount of TP to heal. This is the responsibility of the caller.

  • ShowDamageCounter is called with type 2 with flagvar 1 as the ammount starting at the player party member's battleentity position + Vector3.up to (2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
  • is increaded by flagvar 1 then clamped from 0 to instance.maxtp
  • The Heal2 sound is played

End animation

The following is paraphrased as it contains verbose animation logic:

  • Over the course of 40.0 frames (tracked with a local frame counter):
    • The dancer's alpha will be lerped from 0.6 to 0.0 with the factor being the time progression over the 40.0 frames
    • All Light GameObject's intensity will be lerped from half of their their initial value saved locally to their original value before this UseCharm call with a factor of the time progression over the 40.0 frames
  • All Light GameObject's intensity are restored to their original value before this UseCharm call
  • The dancer is destroyed

Last steps

  • flagvar 22 is decremented (this consumes the charm)
  • charmcooldown is set to a random number from 3 to 7 inclusive (this means a minimum amount of main turn needs to advance before the next charm is able to be processed even if it can be and the amount is between 3 and 7)
  • If flagvar 22 reached 0 (meaning the last charm was just consumed):
    • A SetText call occurs in dialogue move using the text |boxstyle,4||center||halfline||spd,0| followed by menutext[184] (a message informing the player they no longer have any charms). The call also has these properties:
    • fonttype of 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • linebreak of messagebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • No parent
    • No caller
    • All frames are yielded while the message lock is grabbed
  • checkingdead is set to null which informs the caller the coroutine is complete