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Main turn life cycle

This page describes the life cycle of a main turn which is processed as the last step of a controlled update flow. It means the steps presented in this page are parts of Update.

It is composed of 3 phases, starting from the first and each subsequent one needing the previous to finish:

  1. Player phase (enemy is false or became false from the last main turn's end of turn phase)
  2. Enemy phase (enemy became true after the end of the player phase)
  3. End of turn phase (enemy is still true while no free enemy party members are left)

This cycle repeats continuously until the flow changes to a Terminal flow.

Player phase

This is where the player party portion of the turn is handled. It is denoted by enemy being false and once the player phase is over, enemy is set to true which moves the battle into enemies phase.

The following always happen first:

  • UpdateAnim is called
  • blockcooldown is set to 0.0

The phase only proceeds if no enemydata battleentity is in a forcemove (returned by EnemiesAreNotMoving).

From there, what happens in the phase depends on currentturn and avaliableplayers. The former manages the current player party member selected for the current action while the latter tells if player party members are still free.

currentturn being positive, but below the length of playerdata means that we already are selecting a player party member for the turn. In that case some logic happens:

  • If instance.hud exists while not being empty, GUIMovement is called. This method will visually render the fronticon on the applicable playerdata element (partypointer[0]) on its lower right corner and also move the currently selected player's HUD element by setting its y local position to 0.0 - the abosolute value of Sin(Time.time / 2.0) / 7.0 (the other HUD elements have it reset to 0.0) This makes the HUD element move up and down.
  • PlayerTurn is called

If currentturn is -1 however, it means no one is selected yet which indicates the phase needs to proceed to either select one or perform a post player action step. This starts by updating availableplayers to GetFreePlayerAmmount.

From there, the next appropriate part of the player phase is performed which is the first of the next 4 parts. They can be thought of a sequence where the first applicable part occurs. A part may be skipped entirely, but eventually, the last one will occur which will end the player phase.

Here are the player phase parts and their conditions:

  1. Player party member selection (availableplayers is above 0 meaning at least one player party member is free)
  2. chompy action (no player party members are free, chompy exists, can act and haven't acted in this main turn)
  3. aiparty action (no player party members are free, aiparty exists and haven't acted yet in this main turn)
  4. End of the player phase (none of the above applied meaning the player phase is done)

Player party member selection

This part only happens if availableplayers is above 0.

This is where the player party member selection happens:

  • The player party member index selected for currentturn value is found by searching in partypointer order and finding the first that isn't IsStopped, its cantmove is 0 or below (it has at least one action available) and it is cleared by CheckFreePlayers which means it isn't in lastturns when more than 1 player is free (it means it's the next player in the select cycle or it's the last free player)
  • UpdateText is called
  • If playerdata length is more than 1, AddLastTurn is called on the player index (by partypointer) which adds the player index to the next free slot or pushes it to the last one if all slots are taken, removing the oldest one (it just advances the select cycle)
  • PlayerTurn is called

This cycle then ends. From now on, all cycles will see the currentturn being already set to a player and just process it

chompy action

This part happens if all of the following are fufilled:

  • chompy exists
  • chompyattacked is false (this part hasn't happened yet)
  • chompylock is false
  • enemydata is not empty

This is what happens when the above are fufilled (otherwise, this part is skipped):

  • If spitout is in progress, chompyattacked is set to true which skips the chompy action
  • Otherwise, if chompyattack isn't in progress, it is set to a new Chompy action coroutine starting

aiparty action

This part happens if all of the following are fufilled:

  • aiparty exists
  • aiattacked is false (this part hasn't happened yet)
  • enemydata is not empty

The only thing that happens here is an AIAttack action coroutine is started.

End of the player phase

If none of the possible parts applied above (or all of the applicable ones are done), the following happens which ultimately ends the player phase:

  • enemy is set to true
  • All of the instance.hud's first child has their local position reset to
  • currentturn is set to the length of playerdata

Enemy phase

This is where the enemies party portion of the turn is handled. It is denoted by enemy being true while there are at least 1 free enemy obtained via GetFreeEnemies.

A free enemy is one whose cantmove is 0 or below (it has at least one action available) and whose hp is above 0 (not dead yet). If there are no free enemies, this phase is skipped and we move on to the turn end phase.

If we somehow got here while GetAlivePlayerAmmount returns 0 (all playerdata's hp is 0 or below or their eatenby isn't null which means they got eaten), this phase will end abruptly by doing the following:

  • mainturn is set to an AdvanceMainTurn call if it wasn't in progress already
  • cancelupdate is set to true which changes the flow to a terminal flow

If at least one player is alive, then the first enemy with a cantmove of 0 or below is found. In order for the enemy to get their action, they need to not be considered IsStoppedLite which uses the same standard than IsStopped with actimmobile check, but with one difference: if the enemy has the Flipped condition, it isn't considered stopped.

If the game finds it's stopped, their cantmove is set to 1 and the next enemy is checked instead. Effectively, this simply readjusts their actor turn counter because it isn't exhausted like it normally would have been in EndEnemyTurn.

If the enemy isn't stopped, DoAction is called on the battleentity with actionid of the enemydata index. This changes to an uncontrolled flow. At most, this can happen only once and the next enemy in line will need to wait the current one's action is done.

This process is repeated for each enemy party member until all of them have a cantmove above 0 meaning no actions are available on any enemy party members and the game is ready to proceed to the turn end phase.

Turn end phase

After both parties performed their phases, an AdvanceMainTurn action coroutine is started and set to mainturn if it wasn't in progress already. This immediately move the flow back to uncontrolled flow while the coroutine handles the turn advancement.