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AddExperience is a terminal coroutine that is invoked whenever most battles are won with EXP gain. This coroutine will be the step between the battle finishing and ExitBattle which is a wrapper around ReturnToOverworld.

The coroutine yield breaks immediately if alreadyending is true (meaning AddExperience or GameOver was already invoked) or gameover is in progress.

NOTE: The vast majority of the logic in this coroutine concerns very verbose animations and UI rendering. For the sake of brevity, they will be paraphrased and details will be kept at a high level. All other logic will still be mentioned in granular details.


  • alreadyending is set to true which prevents double invocations
  • action and cancelupdate are set to true changing to a terminal flow
  • enemy is set to false, but this doesn't do anything because we just changed to a terminal flow
  • If the HealingBuzz medal is equipped:
    • All player party members with an hp above 0 has Heal called on them for an ammount of 2 with nosound
    • The Heal sound is played (the reason the Heal calls didn't had sound is to avoid playing healing sounds multiple times)
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded if any player party members were healed as a result of the HealingBuzz logic above
  • If the VictoryBuzz medal is equipped:
    • HealTP is called which plays a Heal2 sound followed by a heal of by 4 followed by a ShowDamageCounter with type 2, the amount being 4, the start position being playerdata[GetRandomAvaliablePlayer()].battleentity position + (2.0, 2.0, 2.0) and the end position being (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
    • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • If expreward is above 5:
    • checkingdead is set to a new UseCharm coroutine starting with ExpUp as the type
    • All frames are yielded while checkingdead is in progress
  • The switchicon and fronticon are destroyed
  • If flags 613 is true (RUIGEE is active), expreward is set to 0
  • Otherwise, if expreward was already 0 while enemyfled is false and instance.partylevel is less than 27 (the normal max rank), expreward is set to 1
  • RefreshEXP is called
  • AddExperience determines if a BattleWon sound should be played. it will be if musicvolume is above 0.0 and music[0].name is Battle0 or Battle6 (meaning that the music we were just playing was one of the 2 regular battle themes). If that is the case:
    • FadeMusic is called with a fadespeed of 0.05
    • The BattleWon sound is played and the AudioSource is kept track locally
    • If the BattleWon AudioSource indeed exists, its volume is set to musicvolume (this is needed because it's a sound so it wouldn't get the music volume by default)
  • flagvar 0 is set to expreward (this will be used for rendering later)
  • instance.hudcooldown is set to -1.0
  • All frames are yielded while there are still any enemy party members
  • 0.45 seconds are yielded
  • All player party members has their matching instance.hud's child has its local position set to
  • For every player party members whose hp is above 0:
    • If they have the Freeze condition, BreakIce is called on their battleentity
    • battleentity.spin is set to (0.0, -17.0, 0.0)
    • battleentity.animstate is set to 4 (ItemGet)
  • instance.camtargetpos is set to (-4.5, 0.0, 2.5)

EXP gain visuals setup

The process to render the expereince gain screen is very verbose and complex so the procedure is paraphrased a lot here:

  • A textholder GameObject gets created with a DelAftBtl tag (destroyed on ReturnToOverworld) childed to the GUICamera with a z local position of 5.0
  • SetText is called in non dialogue mode using the following string: |sort,10000||color,4||center||dropshadow,0.05,-0.05||backbox,6| followed by menutext[117] (a message informing the player they gained EXP where the number is |var,0|). The call has the following properties:
    • fonttype of 2 (UNUSED, but gets overriden to D3Streetism)
    • No linebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of (0.0, 3.0, 5.0)
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • parent being the textholder
    • No caller
  • A new UI object called ExpBar with a DelAftBtl tag (destroyed on ReturnToOverworld), a DialogueAnim and a pure yellow color using guisprites[4] (the HUD background sprite) is created as the background of the EXP text
  • lvicon is set to a new UI object named Icon using guisprites[27] (the EXP icon sprite) childed to the ExpBar
  • A DynamicFont is setup childed to the ExpBar with a layer of 5 (UI) with a pure white color with the starting text being the following appended together:
    • instance.partyexp padded to the left with 3 0
    • /
    • instance.neededexp
  • All player party members with an hp above 0 has their battleentity.spin zeroed out
  • leveled is set to false
  • 0.15 seconds are yielded

EXP orbs counting and wait

This sub section concerns the counting of the EXP gained and the management of its fast version if requested by the player.

  • instance.skiptext is set to false (this isn't used for its SetText use since it will be managed manually)
  • A new GetSkip coroutine is started and stored localled which will yield all frames until input 4 (Confirm) is pressed which wil cause instance.skiptext to be set to true
  • The EXP orbs are counted starting with bigexporbs then moving to smallexporbs that exists (there is a frame yield between the 2 types's counting). A big one will have 1 EXP counted 10 times while a small one will only have it counted once. This is how the counting happens each time:
    • The orb gets destroyed
    • AddExp(1) is called which does the following:
      • Incrementes instance.partyexp by 1
      • An Exp2 sound is played on sounds[4], sounds[5],sounds[6] or sounds[7] (the first one that isn't playing with sounds[7] being the falback) with a pitch being 1.5 + a random number between -0.1 and 0.1 inclusive
      • If instance.partyexp reached instance.neededexp (meaning this is a rank up), instance.partyexp is decreased by neededexp and the rank up is signaled by returning true
      • Otherwise, no rank up occured so false is returned
    • If the AddExp call resulted in a rank up, Leveled is called which sets leveled to true, but if it wasn't true before, a SpinAround component added to lvicon with its itself set to (0.0, 20.0, 0.0) followed by a Lazer sound being played at 1.2 pitch
    • The DynamicFont of the EXP's text is refreshed using the new instance.partyexp
    • If instance.skiptext is still false, a yield is done. The time of the yield is 0.075 seconds unless expreward was at least 10 where it will be 0.045 seconds instead
  • At this point, the GetSkip coroutine call earlier is stopped since it no longer has any use
  • If instance.skiptext was set to true by the end of the counting, the DynamicFont of the EXP's text is refreshed using the new instance.partyexp followed by 0.2 seconds being yielded
  • A frame is yielded
  • instance.skiptext is set back to false
  • For a maximum of 50.0 frames (tracked with a local counter starting at 0.0 and incremented by 1/50 of the game's frametime until it reaches 1.0), all frames are yielded until any input is pressed which interupts this wait early
  • If the BattleWon sound was played earlier, all frames are yielded while it's still playing and hasn't reached 2.35 seconds
  • A second is yielded if no BattleWon sound was played

Text UI teardown

  • A DialogueAnim is added on the ExpBar object to move it to the left offscreen
  • 0.5 seconds are yielded
  • The textholder object is destroyed
  • A frame is yielded

Rank up logic

This logic only happens if leveled is true and instance.partylevel is less than 27 (the normal max rank).

The logic in here is very complex and mostly contains verbose animations so it will be paraphrased a lot.


  • instance.partylevel is incremented
  • 0.25 seconds are yielded
  • instance.neededexp is increased to a certain amount to indicate the new amount required to rank up. The first increase that applies in the following ones is the one that will occur (they are mutually exclusive):
    • +5 If flags 656 is true (MOREFARM is active)
    • +3 if instance.partylevel is at least 24
    • +2 if instance.partylevel is at least 15
    • +1 if none of the above applied
  • ChangeMusic is called with the LevelUp music
  • Prefabs/Particles/Floweretti particles are instantiated childed to the battlemap and played
  • All Sprites/GUI/BattleMessage/rankX are loaded where X is the languageid (it falls back to English if no Sprites exists for it)
  • All objects with tag Enemy are destroyed
  • SetDefaultCamera is called
  • MainManager.Heal is called
  • instance.hudcooldown is set to -1
  • instance.option is set to 0 and instance.maxoptions to 3

Rank up animation

  • All player party members has their battleentity.animstate set to 4 (ItemGet) and their spin to (0.0, 20.0, 0.0)
  • All player party members are move to be centered on the screen using MiddlePos via lerping their battleentity.position for a maximum of 34 frames (tracked via a local framecounter advancing by 0.03 of the game's frametime from 0.0 to 1.0)
  • All player party members gets their battleentity.spin zeroed out and their battleentity has a SpecialAnimation started with the levelup animation
  • The letters of the Rank up messages appears in the following fashion:
    • A LetterHolder object is created and childed to GUICamera
    • New UI objects called letterX where X is the index of the letter sprite loaded earlier are created all childed to the LetterHolder with a FontEffects using just the rainbow effect
    • The letters appear from offscreen at 99.0 in Y and 5.0 in Z using a lerp off their local position. This is done over a maximum of 200.0 frames and it is porportional to the amount of letters to show
    • 0.65 seconds are yielded
    • All letters have their local scale lerped from to (0.0, 1.25, 1.0) and their angle increased by Vector3.up * 5x the game's frametime continuoudly over the course of maximum 34 frames (tracked via a local framecounter advancing by 0.03 of the game's frametime from 0.0 to 1.0)
    • The LetterHolder is destroyed

Rank up bonus UI setup

  • 3 Prefabs/Objects/Vine are created using layer 15 (3DUI) childed to the battlemap with each their own UI icon. The vines are positioned centered to the screen using MiddlePos and they have a DialogueAnim with a tsize being * 2.0. Each has a guisprites[42] (a hexagon) on the background of a new Overicon object with a SpriteRenderer childed to their vine. The sprites used for the icons are:
    • 0: HP icon
    • 1: TP icon
    • 2: MP icon
  • An MP count HUD element is created:
    • New UI object called medalhud childed to the textholder with a pure yellow color using the HUD background sprite
    • New UI object called medalicon chiled to the medalhud using the MP icon sprite
    • A DynamicFont is setup on the medalhud as parent with dropshadow and with the text being the following appended together:
      • instance.bp padded to the left by 2 0
      • /
      • instance.maxbp padded to the left by 2 0
    • A DialogueAnim is added on the medalhud so it appears from the top of the screen
  • 0.8 seconds are yielded
  • A 9Box is created with a DialogueAnim to make it grow
  • A SetText call happens in non dialogue mode with the text being |single| followed by menutext[122] (a prompt message to pick a stat boost) and the following properties:
    • fonttype of 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • No linebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of (-7.5, 0.15, 0.0)
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • parent being the 9Box
    • No caller
  • A new UI object is created named t childed to the GUICamera using the cursorsprite[0] with a SpriteBounce
  • 5 frames are yielded (counted by MainManager.framestep)

Rank up bonus UI naviguation and confirmation

  • All frames are yielded while Input 4 (Confirm) isn't pressed
  • A Confirm sound is played
  • A frame is yielded
  • The cursor gets childed to the battlemap then moved offscreen and DestroyText is called with it
  • instance.hudcooldown is set to -1
  • A SetText call happens in non dialogue mode with the text being |single| followed by menutext[119] (the HP rank up bonus description) and the following properties:
    • fonttype of 0 (BubblegumSans)
    • No linebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position of (-7.5, 0.15, 0.0)
    • No cameraoffset
    • size of
    • parent being the 9Box
    • No caller
  • 5 frames are yielded (counted by MainManager.framestep)
  • From here, an infinite loop is entered with a frame yield each iteration that won't exit until one of the 3 rank up bonuses have been chosen. Each iterations features the selected instance.option's vine's sprites being rotated and scaled via a lerp continuously propotional to the games frametime. It also feature another SetText call just like the above when instance.option changes, but the text is menutext[119 + X] where X is instance.option:
    • If caninputcooldown isn't expired, it is decreased by the MainManager.framestep and no input can be taken until it expires
    • Otherwise, the logic depends on the input:
      • 2 / 3 (Left / Right): changes instance.option accordingly with wrap around to 2 followed by a scroll sound followed by caninputcooldown being set to 3.0
      • 4 (confirm): The UI loop is exited (the option chosen is indicated by instance.option)
  • The LevelUp sound is played
  • For a maximum of 40 frames (tracked with a local counter starting at 0.0 and incremented by 1/40 of the game's frametime until it reaches 1.0):
    • All other vines than the instance.option one have their local Y position lerped to 20.0 and their Z to 0.0 which moves them offscreen
    • The instance.option vine gets their angles reset
  • The CrowdClap sound is played on sounds[9] with 0.5 volume

Rank Up bonus application

The logic to apply the bonus depends on instance.option:

  • 0 (HP): All player party members gets their basehp and maxhp gets incremented and a 1 HP bonus to the party is added to instance.statbonus via AddStatBonus
  • 1 (TP): A 1 TP bonus to the party is added to instance.statbonus via AddStatBonus
  • 2 (MP): instance.maxbp and instance.bp gets increased by 3 and a 3 MP bonus to the party is added to instance.statbonus via AddStatBonus. It also causes the medalhud's DynamicFont text to be refreshed with the new instance.bp and instance.maxbp

After, the following happens:

  • ApplyStatBonus is called
  • Each player party member has a unique animation played there that sets their battleentity.animstate to a value that depends on the trueid:
    • Bee: 111, also comes with a SlowSpinStop of (0.0, -20.0, 0.0) for 30.0 frametime on the battleentity
    • Beetle: 114, also comes with a battleentity.flip toggle
    • Moth: 115
  • A frame is yielded
  • ApplyBadges is called

LevelUpMessage and teardown

  • instance.hudcooldown is set to -1
  • medalhud's DialogueAnim's targetpos is set to (3.7, 10.0, 5.0) which moves it along with the rest of the HUD
  • medalhud is destroyed in 0.5 seconds
  • 0.5 seconds is yielded
  • The 9Box is destroyed
  • flagvar 0 is set to 0 (this will be used to track whenever a coroutine gets done)
  • A LevelUpMessage coroutine is started (this will set flagvar 0 to 1 when it's complete)
  • All frames are yielded while flagvar 0 is 0 (meaning the LevelUpMessage isn't done yet)
  • ApplyBadges is called
  • A frame is yielded
  • MainManager.Heal is called with noparticle and with nosound
  • instance.hudcooldown is set to -1

Special heal

If the rank up logic didn't happen, but instance.partylevel is at least 99 (which normally can never happen), Heal is called.

Last steps

  • A frame is yielded
  • sounds[9] is stopped with a 0.002 delay
  • ExitBattle is called