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This method serves as a transition from a GameOver to a complete retry of the battle using StartBattle.

private void Retry(bool skipdata)


  • skipdata: If true, ReloadInitialData won't be called. This is done if the caller already called it which is needed to adjust the starting stats to what they were on the first StartBattle recorded from sdata


  • All delprojs's obj are destroyed followed by the delprojs array set to null
  • The battlemap is destroyed
  • SetDefaultCamera with reset is called
  • chompyattacked is set to false
  • aiattcked is set to false
  • tskybox is set to RenderSettings.skybox
  • RenderSettings.skybox is set to null
  • instance.enemyencounter is set to sdata.encounter
  • If skipdata is false, ReloadInitialData is called which does the following (mostly loads from the StartUpData):
    • ApplyBadges is called
    • ApplyStatBonus is called
    • instance.maxtp is set to sdata.maxtp
    • is set to clamped from 0 to instance.maxtp
    • For each player party member:
      • atk is set to the matching sdata.atk
      • def is set to the matching sdata.def
      • hp is set to the matching sdata.hp clamped from 0 to the player party member's maxhp
      • lockitems is set to the matching sdata.partyitemuse
    • instance.items[0] (standard items) is set to sdata.items
    • instance.items[1] (key items) is set to sdata.keyitem
  • A StartBattle call starts with the following:
    • enemyids: sdata.enemies
    • stageid: sdata.stage
    • adv: sdata.adv
    • music:
    • calledfrom: sdata.called
    • canescape: canflee (from this BattleControl)